
TGAF Bonus 1: The Gamer makes The Movie (Gone Wrong) (made on July 31, 3020)

Some producers walked up to The Gamer. "Hey, The Gamer!" The Gamer looks at the producers. "Yes?" "Wanna help us with a movie?" "I guess..." The Gamer goes to the studio. "Okay, so, what is the first scene." "You 'The Gamer' have to bully your best friend 'Loipo'" "No and I don't know who that is..." "I don't think that I want to do this anymore... You're making me like a bully..." "Bu-" The Gamer goes out of the Studio.

I might make a movie dedicated to this book... I'll tell you when or if I do that...

Love ya, cya for next official chapter...

thesharkboy1creators' thoughts