
Chapter Six: Game One: FightNite

"EVERYBODY, THE FIRST GAME IS GONNA BE THE NEW GAME AND THE GAME ABOUT ALL OF YOU ARE RECOGNIZED AS FIGHTNITE! AND I KNOW THAT SOMEONE HAD BEAT IT BEFORE AND IT WAS HER FIRST TIME PLAYING FIGHTNITE!" Someone whispered to The man of the tournament. "OH NEVER MIND IT WAS A BOY! AM I RIGHT ERR ZACK?!" He said while pointing at Kris. "Um... actually mister... It's Kris." "OH... UM... I KNEW SORRY I WAS JUST... ANYWAYS BACK TO THE GAME NUMBER ONE FIGHTNITE!" "HAD ANYONE SIGNED TO YOUR SPOT FOR THIS GAME?!" Nobody raised their hands as if they had not. "NO ONE? WELL OKAY! YOU CAN SIGN UP THEN AFTER THAT WE CAN START IT!" All of the gamers get signed up then went back there. "OKAY, EVERYBODY! WE ARE GONNA DO ONE VS ONE! SO ONE IS GONNA DO IT AS WELL AS THE OTHER ONE! SO EVERYBODY HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO THINK IT OVER YOU ALL HAVE TEN MINUTES OR LESS IF TWO GAMERS ARE READY!" Everybody went to the cafe in the tournament and eats while thinking. And of coarse Kris and Trevor is eating together. "Kris you should go up there." "Me? Why?" "Because you are one of the best gamer I know." "Fine I will go. But, who will be my opponent?" Kris looks around just to see who he will face. Kris and the other gamer are ready and went to the main area. "OH! WE HAVE OUR GAMERS! CAN YOU TWO PLEASE GO TO THE GAMING STATIONS?!" Two of the gamers went to the gaming station. "Wish you luck." "huh? Y-you too." Kris heard that voice before a long time ago. The two gamers got to the gaming station. "READY! SET! GOOOOO!" The two gamers started with the one on one battle and no surprise Kris was winning. But it's different this time... The other gamer that Kris is battling is doing as good as Kris as well. The other gamer's hood fell of and it was... "Luna?" "Yea, it's me." "Why do you want to be in the tournament?" "So, I can beat you." "Not gonna happen." "Huh?" Remember it was thanks to me that you are a pretty good gamer. But remember this I will always be better." Kris got a kill and then the timer is coming to a close time. "GAME OVER! THE WINNER WAS!!! KRIS!" Everyone clapped. "good game Luna." "Uh. Yea, you too."

And that was all for this chapter be tuned for the next.

Thx for reading everyone. I had been on this chapter for like the entire day. Be tuned for the next chapter.


thesharkboy1creators' thoughts