
The Gamer Was Given Prep Time

Alistar Black is The Gamer! He lives in a world of mysterious creatures from other dimensions and girls that seemingly can't help but show their up-skirt. Multiverse shenanigans will ensue.

subarashi · Cómic
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9 Chs

Going Home Pt. 2

Alistar hummed happily as he walked home, wondering how he should greet his mom after all this time. He hasn't seen her at all except for the occasional video call. It didn't take him long to weave in and about the familiar streets leading home. 

Unbeknownst to Alistar, he was being watched. No move of his went unnoticed. The school year had already started after all, and it was still very early in the morning. Gazes crawled up and down his 5ft 11in frame, to everyone else he's six foot, but he wouldn't tell anyone that for any reason.

His black hair was rather common in Japan, but when coupled with his bright green eyes and pale skin, he was an attention grabber for many girls his age…some not. Alister didn't notice any of this as he waltzed home. 

He was feeling a bit cheeky, so he rang the doorbell, hoping to surprise them. A small girl wearing a white and blue dress and a giant blue ribbon on her head answered the door. Her bright teal eyes lit up like Christmas lights and her long blond hair swayed back and forth as she crashed into him head-first. 

"Ali! You're Back!" 

"Oof, look at you! You got so tall!" 

Alister was a simple boy, his little sister annoyed him at times, but he loved her dearly. He had a small smile on his face as he returned her hug. 

"Where's mom? Still at work?" 

"Mom? Do you mean Onee-san? Yeah, she's still at work, she should be home soon though. Oh yeah, I have something super cool to show you later!" 

They spent the next hour or so catching up, talking about what was going on, and what Alistar learned in America. 

"So you awakened memories from your past life, huh? What was that like?"

He quietly used his skill [Observe] to see if there were any adverse effects. 

Name: Maya Shimon

Age: 10

Level: 12

Title: The Little Witch of Dreams

Overall Combat Power: E

Current State: Happy, Integrating Phase

"It was really weird, I keep having these dreams where I was me but not me but me, you know?" 

"Umm, not really, but alright."

Not long after, they heard a car door closing. Maya hurriedly opened the door, excited to tell her big sis the good news. She walked in, hugging her big sister as she rambled on and on about having a surprise for her. Aa they rounded the corner, Maya was hugging the hip of a tall woman with long blond hair and deep blue eyes. Her giant witch hat was perched on her head. 

"Maya, go upstairs will you, I wanna talk to Ali for a bit."

Maya pouted, "okay…"


Name: Mari Shimon

Age: 26

Level: 55

Title: Hot Principal

Overall Combat Ability: A

Current State: Stressed, Flabbergasted, Irritated 

…It was at this moment, he knew, he fucked up.

"So, shall I list your…exploits…while you were in America, or will you?"

She said, putting extra emphasis on 'exploits.'

She set her giant witch hat to the side, sat down, and crossed her legs. She then pulled out a giant manila folder. Opening it revealed a giant pile of police reports, pictures from social media, and snippets from camera footage. She laid them all out on the small table between us. 

"Ahem, I plead the 5th?" 

"DON'T…patronize me. 150 incidents of violence, 80 incidents of "accidentally" finding pedophiles and turning them in half dead, 5 crime lords, and 158 incidents of leaking the data of corrupt politicians and businessmen."

Her voice lost all emotion as she continued.

"That wasn't me though, it was…Batman…" 

His voice trailed off as her gaze intensified. 

"I'm well aware of this Batman and his AWFUL attempts at keeping a secret identity."

Her eyes seem to have changed to a reddish hue. 

Alistar's eyes were glaring at a very interesting part of the wall. 

"AND, due to those awful attempts, there were many incidents of attempted assassination, assault, and blackmail on one named Alistar Black…did you have fun playing vigilante?"

'Yes, it was a ton of fun! Just wait till you hear my plans for Japan!"

However, although he was impulsive, he wasn't stupid…maybe.

"Ahem, sorry I worried you mom…" 

Alistar looked genuinely apologetic due to a certain maxed-out skill of his called [Acting].

"The fact that you think I'll believe that is an insult to my intelligence…but…I forgive you, I know you had good intentions. Just, please, be smarter about it next time. Posting pictures of a fat man strapped naked to a pole on your IG story was not the way to go about it." 

"HA! That was hilar- ahem very stupid of me."

He corrected himself when he saw Mari chanting a teleportation spell.

"That aside, welcome home son, I missed you."

"Thanks, Mom, I'm home." 

They hugged each other for a while before talking about the more mundane aspects of their lives. About her promotion to principal of Akane Academy, a prep school for reincarnates. Teenagers that awaken memories and abilities from their past lives are cultivated into soldiers to fight against Metaphysicals, monsters from another dimension. 

Apparently, Maya has been helping the academy with her personal magic, Field of Dreams, which makes it possible for them to fight without harming one another. 

These Reincarnated people that fight Metaphysicals are called Saviors, kinda pretentious, but you gotta control public opinion somehow.

Anyway, as punishment for the stunt, or rather stunts that Alistar pulled, he has to go to Akane Academy to finish out his education. He agreed to this punishment as he already planned that to begin with. Not to mention there should be plenty of people to fuck with. Japan is also rife with pedos just asking for a beating. 

Alistar isn't the most moral person, but just the thought of someone his sister's age being taken advantage of is enough of a reason to curb stomp people. He never kills though, only disfigures, very big difference. Burying bodies is a tricky business, and he can't just keep bodies in his inventory forever.

Anyway, there are a few days until their school year starts, and he decides it's a great time to grind some skills. He wakes up early the next day and cooks breakfast for everyone. With his [Cooking] skill at the maximum level, even the most simple of dishes were like an angel dragging its toes along your tongue, not to mention the passive mental boosts his food gives. 

Mari had the biggest smile on her face when she realized she could have her son's cooking again. Maya was giggling at her sailor moon shaped pancakes. 

Alistar loves spoiling them, that big, violent softie.

Seeing as the two sisters went to work together, he decided to get some grinding done. The biggest skills on his list were [Enchanting] and [Crafting], hoping to make some interesting little things for school. Prank items? Absolutely! Training items? Also yes. This school would be way too easy if he didn't make some resistance bands or something. 

DoN't hiDe YoUr pOweR it'S StUPid. Shut up, get over it, scrub. He's back in Japan so he wants to go full anime protagonist. 

Since it's been a while, he checked his status.


Name: Alistar Black

Job: The Gamer

Age: 15 (Are you tho?)

Level: 120

Title: Pedo Destroyer

STR: 95

VIT: 68

AGI: 88

INT: 20

WIS: 13

LUK: 10

Points: 595

Overall Combat Ability: S

His stats have been stagnant lately. He's tried a variety of different training methods but nothing works. He even tried to pull a cultivator move and maxed out [Meditation] which also didn't really work. Wisdom…he tried. Luck was simply impossible to train, he tried every form of gambling and arrow dodging he could, but it never budged. 

"Fuck it!"

He made an impulsive decision!