
The Second Reason

"Should we tell the others now?" Noir asked after some time.

Solis clung to Noir instead of giving him a reply.

Noir chuckled and patted the older man's hair affectionately. "Well, I don't know about you, but I really want others to know that you and I are officially married now," Noir murmured. "I want to stand on top of the tallest building in Green City and shout that the brilliant Boss Solis is now taken, officially, and no one should cast their greedy eyes on my Solis any more!" he declared.

Solis laughed and pulled Noir into a kiss. "You are just too adorable, my little darling husband," he said. "I won't be able to bear to let go of you for a single second when you are like this."

Noir tapped Solis's nose with a long finger. "But we should tell our family, at least, shouldn't we?" he asked. "They will be happy to share our happiness, won't they?"