
The Geo Archon in BNHA

A reincarnated soul blessed with the powers and personality of the geo archon thanks to a certain blue haired useless goddess. This is a Non Harem story, the love interest is Miruko much to many's dismay

Scaldax102 · Cómic
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3 Chs

Getting a Job!

"Prepare yourself for the coming battle!"

I rush forwards, making two swords of blue jade. I've witnessed his abilities enough to know how he fought, he was always a boaster. I slam the hilt of my blade into the first thugs temple, I jump upwards to slam my knee into the other ones nose, making a loud audible crunch as blood began to gush.

I wonder if these thugs know how to fight? I just took 2 more of them down easily, this is quite disappointing. The one with the broken nose got up once again just to slip over a drain, making another loud crack as he hits the back of his skull against the wall of the alley.

The other two thugs are holding the kids with a blade to their necks with a cocky grin. Targeting those who cannot protect themselves? A cowards game. I drop the swords and put my hands in the air. 'If I truly were Childe, I'd probably rush them. Its safer this way.'

"..." I stay silent and smile, almost waiting for something to happen.

"Heh, good. You should know better than t-" Before the mob thug could finish his sentence, the main boss comes flying down taking both of them down assassain creed style.

"So how are you, Eraserhead."

"You know me? Nevermind, Don't resist. All of you are going in for questioning."

"I'd love that I'm sure but these kids here would have been in trouble if it wasn't for me. I'd much rather hear a 'thank you for all your had work'. Well, go on. I'm waiting."

"Cocky Problem child." He mutters as he closes in, trying to kick me down. I pick up and throw my swords, this causes him to dodge and lose sight of me for just enough time to land a blow on his stomach. He gets up quickly and launches his capture tape towards me. I dodge the first attempt and throw a handful of gravel into his goggles.

"Language! There are kids here!" I shout out as I notice him stagger, I use the capture tape against him and I throw him into the wall. It's kind of impractical...

"Agh... You brat. So what? You're going to live out your life as a vigilante now?"

"Not quite the future I pictured but I don't mind it, fighting heroes and villains alike, that'd give me a rush! Maybe my vigilante name could be Storm Surge or something, Ahahaha"

"Storm Surge, really?"

"It was a joke, anyway it was nice meeting you Eraser, but I have business to attend to elsewhere!"

"We know your face. It's all over CCTV, you won't be able to go anywhere without being questioned, come quietly."

"I don't think so, nice try though!" I say as I parkour onto the rooftops from the alley, running away into the distance with a skip in my step.

Erasurehead slumps down, only to mutter something.

"They don't pay me enough for this shit."


"Yesterday a group of thugs were singlehandedly taken down by a new vigilante. He has short ginger hair and blue eyes, accustomed by a red mask on the side of his head. Due the the CCTV not having a clear enough image, the individuals who encountered him gave the police enough information to draw his appearance. Apparently he goes by the name Storm surge. Will there be an increase in vigilantes from now o-

"So someone finally eluded the famous Eraserhead."

"Don't remind me. He treated me like a child."

"Was it that bad?"

"That... Bad? He found my weaknesses in seconds! He used his weapons to create small blind spots and used that advantage to use my own capture weapon against me, I was useless. And the best part was that I didn't even see him use his quirk!"

"So you told them that ridiculous vigilante name to spite him... Oh right are you considering U.A's offer?" The detective said trying to change the subject.

"Probably, these new vigilantes and villains are really starting to piss me off. Maybe I can take my anger out on a few students instead." Aizawa says with a creepy smirk, this causes Naomasa to pray for all the future students of U.A


"Sit down. So Mr. Zhongli what made you want to be employed as a butler for the Yaoyorozu family?" The man tried to say with some form of authority. But what is authority to a god?

"I needed a job, this was most suited to my skillset."

"Ah right as you put in your CV, you are adept at handling a variety of different situations."


"Do you uh, want to clarify on what those are?"

"Hm, I hadn't really thought about it."

The man quickly became agitated as he slammed his palm down on his desk as a form of intimidation, I felt amused by the gesture but kept myself quiet. "Are you here as a joke? We do not appreciate our time to be wasted."

"I suppose if I were to pick a few of my skills I would say I am adept in forgery, crafting, cleaning, preparing meals. I have been trained formally for etiquette, though that was a long time ago." I say as I smile fondly at the crash course Noelle had put me through to help adjust me further to living a 'normal life.' Though her crash course consisted of every practical and impractical skill under the sun. She really does go above and beyond. They were fools for not making her a full fledged knight.

"I see, it's quite a unique skill set, not many have such... interesting skills." He says whilst trying to suppress laughter at my skillset.

"I can assure you they are all top notch, I can present something if that'd help."

"Go ahead." The interviewer who I had presumed to be either a random employee or Mr. Yaoyorozu himself.

I then take a weapon from my item space. Though the law in this world is different I could still use my divinity to access my storage which apparently linked the two worlds together, I don't think it's possible to go between them though, such as shame. Perhaps Paimon could fit through... As Emergency food of course.

"Oh? You have a warp type quirk?"

"No, my quirk is known as 'Earth Dragon' It allows me to manipulate earth and turn into a dragon." I said trying to simplify my abilities into a quirk category. I suppose earth dragon would sum it up quite well.

"Are you a relative of the Dragon hero Ryuko?" This causes the interviewer to become abit more responsive, if they found out that they mistreated a family member of a famous hero, then there would be hell to pay.

"You call that a Dragon? She does not know the true majestic appearance, my ability is to shift into an authentic Chinese dragon, in such a state I can do much more than any mere hero." I was actually offended by how they called her the Dragon hero.

"... I see, so how does the warping play into your quirk?" I shrug my shoulders at his question as I do not know how to explain it either in away that doesn't give out sensitive information.

"Apparently it comes from my dragon side, it's something to do with the stomach of a dragon but I never looked to into it."

"I see." He says with some disbelief, he knows nothing about quirks so he couldn't dismiss my lie either.

"As I was about to show you before, this is a sword forged with Imperial jade, crossed with other gems to make it almost indestructible." I say as I present to him my -Skyward Blade- The appearance is quite different than that of the travelers weapon as it was imbued with Anemo energy by that drunkard. This weapon has an orange glow signifying my energy.

{A/N: Only 5 star weapon I have T-T}

"It looks like something out of a fantasy game." He says as he continues to suppress his laughter.

"Although it looks like that, it is much stronger than any other weapon you'd find."

"Could I test that theory?"

"Be my guest." I say, noticing he had already began to move to the back of the room where a Japanese katana rested.

"This is an heirloom, its said to be a demonic blade from hundreds of years ago, it is known as the Honjo Masamune. We have tested the durability ourselves and it has sliced through anything we put it against. Let's make a deal. If it cuts through your... unique sword, then you get the job. If your sword breaks, you get the hell out of my office. Deal?"

"I'd feel much more reassured if you were to make this a contract."

"You're one of those type of people? Fine. Not like it matters. Give me a few minutes."


"All done, have a read through." He says passing me a copy of the contract, which I digilently read through.

"Yes this is acceptable." I say as we sign each of the contracts as proof of this deal.

"Lets begin then."

The interviewer grabs hold of the katana and slices expertly downwards on my Skyward blade.


A spiral web appeared on the katana as it literally cracked and fell apart. The interviewer was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. Perhaps because he ruined the Yaoyorozu families heirloom? Well no matter.

"This... This can't be." He says with pure disbelief in his tone.

"I trust you will honor your end of the contract."

"But... But... YOUR WEAPON LOOKS LIKE A KIDS TOY! HOW COULD IT MATCH A MASAMUNE!? Nononono, GIVE ME THAT DAMN CONTRACT!" He says as he jumps or well... falls over the desk trying to grab my contract which I moved to my inventory.

"So, you've decided to discard our agreement? Be warned, if you continue down this path, you may not like what happens next."


"Very well, it seems that you will have to suffer the wrath of the rock." I say as I hold out my palm, allowing a strange orange glow to appear before crushing it in my palm causing a field of rock to sprout up from the ground and surround the interviewer.

"Agh... What's happening?! My leg!" His leg begins to be coated in rock. This is what Geo damage means in this worlds law, he will slowly crystalize until he is nothing more than a statue, at that point he will crumble and become one with the earth, literally becoming the dirt we tread on.

"PLEASE STOP! I'LL LISTEN TO YOU!" He screams out in pure pain and agony, his movements are stiffing which is the first stage of crystallization, his movement would be impaired and it would feel like a thousand needles cut through your skin.

"I shall contact the authorities to let them know of your malpractice. Please hand me your cellular device." I say as I slowly release the crystallization process.

"Wh... Why?" He barely gets out through the pain.

"So that I can contact your employer to let you know that you decided to hire me for this position."


"It's a pleasure doing business with you." I say as I begin the scroll through his contacts.