
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs


I pass out exhausted. To my unhappy surprise, my sleep is not peaceful…

A man with silver hair, cruel grey eyes. White feathers hang from his ears. His top tight, made of scales, light grey with silver swirls etched. His stomach and arms are exposed, firm abs and muscles show. He backs away from the mirror.

His hands are covered in blood, dripping to the floor. A man with a gutted crotch, dickless, dirties the sheets. The man in silver grins, madly.

He heads out the door, a confidence in his step. As he walks out, I look around the bedroom. Various chains, whips and collars line the walls. Even a hot poker and knives. My instincts scream, fear grips me. The silver man leaves the room, the dream pulls me along with me.

I try to think, but my mind is clouded. I can only follow along.

"What are you doing, pet?" A guard calls out. He notices the blood, he face pales. He looks toward the 'pet's' neck, angry. "Where the fuck is your collar?!"

Not a sound, and the guard collapses, his head crushed. "Argenti. My name is Argenti. I am not a pet." He declares to the world, a strong prideful voice rips out of him.

My eyes widen. Me, he is me. My heart pounds in my chest. Argenti moves forward, killing every human in the building. It's a barracks.

The weapon rooms, canteen, and bunk rooms are cleared. Argenti's owner must have been a high ranking officer, based on his room. Outside, the air changes, Argenti turns.

He looks right at me, my heart thuds, I don't breathe.

"You are too weak." He flat out says to me.

"Im not a warrior." I answer automatically.

"Neither was I." He boasts. "Our war hasn't ended. Blue, I need you to awaken. Find our husbands, protect them." He adds as the world starts fading. "Kill them, all of them…" I didn't hear his last words.

I wake with a start, sweating. Thoughts rush in, instincts tensing my muscles, I'm on alert. My men aren't in the room. Panic fills me. I quick dress and rush out of the room. I find Vlad and Quartz, drinking coffee.

I breathe out, I wrap my arms around Vlad.

"What happened?" He looks me over, seeing my sweat.

"Are you alright master?" Quartz question was answered by my thoughts. He takes both of us in his arms. Vlad squished between us.

"Oi! Get fucking off me, knighty!" He growls out.

Quartz moves to the other side, his arm around my waist. They both look at me, worried.

"We have a lot to talk about." Pulling away, I sit next to Vlad. Quartz returns to his seat on the other side. He yells out an order of breakfast for me.

The dream, the fear, Argenti, his warning, I shared everything. Unaware, I shivered. Vlad wrapped his arm under mine, holding my hand. I relax, my cat there for me.

"He's not talking about the humans. Argenti slaughtered many, but it was not a war." Quartz looked lost in his gaze. I held his hand across the table. "I killed the remainder after he died. I finished his vengeance."

"Can you think of who he was at war against?"

Quartz shakes his head, sighing sadly. I rub my thumb on his hand.

"What about awakening? How do I do it? What even is it?" Vlad answers me.

"It's your bloodline. When races mix, the bloodline can be passed down. It could refer to another race in your blood." He thought about it. "Or it's your past lives, you could gain powers from them."

My eyes widen, I could gain Argenti's power. My breakfast is placed in front of me by the innkeeper. Quartz thanks him.

"So how do I awaken then?"

My knight answers this time.

"It depends for the bloodline you have to seek it out. A guardian you tune into your animal spirit. A demon your sinful nature. Vampires, the thirst for blood. As for your past selves, you have to connect to them." He looks at my ears. "You seem to have a stronger connection to Jewel. You could try to channel her."

I fiddle with my ear cuffs. Eating quickly, we pack our things from the inn. Ready to journey up north. We plan to attempt an awakening tonight on the road.

Vlad and I hop on Jasper. He snorts at Vlad, he bucks his butt up, trying to knock us off.

"Jasper?!" I startle.

Vlad's grips the two of us, keeping our spot. Quartz tugs at the reins from below. He clicks at his horse, scolding him. That settled, we head out of town.

We pass by a few travelers throughout the day, see a few animals, nothing else of note. Other than an odd tension between my men. How curious.

We take the occasional break for me to rest, eat, use the restroom. I'm seriously envious of my vampires, who only require a drink. Quartz, hearing my thoughts, comments.

"I could turn you if you want master." He smiles sweetly at me. Vlad who was sitting next to me on a log, hissed. Wrapping his arms around me.

"Hell no, if anyone is turning my cutie, it's me!" He declares loudly to the forest. I cover my ears in reflex. I glare at him. He looks apologetically at me. I look at my men.

"Will it affect my awakening?" Vlad tsks. Quartz nods his head.

"It would override any bloodlines you have, but you could still channel your past lives." He shares.

Yeah, don't want to risk it then. We still don't know which one Argenti referred to. I shake my head. Our break ends, and travel till dusk.

Quartz makes the tent, and the fire pit. Vlad, shocks me by opening his mouth, setting the fire ablaze.

"Another gift?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yep." He preens. "The last one, no more surprises for you, babe." He fakes a sad look.

Quartz snorts at that. Vlad glares at him. I tilt my head, but there was something more important to deal with first.

"So how should I start?"

Quartz directs me into a meditative position. Vlad does the same in front of me. My knight leans against a nearby tree to watch. Vlad gives instructions.

"We'll try bloodlines first, it's more likely to work. Focus on your memories, the strongest ones." He gives a very smug smirk. "When we met. When I first touched you. Something involving me should work." I can't help but smile at my kitty. He gets more serious. "Focus on the emotions, your instincts. What drives your instincts? What does your beast want, need, crave. Figure that out and you'll know what you are."

I close my eyes, focused. I let my memories flow, my life unfolds.