
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs


POV: Vlad

I could feel my body shiver from the excitement. Unfortunate that I bound my bloodline, but it was tolerable. This mage had his uses.

"Brush your blood on the heart, and you'll have everything, little mage." It was difficult not to sound too excited.

Lily visibly hesitated, but searched for a sharp rock. I could taste the delicacy, I so missed. The mage's blood dripping off the rock's surface. I felt a twinge of regret, watching a pained expression on his face. How odd.

My dead heart almost pounded away for the first time in centuries. Lily brought his reddened hand to the heart. The first drops fell, and a smooth metal vibration sounded out as Lily's hand moved against it.

I felt it, a pull to the outer world. The gate cracked and exploded in a loud racket. Metal shards raining down around the back garden. I stood proud for the first time in too long. My eyes trailing over to my new pet. A lick of my lips, an impatient hunger.

Lily had fallen back on his butt. A shocked look plastered on him. I looked into the eyes of this mage.

I froze. Every neuron, nerve, and cell crazing inside with a instinctual need.

This little cutie was mine.


I gulped trying to settle my burning interior. The scent was overwhelming, a nearly fatal levels of dark sweetened chocolate, with a hidden irony tang. To make it far worse, Vlad was beautiful.

A thick top of short vibrant red hair. Bloody dark red eyes, with a cat's slitted pupils. A pair of painfully sharp canines. A pair of black steel, lizard shaped ear cuffs. An all too tight onyx leather outfit. Special diamond cuts in his clothing at strategic locations, his hips, chest, and lower back. No shoes, but instead a leather wrapping extended from his pants, covering around his feet, exposing his toes and heel. A longish black, painted nails on his fingers and toes.

I cover my mouth, overwhelmed. A surprised gaze crosses his eyes briefly, a new toothy grin exposed in front of me. He approaches, a careful and slow attempt. He gently kneels and crawls over to me, never taking his eyes off me.

"You'll catch flies like that, cutie." He hums at me.

I snap my mouth shut, and glare at him. This was a new low for his nicknames.

"What did you call me?!" I snap at him.

He grins, satisfied, eyeing me like a cat does a mouse. One fighting back, foolishly.

"Get used to it. You can pick your new name. Once your family is properly punished." He pauses in a short yet deep thought. "Nah, I'll still call you cutie." He grins.

He then sits down right in front of me, cross legged. His hands on his ankles, looking at me with an unknown, comforting gaze.

I cough, to regain some sanity. He was too cute like that. I shiver at such dangerous thoughts.

"What now? How will you punish my family?" I pause at his darkening expression. "I just want to leave, I don't want…" I can't finish my thought. A true saddened face, weakness, shown in front of Vlad.

I feel his hand on my head, petting it. He stands and removes it, before I can swat it away. The unfamiliarity of the gesture startling me.

"You just don't know what you want. You've been trained like a beaten dog by those bastards." He offers a hand to me. "Don't worry, I'll make sure they suffer properly." He then responded to my fearful expression, a gentle smile on his lips. "No one will hurt you again, you'll live the life you deserve, and I'll be here with you."

My eyes widen, heart pounding. I break open. Tears streaming down my face, for the first time in a while. He freezes, shook by this, visibly agitated, his offered hand clenching. He wraps his arms around me.

I'm assaulted by his scent. I struggle to break free of his grasp. He is far stronger than I, he only tightened his hug. I give up, surrendering to this unknown. I breathe out and in. Wrapping my own arms back at him. He flinched just as confused.

I'm exhausted, only god knows what time it is. Before I could register it, I pass out in Vlad's arms, my head nuzzled into his neck.


POV: Vlad

After being savaged by the electric pull of the mate bond. My newly acquired cutie passes out in my arms. I groan, tilting my head away from Lily's neck. This will be troublesome, but I have a manor to 'fix'.

I lift my little mage up with me. In a mere moment I follow his scent back to his room. Placing him gently into the bed. Taking advantage, I trace the side of his face, and place a kiss on his forehead.

I sigh. "So much to do."

A twisted grin overtakes me. I lick my lips, and lengthen my claws. I will have this place in order by the time my cutie wakes up.

I make the rounds to the servant grounds. Placing them under a trance. 'Obey'. Even in their sleep, the command will be absolute. I give further instructions, and make my way to Davidson, the head butler. I gather information on the surrounding area. Ensuring that none could interrupt the new house rules.

I reached the family rooms, opposite of my mage's room at the end of the hall. I consider tearing them apart right there, but patience is a virtue. It'll be so much more fun to have them play house. I left them as they were safe and sound. I would so enjoy them tomorrow.

I return to Lily's side, slipping in next to him. A sweet sigh escaping my lips. Thoughts of how to please my cutie, running through my mind.

"I should prepare a soul mirror." I whispered aloud.

Thinking how happy he would be with such a gift, Vlad cuddles into Lily's side for the night.


I feel warm. I snuggle into the warmth, it chuckles. Warmth chuckles? I snap my eyes open, bolting out of Vlad's embrace. Of course, it doesn't work. He drags me closer, taking a whiff of my neck. I shiver.

"Morning mage." He purrs at me. "Did you sleep well?"

I blush, thankfully he can't see it.

"Yes." I mumble out.

"Great." He pulls back to grin at me. "Do you want breakfast, or a bath first?" He smiles devilishly at the last part.

"Let me go." I bark at him, he releases his grip.

I rush over, off the bed, and glare at him. He grins like a mischievous cat, hand against his head. His curves emphasized by his position.

I blush again, he definitely sees it this time.

Grinning, he spoke out it that seductive voice again. "What's the rush? I won't bite without permission cutie." He continues without letting me retort. "The house is yours now. So, I'm serious, breakfast or a bath? The servants will listen to you."

I blink at that. What did he do in my sleep?

"Umm, a bath?" His eyes light up dangerously. "Get out!" I shout while rushing towards the bathroom, I could feel my flesh burning.

He laughs hard. His eyes then shift in a different lighter hue. A knock resonates from the bedroom door.

"Lady Lily? May I assist you with your bath?" An all too familiar maid calls out.

My eyes widen.