
The Genius Downfall

Shall we surrender ourselves to an unquenchable thirst for an everlasting tale, forever entwined in its captivating twists and turns? Or shall we succumb to the seductive allure of closure, allowing ourselves to fall into the depths of an obsession with history? "Know this, dear reader, that the end of the story is not the end of the journey. It is but a prelude to another tale, another dance with destiny."

Loeceane · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Dark realm

Ada found herself in a large, dark room. The only source of light was a crystal glass mirror, surrounded by frost, with a fiery dial at the back of the room. Every time Ada approached the mirror, a reflection of herself appeared, but there were noticeable differences. The reflected woman had an empty gaze, and one of her eyes resembled that of Emrys, Ada's great-grandfather. The left eye had an iris shaped like a crystal flower.

Ada tried to avoid looking at the reflection, as it clearly wasn't her. She struggled to remember how she ended up in this place. The last thing she recalled was emerging from a forest and losing consciousness on the ice. Uncertain whether this was reality or a dream, she remembered being injured during a confrontation with the shadowlings and having an accident. However, she couldn't feel any pain and couldn't see her own body to assess the extent of her injuries. She pondered whether she had been found and healed, or if her wounds had become infected.

Time seemed to blur in the room. Ada's attempts to use her powers failed, and she couldn't materialize her weapons. Frustrated and resigned, she gave up on finding an exit. The only thing that seemed to work was the reflection in the mirror.

Lying on her back, Ada decided to approach the mirror and examine the reflection. She stood up and made her way towards it. As she reached the mirror, she stared intently at the woman who bore her resemblance.

"Can you hear me?" Ada asked tentatively. The reflection remained motionless. Ada chuckled softly, questioning her own sanity. Since waking up in this place, she had never seen the reflection move. Yet, here she was, asking it questions.

She moved even closer, extending her hand to touch the glass. Anxiety gripped her, but she pressed on, inching her hand forward. Just before her hand made contact, the reflection moved, as if waiting for a response from Ada. The woman on the other side locked eyes with her, and a weapon, larger and more majestic than Ada's own, materialized behind her. Its radiant point aimed at Ada. The lips of the reflected Ada moved, but Ada couldn't comprehend the words. Then, the mirror shattered, propelling Ada backward, and she collided with something.

Struggling to rise, Ada felt disoriented. She could barely register the presence of others around her, as if they were fading away. The area where the mirror once stood continued to emit a dazzling light. Determined, Ada sprinted towards it, but the light seemed to recede further with each step, and the end of the room closed off. Ada ran faster, desperation mounting. She felt something trickle down her back, but couldn't identify what it was. She kept pushing forward, reaching for the elusive light. Eventually, her fingertip brushed against it, just as a hand seized her, violently pulling her back. She felt herself hurtling into the void, resigned to what seemed like certain death.

Suddenly, her body jolted, and she gasped for air as if awakening from a deep slumber. Strong hands supported her, and a voice asked, "Why did you try to died in my house"

A beautiful woman was beside her, and were looking at her with an enigmatic smile, and an incomprehensible gaze.


A moment ago

She spun around, her bow at the ready, her senses heightened. But to her surprise, there was nothing there—only the swaying branches and the whispers of the wind.

A lingering sense of foreboding hung in the air, leaving her with more questions than answers. Was it a trick of her imagination, or something more?

As the woman stood on guard, her eyes scanned the surrounding shadows with a mixture of caution and curiosity. The forest remained eerily silent, as if holding its breath in anticipation.

Suddenly, a faint flicker of movement caught her attention. From the woods emerged a figure, shrouded in darkness. It was a Wraithling, an otherworldly being with a spectral aura that seemed to engulf its form. Its presence exuded a chilling aura, causing the temperature to drop further.

The woman's grip on her bow tightened as she assessed her adversary. The Wraithling, not belonging to this realm, possessed an ethereal nature that made it difficult to perceive its true form. It moved with an otherworldly grace, gliding over the forest floor without making a sound.

The Wraithling's eyes, gleaming with an otherworldly light, locked onto the woman. Its intentions were unclear, but a sense of malevolence emanated from its very being. It seemed to be drawn to the woman's emerald essence, sensing a power that resonated with its own.

Without warning, the Wraithling lunged forward, its spectral claws reaching out towards the woman. She swiftly dodged the attack, her reflexes honed from countless battles. With a fluid motion, she notched an arrow and released it towards her ethereal foe.

The arrow sailed through the air, penetrating the Wraithling's form, but it passed through as if striking a mist. The woman realized that her opponent's ethereal nature made it resistant to physical harm. She needed to rely on her own unique powers to combat this otherworldly threat.

Drawing upon her emerald magic, the woman concentrated her energy, causing the air around her to crackle with unseen power. She extended her hand towards the Wraithling, focusing her will on manipulating the very fabric of space-time.

A surge of emerald energy erupted from her palm, manifesting as swirling tendrils of light that encircled the Wraithling. The mystical bonds constricted around its spectral form, limiting its movements and weakening its ethereal essence.

But the Wraithling was not easily subdued. It retaliated with its own dark magic, unleashing waves of shadowy energy that threatened to engulf the woman. She deftly evaded the attacks, her agility and mastery over space-time allowing her to maneuver with uncanny precision.

As the battle raged on, the Whispering Woods seemed to come alive, echoing with the clash of powers and the whispers of ancient spirits. The woman's emerald aura flared brightly, illuminating the darkness and pushing back the encroaching shadows.

With each passing moment, the woman's connection to the forest deepened, drawing strength from the very essence of nature itself. She channeled this newfound power, intertwining it with her space-time manipulation, creating a harmonious fusion of emerald magic and natural forces.

A surge of energy coursed through her, empowering her attacks with the raw might of creation and destruction. She summoned swirling vortexes of emerald energy, causing the very ground beneath the Wraithling to tremble. The ethereal being, weakened by this onslaught, began to dissipate into the air, its presence fading.

As the last traces of the Wraithling vanished, the forest fell silent once more, the tension dissipating like mist in the morning sun. The woman, her breath labored and her body tingling with residual energy, lowered her bow and took a moment to regain her composure.

As the woman gathered her provisions and made her way out of the forest, her mind was filled with unanswered questions. The encounter with the Wraithling had left her puzzled. How had such a creature, typically confined to the depths of the forest, ventured so close to its edge? The thought gnawed at her, driving her curiosity to seek answers.

With her bow slung over her shoulder and her pouch of herbs secured, she set off towards her house. The path she followed led her back to the icy road, its treacherous surface now illuminated by the fading daylight. Each step brought her closer to home, but her thoughts lingered on the enigmatic encounter.

The woman's senses remained attuned to her surroundings, her gaze occasionally drifting towards the forest that loomed behind her. The Whispering Woods held countless secrets, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the Wraithling's appearance than mere chance.

Arriving at her house, she pushed open the door and stepped inside. The warmth of the hearth greeted her, providing a stark contrast to the chill of the forest. Then she felt a presence in the room where the injured young woman was, she transported herself without further delay into the room where the aura was.

As the woman entered the room, her eyes widened at the sight that greeted her. The injured young woman on the bed had undergone a remarkable transformation. Her body was now encased in shimmering crystal, delicate designs resembling fiery flowers etched into its surface. The woman's heart raced with concern and curiosity, her mind buzzing with questions.

Without hesitation, she rushed to the young woman's side and gently placed her hand on her forehead. In that moment, a surge of energy passed between them, and the world around them seemed to shift. The woman's mage eyes turned upside down, her pupils transforming into a mesmerizing shade of green. Her mind was transported to another place, an ethereal realm beyond the boundaries of the physical world.

In this otherworldly plane, she found herself standing behind the young woman, who was running with desperate determination towards a distant source of light. The surroundings closed in on her, the once expansive space now constricting like a vice. The woman could sense the mounting danger, the palpable threat that loomed in the encroaching darkness.

Her thoughts raced as she tried to make sense of the situation. What force had trapped this young woman in this nightmarish realm? And why had her own presence been drawn into it?

With every ounce of her magical prowess, she summoned her powers, intertwining them with the energy of the surrounding realm. The air crackled with the raw force of her emerald magic as she attempted to push back the closing darkness, to create a path for the young woman to escape.

But the realm fought against her efforts, resisting her power with an intensity she had not anticipated. The woman's brow furrowed with concentration as she strained against the confines of the closing space. The echoes of ancient spirits whispered in her ears, their voices mingling with the sounds of her own labored breath.

As the young woman drew closer to the light, the woman's own determination surged. She refused to let her succumb to the clutches of the realm's malevolent grip. Her mind was filled with memories of her own past, of battles fought and sacrifices made. This young woman's struggle resonated deeply within her, igniting a fire of unwavering resolve.

With renewed vigor, the woman channeled her emerald magic and called upon an ancient forces. Vortexes of swirling emerald energy spiraled around her, pushing back against the encroaching darkness. The ground beneath her feet trembled as the realm itself seemed to quiver in response to her power.

As the young woman reached the elusive light, the woman's hand shot out, fingers extending to grasp the young woman's arm. The connection was instantaneous, their minds merging in a surge of shared energy. Together, they defied the confines of the realm, tearing through the closing darkness.

Suddenly, their bodies jolted, and they gasped for air as if awakening from a deep slumber. While she support the new awake boby, she says whit a smile, "Why did you try to die in my house?"