
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

The Founders

It was a very different world. A little under a thousand years ago. A war town land, before the kingdom reigned. The different races, humans, vampires, guardians, and demons, fought for dominance.

The Sin clan, a guardian bloodline, controlled much of commerce. No debt, shopping trip, or business, operated without their involvement. Three siblings of the lower rank in the clan had a dream.

A world united under one banner, no more war, no more crime, no more chaos. The youngest, Jewel, the leader of the trio. Long since famous among the clan for her calculating mind. Along with her fury at any disrespect. The oldest, Quartz, the ever present shadow of his little sisters. The middle sibling, Garnet, the free spirited fox of the bunch.

It was Jewel's idea to start the knights. A strong, highly loyal army of soldiers from all races. She gathered up any outcasts, death row prisoners, and war orphans. Her beauty and cunning made all follow unquestioningly.

They slowly conquered and spread to cover a vast corner of the continent. Jewel's pride grew with every victory, turning into arrogance. Collecting various men from battles, as trophies. It led to her downfall.

Jewel became engrossed in her men. Leaving her duties to her siblings. Letting the inexperienced, lazy, Garnet in charge. She was taken advantage of and tricked into political dealings. This weakened the knights.

Quartz picked up the slack, leading the knights to further glory once more. Garnet had retired, becoming pregnant, and bearing the first of the high knights.

Years past and the once feared Jewel was a shell of her former self. One of her many trophies, had slowly poisoned her. Weakened enough to kill.

By the time Quartz had realized the plot, it was too late. He found his sister dead in her bed. Her trusted love long gone.

Enraged Quartz sought out the bastard who harmed his Jewel. A guardian of the lizard tribe. He left the knights, abandoning them. It took years of hunting. He finally had his prey in sight.

He didn't give him the satisfaction, ending his own life. Quartz returned older, worn down. The knights welcomed him back with open arms.

He felt hallow, his sister gone, he had nothing to live for. That was until he came across a young, powerful, and very vengeful vampire.

He was known as Argenti. Once a proud member of the Saber Tooth clan, now the last known survivor. His clan wiped out my invading human mages.

The few children that survived were enslaved for their beauty, kept as 'pets'. Argenti grew up in that hell, at his owner's beck and call. Finally, awakening his guardian beast at thirteen. He ripped his torturer to shreds. Running rampant in the surrounding villages, destroying one entirely.

He had given up his beast for even more power. Exchanging blood with a vampire. He became even more beautiful, more deadly. His name was spread throughout the lands.

Known as the silver lion. Argenti slaughtered his way through humanity. Eventually threatening extinction. I stood by his side even going against the knights as needed. I pledged my love, my loyalty.

He turned me into a vampire, his chosen mate. We fought in one final battle together, against the united races, the new kingdom. Cornered, Argenti cast me aside, saved me before himself.

The once proud beast, dead at the feet of the humans. My fury was endless, I ripped my way through the remaining human cities. Filling the streets with blood. Garnet's children came to reason with me, promised me my master would return.

So I waited, watched the world move on, forget. I returned home to the knights, accepted warmly back home. I watched my bloodline grow and prosper over the years.

Watched wars break out, the cleansing, time went on. Until at last I heard my calling, my master summoning me.


We listen fascinated by the past. Still I couldn't help but notice something, a sense of familiarity with Jewel and Argenti.

I didn't dare ask aloud, feeling the potential consequences with the answer.

Quartz gave a sad smile, recognition in his eyes. Vlad wasn't so understanding, to him it was already a conclusion.

"Well fuck." He continued, proudly looking over at me. "So you were a badass babe. We could still conquer the kingdom, my offer stills stands." He grins madly at me, he seems to have missed my thoughts entirely.

Quartz sighs, either glad or amused.

"What?" Vlad glared at him.

I decided to share my thought after all, the evidence was too coincidental.

"Jewel was Argenti, wasn't she?" I ask but it seems like a statement.

Vlad's eyes widening, realizing the possibility of my multiple past lives. Quartz nods at me.

"I didn't believe it at first, but the more time I spent with Argenti, the more I embraced it." His face twists into a grimace. "It was not fun thinking that I was basically in love with my sister." Vlad and I both nod bothered by it. "But Argenti wasn't a blood relative, and I couldn't push down my feelings." He then looks at me lovingly. "I don't regret it."

We finish our breakfast. I still had many more questions about Jewel, Argenti, but they could wait. We had our own story, our own home to find. I still couldn't shake the feeling that there was something left, something clawing at me.

We made our way to the general store. We pass near the suit shop on our way. A familiar clerk runs out.

"Lord Anore!" He calls out, reaching us. He's holding a small metal box. "I was about to send this over. We found this at auction, the dragon cuffs your requested. I can't believe our luck, we even canceled the blacksmith order."

I take the box into my hand, clicking it open. A pair of black steel, dragon ear cuffs inside. My eyes widen. What are the odds that something like this already existed.

"Master. Why did you order those?" I can feel the shock in his voice.

I lift a brow at him. "I wanted one similar to Vlad's ear cuffs."

Quartz moved his gaze from my cat's ears to the box, several times.

The clerk bows, and leaves, sensing the atmosphere. Now alone, my knight speaks up.

"Jewel had a set just like this, it might even be the same one." He looks over at Vlad, his eyes narrowing. "The set he wears is the same as the bastard who killed Jewel. She had cuffs made for all her men."

Vlad stiffens, his face in thought. The mere idea of it leaves him shuddering.

"No! I would never hurt my mate!" He screams at him.

"Yes you would never harm master, but Jewel wasn't your mate. You were not a vampire back then."

This topic is suddenly making me very uncomfortable. I snap at Quartz, ready to move on.

"There is no proof that Vlad was that murderer! Let's just go shopping already."

I place the cuffs on my ears, they fit perfectly. Taking Vlad's hand while handing the box over to Quartz, I speed walk over to the general store.

"I would never hurt you." He whispers.

"I know." I express soft, and loving.