
chapter 2

The next thing I know is that I wake up and everything is big . then I remembered that I choose 10 years old god I'm a dumbass. Once I look at my surroundings I see that I am in a bedroom and I have come to the conclusion it must have been my room . a sudden pain comes to my head and flashes of what I assume are memories of my childhood in this world is . once the pain begins to fade I hear someone call from down stairs a name I assume to be mine . I know it's not my mom because in the memories they died. But I ignore that for now I have no time to be sad I never knew them personally . though it is a little sad seeing that from my memories they were very sweet . so I turn to the door only to see myself staring back at me but I ignore it and start to head down the hallway towards the stairs . I walk down the steps to see what I assume is the granny or caretaker feeding other kids. To be honest she looks like an asshole ,but I digress . I head over to what I assume is my seat and get a helping of food that doesn't look very good. Maybe I should start learning so I don't have to eat this slop. The next thing I notice is a boy with yellow hair sitting in the corner . I recognize him as Naruto I see the neglect has already started . I decide not to eat and with a crayon I found and a napkin I wrote a note to Naruto . stating that he should meet me in the attic . I excuse myself from the table and walk by him dropping the note discreetly . I head to the attic and wait . I see someone come up the steps , its Naruto. " what do you want here to beat me up". Naruto said expectantly , " no I want to be your friend but it needs to be secret not because I want it to . I want to befriend the caretaker to favorite me so I can use her to my advantage . and as we can both tell she doesn't like you . so I will win her over ask to move up here and then you can stay up here as well then once we head to the academy. We can get an apartment and I'll help you train to become the hokage . so what do you think ." he looks at me bewildered the looks constipated . I'm pretty sure if he thinks much longer he is going to hurt himself .__ "yes!!!" he exclaimed , I thought I had just gone deaf because of that damn he's loud . anyway I need to think of my next plan of action , maybe once I get on the caretakers good side I can see if she will get me some books . thought I have to make it worth her while because she is a greedy bitch , I could get some training and text books and say that I am going to become a ninja and if I did she'd probably think of the money she would get from that . so now I have to get on her good side how to do that hmmmm. " hey!! ayomam!!" shit I forgot Naruto was here damn now how do I entertain him so I can focus. "hey why don't you move your stuff up here I will go down for dinner then sneak you up something then we can plan ok " " yeah that's sounds good believe it !!!" " Naruto for this to work you need to be a little more quite we don't want her to find you ok " ok believe it! " well he did get somewhat quieter thankfully now I head down stairs for dinner as I am walking down I remember I did not go to school must be a weekend oh well . once I reach the bottom of the steps I see the an old ugly hag . I really am regretting this but there is no turning back no , I head over and volunteer to make dinner . luckily she said yes and thankfully I know how to cook from my old life . anyway I decide to make curry and then dango for dessert once that's done I make everyone's plates with help from the hag . I put some on another plate for Naruto lucky I have my inventory where I shove the plates I ask to be excused and to be called when everyone is finish eating so I can wash dishes she of course said yes . she is a lazy old hag so this will be easy , I get up to the attic and see Naruto waiting . I do not think he trust me yet as I see tears he must of thought I had left him . I knock on the door frame and he jumps and looks up happy to see me . " I told you id be your friend now lighten up I have food " I hand him his food and quickly sat down and ate mine and all i have to say is that i did a damn good job . it was about 10 minutes later that i have cleaned my plate of food , i head downstairs to do the dishes hiding naruto's in my inventory . once down i see a pile of dishes almost making me regret my decision , but it is two late now so i walk over to the sink and get to washing them .

---- 15 mins later---

once i am finished i see a notification pop up so i tap on it . it reads



{dish washing}

[level 2]

hmm interesting lets see since things have levels lets see if i do . i remember that in rpgs that you have a personal level in the stats category so i say stats and it pops up my levels which i must say i am not satisfied i might start some early training.