
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

Comfort (Mature)

I desperately needed some comfort, reassurance. Tomorrow would be my reckoning. Vlad guides me up, embracing me. I can smell the sweetness. In and out and again. I feel a gaze.

Quartz is standing by the door. His eyes piercing into us, not cold as expected, but longing. He does not approach, nor speaks. Perhaps waiting to be kicked out. I let out a sigh.

He did what he thought was best to protect me. I needed to confirm if he would act out again without consulting me, but I would not push him away. My instincts still clung to him, afraid to lose him.

"I will not kill without your permission master. I swear on my knighthood." He words out with slow finesse.

I relax further, my mind becoming a puddle. Letting go of the day's worries. Quartz takes that as a cue, slowly making his way to the bed. Vlad notices.

A loud growl is given out as a warning. His body tenses, hostile. I can feel my hope at getting closer to both of them, fading. I can't be greedy. Quartz remaining by my side is enough. Vlad is my mate, he is my priority.

Quartz stops in his tracks. Takes off his unsheathed sword and tosses it to the wall. He lowers his shoulders, his posture shrinking his presence. Surely Vlad wouldn't be so appealable.

"Don't even think about it knight." Vlad growls a last warning, more primal this time.

"Need I remind you about our earlier conversation?" Quartz whispers out with a teasing tone.

I tilt my head, looking back at Vlad.

"What conversation?"

Vlad's eyebrow twitches. His body relaxes, albeit forcibly. He nods his head at Quartz. Although, most assuredly not happy about it.

"Hold up. You don't need to do this. You are my mate Vlad. I won't force this on you." He interrupts me with a fierce kiss, biting my lip.

"I know." He hisses in Quartz's direction. Well aware of his proximity. "I know he's important to you." He adds finally with a smirk, still looking at my knight. "I also know that I'm more powerful, more badass, and love you so much more my little cutie! I'll prove it when I fuck your hole till you can't fucking move anymore!"

My face turns a shade of red. I hear a chuckle from Quartz.

"More powerful? I clearly remember handling you just fine earlier."

Vlad puffs up, ready to pounce. I pull him to me, his back to me.

"I was locked up for centuries! I'm no where near top form asshole!" He snaps.

Quartz shrugs his shoulders, clearly not impressed. He throws his long coat to join his sword. He then proceeds to take advantage of our positioning. Prowling onto the bed to crawl himself over to me. He grins, expectant.

I get a feeling, he's planning something. Tensing up with Vlad. I focus my attention on my cat, possessive almost, breathing in his scent. Quartz starts to rub my back in a soothing gesture. It's still unexpected so I flinch, but then get soothed back into my puddle state.

Vlad uses his strength to push me off him for a moment. Rearranging us so he is in my lap, sideways. He stares Quartz dead in the eye, wary. My now frisky kitten, tries to establish dominance by running a hand under my shirt.

"Vlad." I warn, not in the mood for that kind of 'comfort'. He looks offended, playing innocent.

He gently rubs my stomach, tracing around my bellybutton. Nestling his head against me. Wiggling in my lap, I can feel my dick waking up from it.

"Vlad." I repeat, more agitated this time.

"I'm just getting comfortable babe, I swear." He bats his eyelashes at me. What bullshit.

Now Quartz moves closer, right behind me. Both hands going up and down my back. A hand moves dangerously close to my butt.

This act of teasing continues, till Vlad makes a crude comment.

"Ahh!" He fakes a shocked gasp. "Blue! I've been nothing but cuddly, and your cock is as hard as a rock!" He adds a convincing disappointed face, as he turns to ride me. "I'll have to help you out now. We could have had a nice, quiet night. For shame cutie, for shame."

That's saying a lot you little shit. Your hard too. I feel a pressure against my back. Quartz is hard too. He is on his knees, his arms extended to hold my wrists.

"Master. Let me help too." His breathe is right in my ear, a pleasant tremor goes down my spine. I gulp, not entirely sure how we got to this situation. A big part of me doesn't care at all. Another part guilty as hell.

"Fuck it." My curse causing Vlad's eyes to widen, the first time I ever said this.

I rip out of Quartz's meager grasp. Pulling Vlad's head back by the hair. Thrusting my tongue in and out of his warm, wet mouth. I feel one of his fangs cut my tongue. I moan from the immediate pleasure, as he begins sucking out the blood.

Quartz manages to feel his way underneath my shirt, teasing my nipples. His tongue licking away at my earlobe. As soon as Vlad releases my tongue, Quartz bites down on my neck.

I'm stunned, feeling intense pleasure, overwhelmed by the double whammy.

"You're a vampire?!" I manage to croak out.

Vlad, while I'm distracted, pulls back. He unzips my pants. I'm about to react when Quartz's fangs dig deeper, pulling me closer against him. My head rolls back from it.

"Uhh..!" I moan again.

I soon feel a wet sensation on my tip. Vlad licking, playing with my erect dick. Thanks to being fed on by both of them, I'm already at the edge. I can't come yet, I haven't tasted them yet.

I use my blood magic to have them succumb to pleasure. Gasping for air, they release me, crumbling into the sheets.

"I hope you remember your promise little kitten." I place myself on top of Vlad, rubbing my cock against him. "I don't plan on going easy tonight." I quick look over to my white knight. "Quartz you're next, so make sure to be ready for me."

I begin to forcibly peel away at Vlad's clothing. His overwhelmed, blushing face, turning me on. I whisper in his ear.

"I can't wait to make you mine." He shudders beneath me. He rubs himself against me in retaliation.

"Babe. Stop talking, the sooner you fuck me, the sooner I can fill you up." His confident, beastly grin is the last straw.

He is now bare beneath me, I lick my lips at the feast ahead.