
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

Pride (mature)

Vlad licks at my tip, causing shudders. He painfully, almost lazily, licks up and down. Like a relaxed painter at the canvas. His hands tickling their way across my inner thighs. His fingers brush lightly on their path near my balls. He grins, hearing my impatient growls.

My knight attempts to appease me. Lowering his face to mine, planting his tongue along my ears, jaw, and lips. He pulls back for a moment, to give an order.

"Open your mouth." His usual subservient phrasing gone, replaced with an experienced commanding presence.

My lips part, tongue spilling out, eyes lewd to tempt him. Pleased, he shares my mood. Twisting, tugging, biting away at the inside of my mouth. I attempt to wrap my arms around him, to pull him closer. Only to have my wrists tightened under his grasp. I had forgotten. I was their prey this time.

I feel a sudden cover over my cock. Vlad had given in to his hunger, filling his throat. He began pumping, up and down. His hands grasping my balls, squeezing. A manage a quick moan through my kiss with Quartz.

My cat responds by biting down on me. I buck my hips up reflexively, a snarl sounds out. Vlad forces me back down, not letting up. He speeds up, intent on milking me senseless. He lets out a hiss, a stern warning to behave.

Quartz releases my mouth, moving on to tempting peaks. My hardened nips, a clear invitation. He licks away, wetting my chest in a hurry. His increasing pace, a sign of excitement. He bites away, hearing my moans increase. He trails around my upper chest and neck, leaving untold marks of possession.

The work of the two is working sparks across my body. The pressure, despite my self control was becoming irresistible. I whined with desperate meaning.

"I'm…!" I'm silenced by Quartz's pair of fingers, shoved down my throat.

Vlad stops abruptly, agitated. "Oi, knighty! I want to hear him."

Quartz doesn't say anything. He removes his wetted fingers. His eyes meet mine as he licks away. I groan in frustration. Then let out a gasp when Vlad returns to his work. The sudden return of pleasure proving too much for me.

I relax, heavy breathing, my load filling up my kitten's deep throat. I'm not allowed to rest, my men were far from done.

Vlad moves up, pulling my legs around him. His fingers exploring my entrance. In a hurry, he jams one in. I gasp, the warm finger wiggling impatiently. He works more and more, digging in, opening me up. One finger at a time.

I had no opportunity to focus on the sensation. Quartz smiled cruelly with starving eyes. His large dick practically shoved near my face. His voice a low tempting demon.

"My master, you should have a taste of me." He stared down at me, this was not a choice.

Excited shivers crawled down from my hot head to my even hotter lower regions. Powerful drilling fingers below, and soon a mouthful above. Eagerly, I locked one hand around my knight.

A team effort, Quartz leaned in as I pulled. I didn't bother to tease him, my impatience too daunting. I quick added a word to the steam.

"Stop playing with me. I don't want you to be gentle." I referred to both of my men.

They both paused. I could feel the temperature sharply raise. Vlad removed his fingers. He and Quartz hissed in unison. I didn't have to wait any longer.

Quartz shoved his cock in my throat, at the same time, Vlad pierced my hole. They filled my entirety, and begun their feverous assault. Back and forth, in some lewd multi-partnered dance. I the center of the ball room.

Perhaps due to my new wolf side, there was no pain. The rapid penetration was solely a pleasure filled exercise.

"Fuck!" Vlad increased his pace, digging into his partner. He lowered himself in as much as possible. Using his mouth to mark my skin, as my knight did earlier. There was no inch of clear, unblemished skin on my front.

Quartz moved his hips, while I twirled my tongue around him. My hands now on his hips, pulling him forward. Not able to remain idle, I gave rough squeezes to his cheeks. His moans the orchestra to our dance.

The intense heat was turning into building pressure once more. I began moving my hips, pressing Vlad deeper into my depths. My head applying more movement to Quartz's rod. My hands leaving red marks on my knight's skin from the deep kneading.

Loud moans, growls, and hissing filled the air, a dangerous music to any who listen. A sudden stop in the sounds are replaced by rapid panting. Vlad releases first, gripping down as much as possible. Quartz does the same, filling me down my throat. I struggle to swallow it all. I give in, releasing away the built up pleasure.

We all crumble. It's a different feeling, now a beast like them, we can fully exhaust each other. I breathe heavily. My cat licks away at my mess, like with a saucer of milk. Quartz makes way, to have me lean against him.

We relax in each other's arms for a while. Reveling in our shared passion. After some time, we dress. We decide to forgo traveling for the rest of the day. The days events were enough to need a break.

We slept comfortably in a snuggled pile. I tried everything to avoid thinking of the future, my fears of the unknown, or worse what I've forgotten threatening to take me. Sensing my unease, I was wrapped in the arms of my pack. Their scents a mix of chocolaty and fruity sweets, my lullaby. I let the day's worries be tomorrow's problem. My eyes fell closed, expecting sweet dreams.

I found myself sitting on a throne, encircled by an oval of other thrones. The background an unimaginable riches filled hall. Handsome and beautiful servants of all kinds behind every chair. I felt it. Power, untold power. The fear coming from the other chairs. The desire from those behind me, my familiars. My own unmistakable desire for everything, for conquest.

A woman at my opposing throne spoke up. If I had to describe her, she would be living golden sun. An urge to rip her head from her shoulders came with her words.

"Lamar. You had no right to take my lower god's world." Her face filled with a dignified displeasure, like from a scolding mother. "How would you feel if I stole one of your collection?"

Lamar responded with a snapping defensiveness.

"If you stole one of my treasures, I would return with a fury only conquest would know." A pride brimmed out of his very being. "I would kill your subordinates, conquer you worlds, and take every lover you have into my collection." A wicked grin, matches the women's deep scowl. "Then they would scream out my name in pleasure instead of yours."

There was a sad silence in the throne room. No one dared interfere. The golden goddess spoke up one last time.

"That is why you will not live to see another of my sun rises."

The room went deathly cold, and all but Lamar shivered away. His pride glaring down at the threat.

Hey wanted to let you guys know I’m writing another book along with this one.

My Little Fly

Check it out if you feel like it :)

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