
V.2: Chapter Two: The True Power of Gaming.


"This is the Battleground." The king told Kris. "In the Battleground, we train our knights."

Kris and The King went on the Battleground to teach Kris The True Power of Gaming.

King of Gaming: Whenever you are ready, we can start the training. The True Power of Gaming includes you to form items of sort from games.

Kris: Wait... What do you mean??

Kris asked confused of what his father said.

King of Gaming: First, form a classic pong paddle from the first game "Pong".

Kris concentrated on forming an Pong Paddle, but couldn't.

Kris: I... Can't...

King of Gaming sighed.

King of Gaming: Let's just... Have a break for now, we'll continue tomorrow ^^

Kris nodded and Kris and the king went in the castle... And Kris went to the restroom to wash himself.

Kris: Why can't I... Master the True Power of Gaming? I'll just try harder and harder.

Kris says while gets out of the bath...


SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!!! I was really busy and I'll try to do more chapters more recent, thanks all for being so patience! ^^

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