
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

New Order

I'm led into the bath. The water warm and rose scented. The normally cold staff, humming along while washing my long hair.

"You are acting strange today." I spit out.

"Apologies lady, if I offended you, I shall be punished at your discretion." I look back, she still had a smile, even her eyes had an unusual life to them.

"It's fine." I add dead curious. "What about Vlad? Aren't you curious?"

She giggles. "You indeed are bold, lady Lily. Sneaking such a fine gentleman in your room. Worry not I will not tell a soul." I stare at her. "Do you wish me to tell others?"

"No!" I snap. She giggles again.

I blush and submerge further into the bath. What kind of power does he have? It's as if another person had taken over this maid. Eyes widening, what about the other servants, my family?

I finish my bath and return to my room, Vlad is gone. Good, he has some sense. The maid summons two more, they bring a rack of clothing with them.

I stare wide eyed at the rack. It's full of suits and other men's clothing. I recognize them as my elder brother's old sets. I brush my fingers across them.

"What is this?" I whisper excitedly.

"I apologize this is all we could acquire on short notice. Later today, if you wish, we may purchase some clothes just for you."

"What is your name again?" I ask entranced by this new freedom.

"I am Lacy, my lady." She bows to me.

She had short brown curly hair with dark brown eyes.

"This will do for now. Set a later date for a shopping trip." I think for a moment, accessing Lacy. "I'll make you my personal attendant from now on. Now assist me with the best one among these."

Nodding, Lacy and the other maids set out a fine suit. I remember this one from my brother's debutante. A simple black suit with a swirled silver tie and matching gloves. It was loose on me but not too much. The maids started to adjust my hair, I stopped them.

"Just a ponytail for now. Could I schedule a haircut?" I implore excited.

"Of course my lady. There is nothing you can not do, as the head of the Anore family." Lacy smiles proud.

Im stunned. What did she just say?

"What about father?"

She tilts her head in confusion. "My lady, what about him? You are the head of the family."

A startled, maddening grin, and a laugh erupts from me. What price will be paid for this? Is the start of a dream, or a deceiving nightmare? I turn towards the maids, straightening my tie, preening like a peacock.

"I'm hungry. Summon 'my' family for breakfast." I pause. "Where's Vlad?"

"He's waiting for you in the dinning hall." One of the lower maids says. Her eyes clouded for a moment before she spoke.

"Let's go then." I grin.

Lacy opens the door to the hall for me. She walks ahead of me, the other maids flanking behind me.

The servants bow as I pass, smiles on their faces. How unnatural, I love it. A now euphoric grin on my face as a strut down the halls. Led to the all too familiar dinning room doors.

They open to my new domain.


POV: Alex

This morning was beyond wrong. I bathed and dressed while the maids ignored me. Yelling, and threatening, still they went about their business. My fury was beyond rampant.

I rushed over to dining room for the shock of my life. My father and mother were on their knees. A predatory figure siting before them at the head of table. He didn't bother looking up. A hideous, arrogant smile on his perfect face.

"Mother! Father! What is going on?!" I screamed.

They didn't dare look up, nor speak without permission. The man rolled his eyes, and stared into my soul. I couldn't move, I was petrified.

"So fucking noisy. You'll shake the house, brat." His smug grin directed at me.

I struggled, failed, and sweated in fear. I felt a tug at my soul, my legs gave in. I too kneeled before this monster.

His eyes glimmered over in a light shade. They came to life in a warm glow that spread to the rest of his face.

"Take a seat 'family' the head of the house is coming." I stare in disbelief. "Your free to speak, but no yelling. Keep in mind if you hurt my mage again, I'll punish you." A growl that dug at my heart came out of him.

Father and mother sat at the sides of the head of the table. I was dragged by my own body to the corner. This creature, stood behind the head chair, encircling it with his arms. He rubbed his fingers in a suggestive way into the fabric. I gulped. I was beyond confused.

He whispered delicately into the room. "He's here, your new master."

I didn't have time to question who this mage, our master was supposed to be. When an unrecognizable man entered the room. A few blinks and I spoke shaken.

"What on earth are you doing, Lily?!" My parents spoke in a similar fashion behind me.

A frown covered the illegitimate's face. Clearly deflating at our objection. Her hands beginning to twist at her sides. Clearly, not prepared for this.

A loud growl comes from the head of the table.

We shudder. Now unable to speak.

"I warned you, you clearly need to learn some manners." His voice went from brutal to delicate in a mere moment. "Lily, cutie." He pats the chair. "Take a seat, I'll deal with them."

The cross dresser, visibly relaxes, walks over more confident and lands gracefully in the head's chair.

The monster pats Lily's shoulder, then walks over behind father. I feel the lift of the spell, allowing me to speak, but not before father's own shoulders are dug into by claws. His screams reaching out into the dinning room.

I hitch a breathe, mother screams, tears reaching her cheeks.

"Please, don't hurt him!" She is ignored.

Blood trickles down his shoulders. The most terrifying sentence I've heard passed through the monster's lips.

"Oh, calm down. I'll punish you after your son." He sounds annoyed.

Fear grips me, I search for the words to save myself.