
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs


Vlad was ignoring me. The stubborn cat only spoke to my brother. It was cute, seeing him puff up, but it upset me. I was fearful. He might have hated my touch.

We sit at a nearby cafe. 'Porter's Tea' it was called. The swirled metal table and chairs, surprisingly comfortable. The smell of coffee strong in the air, Alex inhaled it. I avoided looking at Vlad, nervous of rejection. Focused on the surrounding hedges and arches, covered in small red roses.

People glanced at Vlad at times. One woman, even blushing at him. I gave a territorial glance her way, she turned away. The rest were clearly disgruntled by his revealing attire. I'm disturbed by a familiar chuckle.

Vlad catches my eyes, he turns away pretending he didn't acknowledge me. The little shit. I had enough of his tantrum. His laugh meant he wasn't that angry. So I took a shot.

"What do you want for dinner?" I looked at the menu. "The pork chops look good."

He huffs at me. My puppy eyes melt him.

"I already ate." He switches to a smug grin at last.

I don't recall him eating. He's never eaten in front of me at least… I realize his meaning. My cheeks turn bright red. He did eat, and a decent amount at that.

"Right." I mumble, focusing on the menu.

I can hear the audible groan from Alex. He shrinks back into his seat. Sharing a barely recognizable 'I'm never being alone with you two again'.

I cough and raise a hand for the waiter. Eager for a solid distraction. He arrived promptly. Thank you universe.

I have my order, my brother right after. The waiter lifted a brow, a concerned look at us. I tilt my head. Vlad is back to his old self, grinning like a mad man at me. His hands at his cheeks, leaning against the table on his elbows.

"What's wrong cutie?" He asks not expecting an answer.

I glare at him, waving the waiter off. He leaves just as fast as he arrived. Thankfully there is little awkward silence. I have a topic in mind.

"What happens now? I'm the head of the household, but what about you? What do you plan to do now?"

He had told me he'd fix my life, he did so. I wanted to know what he wanted. He had spent hundreds of years locked up. He must have some goal now that he's free.

He blinked at me like I said something stupid.

"I'll stay with you obviously."

My heat skips a beat. "Other that that!" I speak out too loudly in a cafe, others look over. "Sorry." I spoke softly at the other customers.

My brother leans in, obviously interested as well. Vlad thinks for a moment, and shrugs.

"I had plans, but that changed when you released me. Anyone that pissed me off, or locked me up are long dead." A gentle expression, a glint in his eyes. "I found my mate. I was alone for so long. Others of my kind far younger had found their partners. I gave up on it. Till you freed me." My mouth drops open. "So I think I'll spend a war free life with you my love."

He stares at me, lovingly. I finally closed my mouth. This was a surprise. I could only ask.

"Sorry, I'm not familiar with vampires." My heart pounding with expectation, longing, the word 'love' reverberating in my mind. "What is exactly a mate for a vampire?"

He breathes out a contented sigh. "A one and only. Every vampire has one, many don't live long enough to meet them. The lucky or unlucky ones meet them twice. It makes them bound, not ever able to seek out someone else. If god is against them, it'll be one sided." He looks at me, a grateful look on his face. "If it's one sided, it usually results in a blood bath."

He doesn't elaborate further. I don't need him to explain. All my fear of rejection, swept away. He was mine, my mate. It was the start of a truly loving family.

I reach my hand to his cheek. He rubs his soft cheeks against it. A hand over it, a mischievous smile growing. A loud 'excuse me' next to the table breaks the moment.

I flinch, my hand retreating. I forgot where we were at. Vlad's expression turns sour, he darts his eyes over to the intruder. My brother is extremely focused on his cup of coffee.

An older women, around mother'a age, glares at us. Her voice a squeaky noise.

"You bring a whore to this rebuttable establishment. Even more have the gall to show such inappropriate behavior. You should be ashamed!" She speaks out, on the verge of yelling at us.

I can feel the hostility in the air, it's not from the woman. I'm well aware how our situation, my cat's looks, would cause trouble. I'm about to try and calm this woman, but I'm too late.

Vlad gives out a harsh snarl. No one could react before he pounced. Teeth bared, snatching her throat, lifting her off the ground. Throwing her at a nearby table, it collapses in. It's current occupants scream, jumping out of the way.

The cafe is in chaos. Vlad begins his approach to the woman. She coughs uncontrollably. His aura now toxic, bloodthirsty. The hairs on my body stand up. I'm reminded just how dangerous vampires can be without control.

"Vlad stop!" I scream at him.

He flinched. His cold eyes reach over to me. The woman tries to move away. He growls, she freezes, not daring to challenge him.

"Blue." He tries to negotiate. "Just a little, just once." He muscles twitching, ready for some blood. How long has he held back?

"Let's go home." I hold back my tone. I'm shocked more than anything. I knew he was aggressive, but to snap so quickly at a stranger. It concerned me.

We go back in silence. Vlad compels the witnesses, not daring to look at me. I can't help but think. The reason why he was imprisoned in the first place. It was a question that scared me. But more that that, if someone slipped through one of his outbursts, if someone told the knights. My man could be at risk.

My stomach growled. First I would eat at home, then confront Vlad. This was something I would not let go easily.

I sighed deeply. Twisting my hands together. I look over at my brother. He's staring absentmindedly out the window. I can't help but feel guilt. He must be scared. I could feel my heart pained, the fear threatening to bubble up again.

I could lose my brother from this, he could hate me. I brought Vlad here. I caused this. My thoughts keep going into guilt ridden places.

I feel a hand on my head. Vlad'a comforting smile beaming at me, worry in his eyes.

I knew, I would have made that deal with Vlad, again in a heartbeat. That thought fills me up, a small smile on my lips.