
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

Dominance (Mature)

Vlad taking advantage, pushes me back to the wall. Grinning, like an accomplished cat, he loops his arms around my neck. A primal hissing purr, right in my ear.

He licks at my neck. "This won't hurt a bit cutie."

I shudder. I feel his breathe on my skin. He digs his fangs in flesh. The world is electrified. I gasp, digging my nails into his shoulders.

My body is on fire, a pleasure I've never tasted. I lose control, attempting to buck my hips. I could feel a chuckle on my neck, a brief escape from the sweetness. Vlad uses a hand to hold me firmly against the wall. Damn his strength.

Satisfied, giving out a contented sigh, Vlad pulls back from my neck. He licks his lips in a very slow, teasing manner. I give an impatient look toward him.

"Vlad…" he doesn't let me finish.

Hushing me with a finger to my lips.

"I'll take care of everything, my little Blue." An all too cheeky, toothy grin, with shining eyes, on his cute face.

I hesitate, but nod enthusiastically. I need to have him. He pulls my head forward, starting out with a gentle kiss. It very quickly intensifies with a desperate hunger. He buries his tongue into me. Another wave of heat and electricity, shakes me to the core. His strong hand still not letting my hips move.

I bite down, giving a whimpering groan. He hisses, pulling back only slightly. I run my hands over his sides, fingers probing under the hip openings on his clothing. He doesn't give any indication he notices it.

I lurch back into the wall. A startled gasp forced out. His fingers slowly trailing my stomach, his tongue licking at a nipple. His other hand rubbing my now fully erect cock. Not directly touching, but frustratingly teasing through my underwear.

I try to move my hand to relieve the pressure. Vlad takes offense to that, punishing me by holding my hands to my sides. Then, rocks his hips right into mine. I'm being driven insane.

"Vlad please. Let me move!" I beg, voice rising towards the end."

He stops pressing into me, a knowing smirk right in front of me. An evil look to ruin my hope.

"No." He whispers in my ear, licking my earlobe.

He uses one hand to hold my hands, the other begins rubbing one nipple while he bites the other. He is taking way too much time teasing me.

My desire to pin him beneath me, to submit him, rising to frustrating levels. He continues, surely amused by my groaning. I breathe in and out, and again.

A sudden wave of something, a flow? A surge of power envelopes me. Vlad suddenly flinches, an audible panicked gasp escapes him. He releases me, curling up on the floor. Not hurt, but baring a tightening crotch area, indicating something tastier. It's my turn to lick my lips.

Crouching down, I force Vlad to look at me. He's finally honest, a glazed over, lustful look dominates him. He's breathing hard, trembling.

"Blue..? What did you do?" He then uncharacteristically blushes, so cute. He wriggles his bum. "It feels awesome."

"I don't know, but I think I used magic." Smirking, biting my lip, I add. "Don't worry I'll take care of everything kitten." Paying him back for his earlier dominance.

His face suddenly contorts in a resilient fury.

"Who the fuck is a kitten?!" He starts growling at me. "I'm a king not a fucking kitten!"

I shut him up, a thunk sounds out. He's flat on his back, about to use his strength. My power flows through again. He arches his back , a purr escapes him. He blushes dissatisfied, looking away from me.

One last smirk, and I get down to the fun. My hands go for the main course. I'm too impatient for any more foreplay. I pull out his cock, it's big, but still smaller than mine. I give a quick squeeze. Vlad glares at me, hissing, but he can't hide that heated gaze.

I take out my own erection. Vlad gasps, looking quite hungry at it. I shiver. A thought I'll keep to myself for next time. I press our dicks together and begin pumping. Our moans fill the room. A growing sickeningly sweet scent making me lose what gained control I had.

Vlad takes advantage of my distracted state. Pulling himself up to me, his hands around our need along side mine. The pleasure builds, we gasp for air, thrusting into each other. Right on the verge, My cat and I share one last deep, tongue filled kiss.

We explode. Cum reaching out intertwined faces. It dripped down our bodies. Enjoying this moment, I pull Vlad in closer. I bury my face in his neck, taking in that sweet aroma. He shivers.


POV: Alex

A yawn escapes me. I blink, while looking around. I feel asleep on the couch. How did that happen? The curtains move, Vlad and Blue walk out together. I crinkle my nose.

A strong chocolaty smell comes from their direction. They surely didn't, right?

"Why were you with Blue?" I narrow my eyes, judging.

My brother blushes deeply, looking away ashamed. I expected Vlad to brag, preen even at this supposed victory. He did not.

"Why were you sleeping during the middle of the day brat?" He spat at me, frustrated about something, annoyed even, though not at me.

"Uhh whatever. I don't what to know, I really don't." I grumble.

I heard a rumbling growl. My brother's blush deepens, surprisingly possible. Vlad still silent, definitely pouting about something.

"We should grab some dinner."

Brother's eyes widened.

"Don't you mean lunch?" He questioned.

I raise a brow at him, recalling a conversation with Vlad earlier.

"You were asleep for hours brother. So I'm guessing you missed lunch." I looked at Vlad hoping for a comment here. Nothing. He was 'busy' staring at the wall.

"Oh." Is all Blue can muster. He fidgets, looking nervous at Vlad from time to time. Regretful?

"Did you pick out your suits?" I receive a jump from brother. I sigh.

"They are in my size. I'm taking all of them." He adds to my widened stare. "Money isn't an issue for us."

The clerk arrives on time, rubbing his head, looking tired. Brother gives out instructions. I practically run out of there, and leap into the carriage.

They did it. In public. While Vlad used magic to keep us occupied. That monster is dangerous. I remind myself to never piss him off. I just hope he doesn't hurt my brother.

I smile. I never thought I'd see Lily, no Blue that way. I guess I do have something to thank that beast for after all.