

When the others returned, they found Solis and Noir completely absorbed in the fifth episode of the first anime series that Noir had chosen. Much to everyone's astonishment, Solis was actually more focussed on the anime than Noir!

Noir noticed when the others came in and put a finger to his lips to let them know not to make too much noise. Then he turned his attention back to Solis, who was watching the anime (this was the episode which had the main couple's shenanigans at the amusement park) so intently that he didn't even notice that the four weapon spirits and the three demi gods had actually come back!

Not wanting to disturb the young couple, Anthem, Melody, Aria, Jovis, Requiem, Teacher Artemis and Tygr quietly backed out of the living room and went off to their own rooms instead. They had gone to Nerium's restaurant (the one which CEO Alex had taken Solis and Noir to some time ago) and they had tried out all the dishes that had been highly recommended by Noir.