
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

My Name (Mature)

My blonde hair has deepened into a rich honey color. A face with handsome features. The biggest difference is of course my body. A male frame with recognizable muscles, and a faint indication of abs. My height had changed considerably, taller than Vlad by a couple inches. Looking down I could see a recognizable large bulge, threatening to rip through the remnants of my suit.

"Why are you so tall?" He grumbles, at some point he snuck in beside me.

I chuckle at that. I look over, somehow he got cuter, now that he's shorter than me. He plays with my hair in thought.

"Hmm, we can go shopping right away, and as for your hair.." he looks up at me waiting for my opinion.

"I want it short." I reply instantly.

He nods, his eyes lighting over for a moment. A knock is heard from the door.

"I can have the maid prepare a hair cut for you immediately my lady. If you prefer to wait, we can summon a proper hairdresser." Lacy speaks through the door.

"I'll have a haircut now." I'm understandably impatient for a complete change. I thought then occurs to me. "I need clothes to go shopping Vlad."

He looks over my current attire, slowly. I gulp. His assessment waking up something new with my body. He grins up at me, noticing before I do.

"Oh I'm being so patient cutie. Don't tempt me." I tilt my head confused at him. He looks down at a certain area. "I suppose I might have to teach you." He smiles devilishly.

I look down and discover his meaning. A vivid blush across my face. The maids arrive just in time for me to chase him off.

"Go prepare an escort and a suit for me to go shopping." I order, Vlad chuckles, but heeds my command.

He takes one long last look before walking backward out the door. I breathe out a sigh of relief.

The maids quickly cut my hair, sensing my urgency. I'm soon left to admire a haircut of a similar length as my cat. I rub my ears, reminded of his ear cuffs. Perhaps I could get something similar?

I blush at my thought. Thinking about Vlad causes another bout of stiffening. I'm not completely ignorant, I'm well aware how to deal with this. My face reddening further, I retreat to the bathroom, locking the door.

It's easy enough to pull down the remaining fabric of my pants. I let out a breathe and begin to stroke my dick. This new feeling is already overwhelming. The electric shocks sent throughout my body. I speed up, as the pressure builds, the pleasure intensifying.

My mind can't help but picture Vlad's tight ass in his clothes. His arrogant expressions with his tempting lips. As I'm about to explode, I can imagine the feeling of his skin against me. Him calling out for me. My name…

"Uhh…!" I cum, licking my lips. A new desire forming, a need to claim what is mine.

As i regain a regular heartbeat, my calm returns, followed by more embarrassed blushing. My mad thoughts pushed back by reason. I needed to clean myself up, and head downstairs.

I exited the bathroom after organizing myself. I found a large suit waiting for me. Realizing I wasn't alone while relieving myself, I hope to god no one heard me.

I end up ripping my current clothing as I tried to pull it off. Whoops. The new suit is grey in color with black tie, no gloves. It is awkwardly tight around my limbs and loose at my stomach. It must be my father's suit.

Despite being uncomfortable, I descend to the foyer. Vlad, along with my brother are waiting at the entrance. One look and my brother gapes at me.

"Sis.." Vlad hisses. "Brother. How do you feel?"

I blink away my sudden confusion, that is suddenly followed by happiness. An uncontrollable grin plasters my face.

"I feel great. Are you shopping with us Alex?" I stand over the two of them. Vlad frowns, clearly comparing the height difference again. I suppress a laugh.

"Yes, I asked Lord Vlad to come along." He pauses. "I wanted to get to know you, the real you." He blushes nervously.

My eyes widen in shock, I glance over at Vlad. Was this his doing, changing my brother? He ignores my curious gaze, and gives a change in topic.

"Have you chosen a name cutie?" He gives an oh too distracting smile my way.

I have actually, but I blush uncontrollably. I chose the name during my release earlier. The pair seem confused by my response.

"Blue." I give out a very nervous response. It was not a standard name, and I knew it. I had chosen it for its resemblance to the sky, the ocean. It was freedom. My freedom. I unconsciously smile sweetly, eyes full of emotion.

I was surprised by the reply. "It suits you." My brother is the one who spoke. Vlad and I both surprised, stareing at him.

"What? It's for your eyes right? No one else in the family has them." He stares back, confident in his answer.

I blinked again, it was true. Father had brown eyes, mother and brother had green. Alex inherited the signature blonde of the Anore family, same as father. While the viscountess had brown hair. I never noticed, I always avoided looking at myself when possible.

"Thank you Alex." I say promptly. Letting out a sigh, wriggling in my suit. "Let's get going, this suit is far too uncomfortable."

Vlad led the way, opening the carriage for me. Staring at me with an expectant gaze, wanting to be praised. I shake my head at him, and taking advantage of my new height, pat his head. His surprised face was worth it. I hopped in, brother right behind me. Vlad sat in front of us.

The coachman brought the horses to life, keeping it at a steady gate. I couldn't help but look out, giddy. My first trip, for me, with my family.

A sudden question popped up again. I didn't care at this point that we weren't alone. I faced Vlad.

"Did you do something to my brother?" Alex looked over stunned. "Also how did you change the servants?" The flood gates opened and I pressed to the next topic as well. "Since I'm a mage, how can I use magic?"

Vlad laughed at my multitude of questions. He gave a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.

"What do I get if I tell you Blue?"