
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs


POV: Vlad

It took a while to calm down, bad memories are a hard thing to push back down. I clean my bloodied hands in a nearby river. The smell from the dead, wafting over. I let my fury out on some humans.

Eager to move on, and claim some pity from my cutie, I run back to the manor. An unfamiliar scent, similar to the southern forests, someone not from here. I do recognize something, my eyes widen. A territorial roar erupts from me. A vampire, a fucking living vampire in my fucking home, near my fucking mate.

I don't give a shit about not being the last of my kind. This bastard entered my domain without permission. I ram my way through doors, shocked screams from the servants, fill my ears. I end up in a smaller room.

Blue is on the ground, visibly shaken. I let out a primal, furious scream. Claws out, skin turning scaled and black. I shove the interloper into the wall, it cracks underneath the pressure.

He looks behind me, ignoring me. I'm ready to shred this insolent fucker.


My heart feels like it's ripped in two. Quartz up against the wall, Vlad about to kill him. My instincts are fighting, confused, angry. Then Quartz gives me a look. I know what I have to do, the thought is painful, but I know Vlad wouldn't listen to my words right now.

I draw on my new desire to protect this knight. My power flowing, surging. In the next moment a beastly snarling hiss sounds out. Vlad curls up on the floor, in pain. I rush over to him, shaking, afraid.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry…" I repeat it over and over again, I pulled him in my arms.

Visible fear, past trauma fills his eyes. Quartz makes his way over to the couch, taking a seat. He watches closely, seemingly unaffected.

"What the fuck?!" Vlad finally speaks up. His hands clutching me closer. He moves himself between Quartz and I, a protective wall.

"I…" I can't put this into words. My emotions, a wreckage. I could feel it though, a confusing mix of two existences. Myself and past self.

"Blue is the reincarnation of my master." He states flatly.

Vlad puffs up, growling at him. I need further explanation. Again he responds to my thoughts.

"A knight can pledge his loyalty to an individual they respect. It allows us to protect them. To know their location at all times. Sometimes, even getting glimpses of them. Of course, we are also able to hear the thoughts of our masters." He then adds, for once with emotion. "In rare cases, where a master is reborn, we can serve them as well."

I can feel Vlad readying to pounce. His rage fluctuating through his skin. I tighten my grip, petting his arm. My attempt to appease him works slightly. He responds by pressing closer to me.

I feel a sudden deathly stare in my direction. Quarts looks down at us, his eyes narrowing. I shudder, that is a look I know well. Jealousy. I blinked, another fleeting memory from my last life.

Vlad picks it up too. He snaps up at Quartz, ready to put him in his place. Only this time, Quartz responds.

He takes one look at my cat, smirks, and flattens him on the tea table. It cracks and bends into the ground. Vlad snarls in defiance. Reaching out a claw at the knight. Quartz pulls his sheathed sword off his belt. Thwack! Again and again he smacks Vlad's clawed hands.

I don't intervene this time. I don't sense killing intent this time. It's more like a parent disciplining a disobedient child. I still don't like it. I don't dare try my blood magic again, I refuse to hurt Vlad again, or Quartz for that matter.

Quartz stops only to point something out to Vlad.

"There's no point physically fighting. I won't harm you because it'll upset my master. If you cause me harm it'll also upset him." His calm analysis, stops Vlad in his tracks, but he's still angry.

"There's a simple solution, quire boy. Fuck off. Blue is my mate, no way in hell, I'll accept you near him." He hissed through he's sentences. A forked tongue flicking out along with it.

Quartz getting increasingly expressive. Smugly smiles down at my cat.

"Blue, I'm leaving, you'll never see me again."

I rush over to him, hand grasping his wrist. My heart thundering away, fear controlling my actions.

"No, don't go!" Vlad flinches. Quartz regains a neutral expression.

"There you have it. My master is here, and so shall I stay here." He moves away towards the broken door, walking over the pieces.

"I'll pick a room near yours." He glances down. "I'll pay for the broken doors and such. It was partially my fault after all." He smiles at us. "I look forward to working with you." He walks out.

My jaw drops at his confident behavior. Well it's not like I could turn him down, but still wow. I let out a breathe I've been holding, my shoulders deflate. I look over at my mate. His face says everything. He's pissed.

"Vlad, nothing will change. You are my mate. He's just…" I didn't know what our relationship was in my past life. I did know I would never be apart from him again. I twisted my fingers together, even cracking my knuckles. My brain was a mess, my house was a mess. I may be in love with a guy I've never met.

Vlad pulls my hands apart, holding them dearly, rubbing them with his thumbs. I breathe, and relax, burying my face into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

He pets my head. Staying silent for a while. He pulls my head back. Giving me a series of kisses all over my face. He grips my head between his palms.

"Don't apologize for something you can't control." He gives me one last kiss on the forehead.

I can't help but smile. My cat, my true comfort, just like the gate he came from. That smile vanishes a mere second later at his words.

"Just promise me, you won't let him touch you."

I flinch. An indescribable sense of loss hits me. I hide that thought away, afraid of what it means.

I pull Vlad into a bone crushing hug.

"I promise."