
Chapter Eleven: T4rdi5lov3r123123's Reveal...

T4rdi5lov3r123123 is a... girl, then Kris was kinda surprised about that, Kris went to T4rdi5lov3r123123 and asked... "Oh... you're a girl?" "Yep, why?" T4rdi5lov3r123123 responded. "Weeellll... No girls but my sister could have been against me this good before..." Kris told T4rdi5lov3r123123. "Are you like a pro or something like that?" T4rdi5lov3r123123 asked Kris. Kris answered back as... "Better than a pro." They then introduced each other... "I'm Rosey, nice to meet you." "Likewise, I'm Kris..."

This is another short chapter... hope you like it, btw, if you want to make this into either a anime or a cartoon or a TV show or even a animated show or series on youtube or something like those, you have my permission, but, if you credit me then you can, you have to credit me tho... you can also wait till volume 1 is finished to make a movie of this... If you do any of those, I'll try to watch it.

thesharkboy1creators' thoughts