
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

Bed Time

POV: Vlad

I had the servants clean up the pig's mess. Feeling civil again, I hummed my way out of the basement. Noticing the dark outside, crystal clear through a window. I rushed my step, I had been far too long from my cutie.

I enter the bedroom, the room still was old, musty, and in much a need of a burning down. I would have to move Blue to a better, more worthy room. Adding that to my to do list, I seek out my little mage. Only for a pillow to whack my face.

"Vlad! This isn't your room, knock!" He snaps at me.

He was in the middle of changing into his nightwear. A matching dark blue set, only he hadn't put on his top yet. His newly acquired muscle, competing with the fresh blush, for my attention.

"It's not anyone's room at this point." A cheeky grin on my face. "No mate of the vampire king is staying in a shit hole like this." I wander over, taking a deep sniff of a honeyed scent.

"It's my room, don't bad mouth it." He glared at me. Thinks for only a moment before agreeing with me. What a shocker. "I have been in here for a long time. I'll ask the servants to prepare a new room for me tomorrow."

A smug look, and a glow of my eyes later. there's no need for that. The room would be ready by morning.

"I'll have a room made for you too." Blue looks far too satisfied. I'm not happy.

"I don't need nor want one." I protest, placing my hands on a very firm chest. My charm being worked on an oblivious mage.

Blue is weak to me. He plays with his fingers at his sides, unsure how to respond to that. After a minute of precious patience from me, he gives in.

"Alright." He says in a quiet hush.

I grin away. Lovingly ruffing up his hair. He groans at me, shifting away. Fixing his hair in a huff.

I run over, leaping into bed. A puff of old dust scatters into the air. I hear a sneeze. Whoops. I roll to my side, sexiest pose I can muster. Wriggling my eyebrows, and giving my best come hither look. Patting the bed in front of me.

"Little Blue. Time for bed." I give my biggest, most devilish grin his way. He gulps, clearly trying to remain calm. His heartbeat giving him away.

"Yes. I need to sleep. It's been a long day." He says, narrowing his eyes.

I roll mine at that. I wiggle more to the side of the bed, letting him slither into the bed. Not giving him time to adjust, I snuggle in, attempting to drag him to my chest.

I'm reminded of a seriously annoying fact. He's tall, he's thickening like a well trained soldier. I can't wrap my arms completely around him like before his change. I feel around trying to negotiate my claim on him. Unaware what it's doing to my 'big' little cutie.


I realize for too late, what my kitten rubbing me all over is doing to me. I feel a heating sensation down below. A blush spreading on my cheeks. I start to have an inkling, when Vlad makes a comment.

"Why the fuck are you so big." He complains.

Why whole face heats up, misunderstanding his words.

"I didn't mean to!" I screech at him.

He looks up at me, confused.

"Of course not. You can't control a soul mirror." He pauses only to realize what I really meant. He attempts to look down, a naughty smile forming on his plump lips.

I yank him forward, crushing him against me. I make sure to pull my pelvis away from the embrace. He fits into my arms like a puzzle piece. One I finally found to put myself together, whole.

He laughs at my shy behavior. In an attempt to 'help me', he moves his hand lower. I quick pull his hands to mine. Taking deep calming breathes. I quickly distract my daring kitty.

"I figured out how to use my magic." I say a little breathless. I keep talking to keep myself busy. "It's blood magic. I don't know how I know, but when I used it on purpose, it just came to me."

Vlad doesn't look surprised. He uses his strength to yank out of my grip. Wrapping his arms around my neck. A proud grin sprouting on his face.

"Mages have ancestral knowledge. It won't tell you much, but when you really need it, it'll share a little."

A yawn escapes me. I curl Vlad up closer to me. Memorizing the feeling of his soft skin, his sweet scent. I bury my head in his neck. Ready to slip into a deep sleep. I'm out like a light.


POV: Vlad

My cutie passes out. Really?! I was making moves, and he passes out on me. I finally had a taste of him. I wanted to have another tonight. I sigh. I forget sometimes, humans need sleep. Frustrated. I think about doing something to pass the night away. A hunt, or a little more fun with Blue's parents. Maybe both. I groan.

I take a long look at this mate of mine. Questions, making we worry. At this point it was clear my darling cutie was a reincarnation. A soul mirror only works to such an extent on such individuals. Any other person would've just changed hair, or eye color, maybe clean themselves of scars.

A possessive worry overtook me. People only reincarnate for a few reasons. My mate may just want revenge, or to accomplish some goal. More concerning, my may be looking for a lover from his last life.

I shake my head. It's a stupid concern. There's no way someone would be alive after that long. Only vampires don't age. There was no chance my Blue's past love would be around.

Still, I can't shake the bad feeling overtaking me. I scrunch in as close as possible. Taking in deep breathes of my mate's scent.


POV: ???

I don't sleep, I have no need of it. Beneficial to a trip like this one. I have packed the essentials, spare uniforms, a sword sharpening stone, and vials of blood.

I didn't bother with a map. My calling was my guide. Drawing me in like a moth to a flame. My dead heart could have beaten violently in my chest. The thought of finding my master after all these centuries.

I hop onto to my steed. A black horse with a nasty temper, Jasper. He gives a light kick, and snorts at me. One hand patting his neck, and a few compliments and he calms down.

We head off into the night, ready to reclaim what's mine.