
Taken / Chapter 15

Everyone was hitting everyone....no wait....Wait no everyone was hitting Case.

He blocked most of the punches, easily hitting back.

Wow this was not childs play. Those hits looked like they'd really hurt. Tom was laughing in a sick way, like he knew they had already won.

"Go Case!" I cheered him on, still held by Tom, I saw him flash a quick smile. He then turned and punched one of them so hard, the guys nose looked like it had broken.

The boy stumbled away, collapsing on the ground by Jacob, who hadn't yet stood.

Tom had stopped laughing. He was getting nervous...I could tell. I saw a glint of metal and suddenly it was around my wrist. looking at the handcuff, a frown covered my face. My eyes traveled to Tom,

He smirked as he chained the other cuff to a handicap sign, then ran off to help his friend.

I pulled on the chains as hard as possible, I stopped when I realized all I was doing was bruising my wrist.

What was going to happen if Case lost? Surely he couldn't fight off all of those guys...

Two still up and fighting, plus two more who could stand at any time. He was just one person.

Horrible scenarios popped into my mind, would they hurt me? Is that what they'd do to get back at Case? What would they make him do to get me back? Or would he not even have that option? Would I just be killed no matter what...?

All at once the seriousness of this hit me. I could die. Not just that, what about Case? What about...what about Harley? I couldn't die in the middle of a fight. It would tear my poor brother apart.

And even though Case won't admit it, I think it would hurt him too. I think it would hurt him badly. My breathing quickened at the realization of all I could lose.

And it wouldn't just be death. What had Case said? Torture? That didn't sound fun.

It would be long, and it would be painful. It would all be to make Case angry. Or sad. Or...or broken.

I looked back up at the fight.

Case looked like he had been born into this, he dodged almost all the hits,

Tom went to punch him, but he ducked quickly, sweeping his feet out from under him, Tom fell to the ground, as he stumbled to get up, the other guy drew a gun. He pointed it at Case with new confidence,

"Not another move Woods.." he said.

"Why didn't you take that out sooner? You just wasted all of our time." Case said, sounding casually annoyed.

"You better-" it happened so fast I almost didn't see, Case hit the guys hand, grabbing the gun that was now loose in his grip.

I flinched as a gunshot sounded and looked at Case, terrified he'd been shot.

But it seemed to go past Cases head as the two fought over the gun.

"Stand down now and I won't kill you." Case mumbled a he fought with the guy.

The guy seemed to consider, then he stopped. He moved away.

Case smirked. "Right. Now leave before I change my mind." He held the gun in front of him.

Tom stumbled to his feet, pulling Jacob away.

"Stop...give me the keys.." Case told Tom, Tom obeyed quickly, tossing him the keys.

He caught them and motioned for them to leave.

The other guy grabbed the last member of the party and dragged him away.

I was watching in shock. Did that really just happen? I mean did that really just happen?

"Are you ok?" Case asked me, as he unchained my wrist,

"I'm fine." I assured him, standing and rubbing my wrist a bit.

Case walked me over to the passenger seat, opening the door.

I was still trying to decide if that really just happened.

"Earth to Princess. Get in the car." Case said, sounding on edge.

I got in quickly, buckling my seatbelt.

Case got in the drivers seat and sped off.

"Did he hurt you? Did he say anything?" Case asked me,

"Who? Tom? No he didn't hurt me. He basically just threatened me." I explained. Why was I so calm? Maybe I was in shock...

"I'm sorry.." Case mumbled,

"Sorry? Why? You kicked their asses." I said, looking at him.

"Yeah..but like I also got you into this mess.." He countered, sounding ashamed.

"I actually am the one who walked into the ally." I said in a matter-of-fact way,

"Ok fine, so we're both at fault but still. It was close.."

"It really wasn't Case. Where did you learn to fight like that?" I asked sounding almost excited.

He smiled a little at my enthusiasm

"A lot of practice Love. Maybe I'll teach you some."

I grinned like an excited child. "Yeah. Yeah you should." I smiled.

Case smiled over at me, his eyes bright.

I realized he was filled with relief. He was too relived to be angry, or upset over all this.

"Eyes on the road Love." I smirked, using his nickname against him.

Case laughed, "Wow real original." He said,

"Well what should I call you?" I challenged

"Uhhh Case?" He asked

"Goldie Locks." I said, looking at his beautiful, sorry autocorrect, nice hair.

"Call me that and I'll call you Elsa." He threatened,

I smirked, "that's not so bad..." my fingers twirled my stark white hair,

He laughed "it's pretty bad."

"Yeah your right, " I laughed a little, "I guess we can stick to Case....for now."

"Thank you." Case smiled,

"Are we going home? " I asked

"Yeah. I think it's safest." He confirmed,

I nodded, looking out the window. We had beat it. All those horrible things I had been fearing weren't going to happen. We were in the clear. For now, I guess.

Maybe they would give up...

"Case?" I asked,

"Yes Princess?" His eyed traveled to me.

"How much longer until the give up?"

He seemed to think, probably wondering weather to protect my innocence, or to just rip off the bandaid.

"A while....Princess..." He admitted.

I pouted, leaning my head against the glass.

He sighed, seemingly feeling bad for me. "Sorry..." He mumbled

"It's fine. Turn Case." I said

"What?" He looked confused

"Turn Case! Turn left!" I shouted, as we passed it.

"Oh.." he frowned

I couldn't help but laugh, "wow."

He was actually blushing as he looped around and took the turn this time. He drove into the parking lot of the apartment building.

"Harley's home.." I said, a little nervous as I saw his car.

"I'm still going to walk you up." Case informed,

I nodded, having really, no objections. For safety reasons of course.

Getting out, I walked up the stairs, Case beside me. Our elevator was broken, due for repair in a month. That reset every month according to Harley.

"What's this?" Case frowned, taking my arm gently and looking at the bruise Harley had accidentally caused.

I pushed him away, "nothing. Harley just-"

"Your brother did this?" He asked, anger in his voice threatened to surface.

I shook my head quickly, "No, no it was an accident. Harley didn't mean to...he was just angry and grabbed my arm and..." I trailed off. Case looked mad. I realized we were at the door.

I went to open it,

"No. Let me." Case said, taking my wrist and pulling it away.

I blinked and nodded.

Case opened the door and looked around. He walked in,

"Case, Harley is-" I wanted to tell him

Harley's was home, and would see him, but he silenced me with a wave of his hand.

Case looked around. "Oh shit.." he mumbled,

"What? Case what's wrong?" I asked, that familiar feeling of fear rising in my chest.

Case looked around, as if trying to decide something. "Catch." He tossed me a gun that had been hidden in the inside pocket of his jacket.

I wasn't ready for that. But I caught it, "what do I do with this!?" I asked, panicking.

"Point and pull the trigger." He said calmly,

I didn't understand what was wrong, things seemed normal....

But I also thought things were normal in the movie theater parking lot. And, well they obviously weren't.

I held the gun the way I remember James Bond holding it in that one movie.

"Ok...what's wrong?" I asked,

Case was still, looking at something behind the couch. He motioned me over.

I walked over to him, practically shaking.

Oh no.

"Harley...?" I said quietly,

He was laying there, his eyes shut, blood falling from open cuts on his face. He had bruises over his jawline, and a trickle of blood from his mouth. his fists were scraped, he had fought back.

"He's fine Princess, don't...don't worry.." he said. He was looking around. "I think we're closed it.." he mumbled

"What do you mean?" I looked up at him, my lip quivering.

Case ran a hand through his hair. "Were screwed Princess.."

As if on cue, people flooded in out of no where. From the hallway outside our door, from Harley's room, my room, the bathroom.

Case looked like he was trying to think of plan. And failing.

"I'm sorry Princess I didn't...I-I.."  he trailed off.

We were completely surrounded, guns pointed at us from every side.

Case took the gun from me and pointed at the guys, moving it around them.

The only thing we got from this was dark laughter.

A million thoughts raced through my head, I looked up at Case, he was very obviously panicking under that calm expression.

Two guys walked forward, Case turned the gun to them, but what could he do? The second he pulled that trigger, the other guys would shoot us and we would both be dead.

They grabbed my arm and pulled me away from him, pinning my arms to my sides and pressing a gun against my head.

"Drop the gun Woods..." Hissed the guy holding me.

Case set the gun on the ground carefully and lifted his hands level with his head.

I was trembling, it had all happened so fast.

The cold barrel of the gun pushed into my hair inflicted a fear that I didn't even think was possible...

Dammit Case, please have a plan....


Hey! I've been planning this for so long you don't know how great it feels to finally write it! Next chapter will be out by next Wednesday or sooner! Thank you guys so much for reading! Comment and vote, tell your friends! 😘😘