
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

Bubbles (Mature)

I slept peacefully. Expecting my kitten, I tighten my grip. I feel nothing. My eyes snap wake. An unfamiliar wall in from of me. I sit up, my bed a grayish silver color, soft. The room is mainly grays, pops of blues and silvers in the decor.

I can hear a sound of splashing water from the bathroom. I get up, off to investigate I knock, unlike a certain someone.

"Come on in." A fantastic purr rolls out to me.

I shiver in expectation. The door opens slowly, a fine mist flowing out. The air thick with humidity. I'm stunned. A large white marble bath, big enough for several people, covers the same space as my old bathroom.

My eyes don't register the rest of the room yet. I gulp down all the way to my excited dick. Vlad is butt naked, sitting on the edge of the tub. His mischievous toothy grin, eyes trailing down my body. His spreads his legs out, exposing his hard member.

"Good morning." He breathes out in invitation.

I get the hint. Stripping my clothes onto the floor, speed walking to reach my cat. I latch on, our cocks touching. A desperate kiss shared with my partner. He responds fervently, wrapping his arms and legs around me. I lift him up, guiding him into the bath.

We sit on one of its inner ledges. Our kiss only ending, so I can breathe. While I catch my breathe, Vlad caresses my stomach, bumping into my dick once in a while, teasing me. Before I can respond he has his breakfast. Fangs piercing at my neck. I gasp. A fire spreading to ever inch of me. I let him take what he needs. I grasp his firm butt in my hands, squeezing. He releases me, licking my bite clean. I start kneading his buns. I can't wait to fill it up.

Vlad as if sensing my thoughts, or feeling one of my fingers touch his asshole, hisses at me.

"None of that Blue, if anyone's taking it it's you." His statement is not helped by his sudden moan.

While he spoke I started stroking us, distracting him. My other hand still on his butt. I lick his jaw and bite down on it. He shivers. I tilt him back. Licking and biting my way down his front. His gasps, and shudders turning me on beyond reason. I flip us around. Placing Vlad facing out the tub. My dick near his ass.

"Blue!" He panics, ready to break the tub to escape.

"Shh… I won't go in. I'm just controlling myself kitten." I can feel his agitation from his nickname. "I'll just rub it like this, I promise."

I move my dick between his legs, touching his own. I place my hands over his, giving a quick sniff on his back. My favorite chocolate smell. I begin to thrust.

Taken by surprise, Vlad nearly toppled downward. I hold him tight, using a bit of blood magic to hold him still. As my thrusts intensify, I begin stroking us at the same time. Vlad can't play it cool anymore.

"Fuck!" He screams. Moving his hips in response, increasing the building pressure. "Ahh… Blue!" He moans as I bite down into the back of his neck.

I give one final thrust. We release, staining the marbled stone beneath us. I turn Vlad around to give him a gentle kiss

"Did you like it cat?" I smile at him.

He glares at me, he can't hide his blush though. He pulls me over back into the tub. We sit close to earth other, shoulders touching. I attempt to pull Vlad into my arms. He refuses, continuing to glare at me, pondering.

"I'm a king." He states matter of factly.

I tilt my head, confused by the direction of this conversation.

"I know, a vampire king."

"I'm not a bottom Blue. I've never bottomed. I don't intend to start." He puffs up at me, noticing our height difference again. A light, annoyed growl escapes him.

I stare at him, recalling his very cute behavior up till now. His slender figure, soft skin. I wanted nothing more than to carve into him.

I sigh. I loved him, his temper included. If he wanted to take charge, then I would let him, but there would be a condition.

"Vlad, I'll let you do whatever you want to me, but you have to promise me something." He eyes lit up curious. "Let me top you just once first."

I wanted him to at least give it a shot. Maybe he'd change his mind, or we could switch. As long as he's content, but I need to satisfy my end as well.

He thought in silence for a while, playing with the bubbles in the bath. I started getting out, drying myself. He finally spoke as I was about to leave the bathroom.

"Fine. Just remember you'll regret it when I plow your ass so far and hard, you can't move for days little mage." He lets out an arrogant hiss at me.

His predatory eyes made me tremble a bit. I still smile, then let myself out to change.

The maids left out one of the many suits we bought yesterday. It's a dark grey suit with a steele silver tie. It comes with a leather pair of black gloves. On the bottom trim of the gloves, my name is sown in. I can't help but smirk.

My own clothes, my own lover, my own manor. In just a day my world was completely new, perfect. I froze, not entirely perfect, but darn well close.

I hear the bathroom door close behind me. Vlad walks over, an arrogant look like always. "So what shall we do today cutie?"

I'm starting to share a smug look myself. Looking down at my cute kitty.

"I'm not sure. Let's go speak with the family at breakfast. I'm sure I'll have work to do as the head of the household." Vlad shrugs, lacking interest in the idea.

A nasty smile smile spreads over his face.

"We could conquer the surrounding territories."

I groan at him. I could tell he was only have joking.

"Vlad you said you would spend a war free life with me." I point out.

He tsks at me. "Your no fun Blue." Still, he holds an amused expression.

I ask curious. "Did you get imprisoned because of that? Your desire for war?"

He flinched at that. Immediately changing the topic, while dragging me out the door.

"Let's go eat babe."

I'm disappointed, but I noticed the new nickname, I like it.