
The Genius Downfall

Shall we surrender ourselves to an unquenchable thirst for an everlasting tale, forever entwined in its captivating twists and turns? Or shall we succumb to the seductive allure of closure, allowing ourselves to fall into the depths of an obsession with history? "Know this, dear reader, that the end of the story is not the end of the journey. It is but a prelude to another tale, another dance with destiny."

Loeceane · Fantasía
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16 Chs

time damage

A shadow darted through the dense trees, moving with such incredible speed that its form was impossible to discern. It expertly weaved its way between two towering oaks, and as it did, another shadow materialized high above on a tree branch. The second figure took a precise stance, aiming a mysterious weapon at its target. With a sudden release, a marble shot forth and struck the creature in its leg. The beast let out a piercing scream, losing its balance and crashing to the ground. A third shadow emerged from the darkness, cautiously approaching the fallen creature. This mysterious being was an Olin, a deer-like creature with razor-sharp teeth, a tough hide, and spiraling horns adorning its head. It lunged at the figure before it, attempting to retaliate by spewing a corrosive acid.

The two young women, had embarked on a journey to the Whispering Hood Forest after a week of much-needed rest. Their objective was to gather provisions, and during their time together, Astra had revealed some of her unique abilities to Ada, though she kept the full extent of her powers.-

Perched high atop a tree, Ada observed the unfolding scene with keen interest. She witnessed the acid harmlessly dissipate before reaching Astra's face, the woman standing her ground. Drawing closer to the creature, Astra matched its height, while Ada propelled herself forward, gracefully descending from her vantage point. She approached the two figures, driven by curiosity about Astra's powers. As she neared them, a chilling breeze brushed against her back, causing searing pain at the site of her wound—the same wound inflicted by the shadowling. The sensation felt as if a blade were tearing at her flesh once more. Astra turned her attention to Ada, witnessing her agonizing pain. Taking swift action, she subdued the creature and rushed to Ada's side.

"Where does it hurt?" Astra asked, her voice laced with concern.

Crack! Ada's scream pierced the air as she collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain. The wound had reopened, blood staining her clothing. Ada's vision blurred, and she struggled to maintain her balance, eventually succumbing to the pain. They were now transported to the house.

Astra, her worry evident in her eyes, tended to Ada, retrieving a small bottle from the room. She approached Ada swiftly, her steps filled with urgency. Ada's body began to exhibit cracks and fractures, akin to a fragile mirror or a worm about to break apart.

If Astra's suspicions were correct, Ada's time was running short. As Ada could read Astra's thoughts, panic overtook her amidst the excruciating pain and the emergence of cracks throughout her body. She refused to die in this unfamiliar place, yearning to reunite with her family once more. Ada's gaze faltered, her eyelids growing heavy with each passing second. She could only perceive Astra's shadow darting around the room, searching desperately for a solution. Eventually, darkness overtook her.

Astra found herself in an unfamiliar state of despair. Though she had witnessed death before, there was something about this young girl, Ada, which had ignited a deep and unexplainable connection between them during their time together. A desire to protect her had blossomed within Astra, but she had spent centuries alone in this realm, with no one else to share her existence.

Watching as Ada's condition worsened with each passing moment, Astra did her best to stem the bleeding, yet the cracks continued to spread and multiply across the young woman's fragile form. If Ada truly hailed from a different time, this should not have been a cause for concern. There was something else at play, something even Ada herself failed to comprehend. Determined to find a solution, Astra hurriedly left the room where Ada lay, rushing out of the house and into the open.

She made her way toward the rear of the house, where a vast forest of withered trees stood, their branches twisted and intertwined as if forming a protective barrier. Astra's eyes changed color, and in response to her call, the desolate forest responded. The tree branches parted, revealing a passage, and Astra ventured forth. As she entered, the passage sealed shut behind her, erasing any trace of the house's existence.

Descending a staircase, Astra arrived before a massive door adorned with a pattern representing the interwoven trees and a central amber stone. Placing her hand upon the door, she spoke, "𐒀𐒄𐒓𐒔𐒂𐒏 𐒍𐒐 𐒀𐒄𐒗𐒀" (kazara me avara), envelop me and open yourself.

The door obediently swung open, granting Astra entry into a dimly lit room. As her feet touched the ground, countless crystals lining the walls illuminated, creating an endless expanse.

Astra disappeared momentarily, reappearing in front of one of the rooms within the vast chamber. She spent an hour inside before finally emerging and leaving the room. Making her way back to the main chamber, Astra exited the passage and found herself back in front of the forest, her house now visible once more.

Without hesitation, Astra rushed to Ada's side, the young woman's condition having deteriorated further. Time was slipping away rapidly. Ada had begun to sing, her voice carrying the ancient words,

"Thêrion oros kai thêrion khronou, ton khronon mnêmoneuomenon kai to chôra symmetrioumenon, hina ê thêrion oros kai khronos mnêmoneuontai kai symmetriountai, hina ê anaptyxis symmetrioutai kai mnêmoneuei" (soul of gold and soul of time, that times remember and space aligns, that this soul of gold and time remembers and aligns, that the reflection aligns and remembers).

Her eyes color changed , and the dead branches of the forest behind the house writhed their way into the room. A mirror materialized, revealing a slumbering Ada within its depths.

The doors trembled under the force of a growing wind, the space around Astra shifting. Marks began to illuminate on her skin, blood streaming from her eyes and nostrils.

The mirror shattered, and everything returned to normal, but Astra's body levitated momentarily before crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

Unbeknownst to them, the cracks on Ada's body began vanishing, her wound closing, and her breath gradually returning.