
Chapter 1: Yahitsha Return

Years had passed since the epic battle between Prince Logan and the evil Queen Yahitsha, and the kingdom of El Salvador had been at peace. Logan had ruled with wisdom and fairness, and his people had prospered.

But then, one fateful night, a dark force rose from the depths of the underworld. It was a demon, more powerful than any that had ever been seen before, and it had the power to bring the dead back to life.

And so it was that Yahitsha, who had been defeated by Logan years ago, was brought back to life by the demon's dark magic. She awakened in a dark cave, confused and disoriented, but with a burning desire for revenge.

Yahitsha emerged from the cave and set out on a mission to seek out the demon who had revived her. She knew that he would have demands, and she was willing to do whatever it took to get the power she needed to defeat Logan once and for all.

As she traveled, she encountered various creatures of the night who had been drawn to her power. She used them to her advantage, building an army of the undead to do her bidding.

Finally, she reached the demon's lair, deep in the heart of the underworld. The demon appeared before her, towering over her with his massive frame.

"What do you want?" he demanded.

"I want power," Yahitsha replied. "The power to defeat Logan and rule over El Salvador."

The demon smirked. "And what makes you think I would give that to you?"

"Because I can give you something in return," Yahitsha said. "My loyalty, my obedience. I will be your servant, if you give me what I want."

The demon considered this for a moment, and then he nodded. "Very well. I will give you the power you seek. But remember, you are mine now. You will do as I say."

Yahitsha nodded, and the demon imbued her with a dark, otherworldly power. She felt the energy coursing through her veins, and she knew that she was more powerful than she had ever been before.

With her new power, Yahitsha set out on a mission to destroy Prince Logan and his kingdom once and for all. She knew that she had the strength and the army to do it, and she was determined to succeed.

But little did she know that there was someone else who was searching for her. A young man named Juhak, with black hair, piercings, and a muscular build, had heard rumors of the evil queen's return, and he was determined to stop her.

Juhak had his own reasons for wanting to defeat Yahitsha. He had lost his family to the war between El Salvador and Puerto Rico, and he had vowed to protect the innocent from the ravages of war.

And so, Juhak set out on a quest to find Yahitsha and stop her once and for all. But he never could have imagined what he would find along the way.