
The Giant Legacy - a Game of throne fanfiction

Alaric, the mad businessman born into the world of Westeros let's see what can he sacrifice to rise above the sheep of Westeros. Either he becomes a sheep or destroys the balance because the better the world gets, the more we have to lose. Hello Guys the upload will be weekly and i will try to include more words per chapter.

Slayer_King_2878 · TV
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Noble House of North.

**House Stark of Winterfell:**

- Sigil: A grey direwolf on a white field.

- Motto: "Winter is Coming."

- Seat: Winterfell, the largest castle in the North.

- Known for: The Starks are the Wardens of the North, responsible for guarding the realm from dangers beyond the Wall. They have a strong sense of honor and duty. The direwolf is their symbol, and each Stark child is typically accompanied by a direwolf pup. Notable members include Eddard "Ned" Stark, Catelyn Stark, and their children: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon. 

**House Bolton of the Dreadfort:**

- Sigil: A flayed man, red on pink.

- Motto: "Our Blades Are Sharp."

- Seat: The Dreadfort, a dark and intimidating castle.

- Known for: House Bolton has a reputation for cruelty and ruthlessness. They practice flaying their enemies and use the flayed man as their sigil. The Boltons are known for their sinister demeanor. Notable members include Roose Bolton and his sadistic son, Ramsay.

**House Karstark:**

- Sigil: A white sunburst on a black field.

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: Karhold, a castle in the North.

- Known for: The Karstarks are descendants of House Stark, a cadet branch that split off centuries ago. Their loyalty to House Stark is a key aspect of their identity. Notable members include Rickard Karstark.

**House Umber:**

- Sigil: A roaring giant in chains, grey on dark brown.

- Motto: "The last of the Giants."

- Seat: The Last Hearth, one of the oldest castles in the North.

- Known for: House Umber is known for its martial prowess and loyalty. They are one of the most powerful houses in the North. Their motto and sigil reflect their strength. Notable members include Greatjon Umber.

**House Mormont:**

- Sigil: A black bear on a green field.

- Motto: "Here We Stand."

- Seat: Bear Island, a small but resilient island in the North.

- Known for: House Mormont is known for its strong and defiant women, such as Lady Maege Mormont and her daughter, Lyanna Mormont. Their sigil, the black bear, represents their tenacity.

**House Reed:**

- Sigil: A black lizard-lion on grey-green.

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: Greywater Watch, a moving castle in the swamps of the Neck.

- Known for: House Reed is a secretive and enigmatic house that protects the Neck, the bottleneck region that separates the North from the South. They are skilled in guerrilla warfare and are known for their reclusive nature. Notable members include Jojen and Meera Reed.

**House Glover:**

- Sigil: A silver fist on scarlet.

- Motto: "Strength in Unity."

- Seat: Deepwood Motte, a castle in the North.

- Known for: House Glover is known for its loyalty to House Stark. Their motto reflects their commitment to unity in the North.

These are just a few of the noble houses in the North, and each plays a unique role in the political and cultural landscape of the region. The North's culture is heavily influenced by the harsh environment, with an emphasis on self-sufficiency, honor, and strength. The North also holds ancient traditions, such as the worship of the Old Gods of the Forest, whose presence is symbolized by the weirwood trees.

**House Hornwood:**

- Sigil: A brown bull moose.

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: Hornwood, a wooden castle.

- Known for: House Hornwood is a lesser-known house in the North, known for their modest holdings and their connection to the Hornwood, a forested region. Their sigil features a brown bull moose, reflecting the local fauna.

**House Manderly:**

- Sigil: A white merman with dark green hair, beard, and tail, carrying a black trident, all on blue-green.

- Motto: "True to the Last."

- Seat: White Harbor, the largest city in the North.

- Known for: House Manderly is a prominent house in White Harbor, known for its loyalty to House Stark. They are traders and sailors and play a key role in the northern economy. Their motto reflects their commitment to the Starks.

**House Tallhart:**

- Sigil: A green sentinel tree on a brown field.

- Motto: "Proud and Free."

- Seat: Torrhen's Square, a castle.

- Known for: House Tallhart is known for its martial prowess and its strong sense of pride and freedom. The sentinel tree on their sigil symbolizes the dense forests of the North.

**House Cassel:**

- Sigil: Two white fountains on a purple background.

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: Castle Cerwyn.

- Known for: House Cassel is a loyal vassal to House Stark and is known for its service in various roles, such as stewards and castellans.

**House Ryswell:**

- Sigil: A black mare on silver and gold.

- Motto: "The Net Casts All Ways."

- Seat: The Rills, a castle.

- Known for: House Ryswell is known for their horse-breeding traditions and their strategic mindset. Their motto reflects their approach to politics.

**House Flint:**

- Sigil: A blue field strewn with whitecaps.

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: Widow's Watch, a castle.

- Known for: House Flint is known for its coastal location and maritime traditions. They are typically involved in fishing and maritime activities.

**House Dustin:**

- Sigil: Two crossed rusted longaxe with crown on top in yellow background.

- Motto: Our Word Yet Lives.

- Seat: Barrowton, a town in the North.

- Known for: House Dustin rules from Barrowton and is one of the older noble houses in the North. They are known for their crypts and burial mounds, reflecting the barrowlands in which they reside.

**House Stout:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: Goldgrass, a castle in the North.

- Known for: House Stout is a lesser-known house with lands in the western part of the North. They are loyal to House Stark.

**House Ryswell of the Rills:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: "With Fire and Sword."

- Seat: The Rills, a castle in the North.

- Known for: House Ryswell of the Rills is a cadet branch of House Ryswell. Their motto reflects their military and martial nature.

**House Tallhart of Torrhen's Square:**

- Sigil: A green sentinel tree on silver.

- Motto: "Proud and Free."

- Seat: Torrhen's Square, a stronghold in the North.

- Known for: House Tallhart is known for its loyalty to House Stark and its martial traditions.

**House Locke of Oldcastle:**

- Sigil: A hanging tree.

- Motto: "None So Wise."

- Seat: Oldcastle, a castle in the North.

- Known for: House Locke is known for its castle, Oldcastle, and its hanging tree sigil. They are loyal to House Stark.

**House Forrester:**

- Sigil: A white ironwood tree on a black field.

- Motto: "Iron from Ice."

- Seat: Ironrath, a stronghold in the North.

- Known for: House Forrester is a noble house featured in the "Game of Thrones" video game series. They are known for their control of the valuable ironwood forests and their motto that reflects their resourceful nature.

**House Flint of Flint's Finger:**

- Sigil: A blue-green field with three black sentinel trees.

- Motto: "Ever Vigilant."

- Seat: Flint's Finger, a small fortress on the northern coast.

- Known for: House Flint of Flint's Finger is known for its coastal location, which allows them to keep a watchful eye on the shores of the North. They take their motto, "Ever Vigilant," seriously and are dedicated to defending the North from threats.

**House Wull:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: N/A

- Known for: House Wull is a clan of the northern mountains. The Wulls are a fiercely independent and rugged people, living in the harsh mountainous terrain. They are known for their hardiness and warlike nature.

**House Norrey:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: N/A

- Known for: House Norrey, like House Wull, is a mountain clan of the North. They have a reputation for their hardy and warrior-like nature. The Norreys have a long-standing rivalry with the Wulls.

**House Cerwyn:**

- Sigil: Silver battle-axe on brown, beneath three black moose heads on a white chief.

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: Castle Cerwyn, a stronghold in the North.

- Known for: House Cerwyn's sigil features a battle-axe and three black moose heads. They are known for their martial abilities and loyalty to House Stark. Castle Cerwyn is a formidable fortress.

**House Flint of Widow's Watch:**

- Sigil: A blue-green field with a black, broken, or maimed tree.

- Motto: "Ever Vigilant."

- Seat: Widow's Watch, a coastal castle in the North.

- Known for: House Flint of Widow's Watch is known for its coastal location and its dedication to guarding the shores. They share the motto "Ever Vigilant" with House Flint of Flint's Finger.

**House Magnar of Skagos:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: N/A

- Known for: House Magnar of Skagos is a mysterious and isolated house from the island of Skagos. The Skagosi people are known for their unique culture and are often viewed as wild and uncivilized by the mainland North.

**House Harclay:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: Harclay's Keep, a castle.

- Known for: House Harclay is a lesser-known house from the North. Harclay's Keep is a castle in their possession.

**House Lake:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: N/A

- Known for: House Lake is a lesser-known house in the North. They do not have a well-documented history, but they are part of the region's nobility.

**House Wells:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: N/A

- Known for: House Wells is a lesser-known house in the North. They have their place in the hierarchy of the North's noble houses.

**House Ironsmith:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: N/A

- Known for: House Ironsmith is a lesser-known house in the North. They have their own traditions and history within the region.

**House Knott:**

- Sigil: N/A

- Motto: N/A

- Seat: N/A

- Known for: House Knott is a lesser-known house in the North, with its own unique characteristics.