
The Gamer's Pov

Yejin Choi led a relatively normal life, with the exception of his addiction to the MMORPG Enhanced Adventure. Once he reached the highest level and defeated all challenges in the game, he decided it was most favorable to log out for the final time. The following morning, he would be unaware that his beloved game, to which he had devoted entire years into, had transformed into reality. Yejin is faced with the task of starting over and working diligently to reach the top once again, relying on his extensive experience and ability from playing the game for years. As the story progresses, he starts to comprehend that things are not as they initially appear, and there are additional mysteries that even escape his perception. _______________________________________________________ Author here! I am not a novice writer, and even though this is a new novel, I have experience. I would be very thankful if you, as readers, could provide feedback on what could be improved or what you do not like about the novel. Of course, if you think the novel is good as it is, I would be grateful to hear that as well. Things you need to know: This world begins in Korea and anything can happen or anything is possible. This isn't a novel where the mc starts off stupidly strong and becomes overpowered within a few chapters. This is a story where the main character faces challenges and struggles, grows and learns from their mistakes, and ultimately becomes stronger through hard work and determination. The journey of the main character is one of self-discovery, resilience, and perseverance. Join them on their adventure as they face their fears, overcome obstacles, and become their own person in their own right. This is a tale of growth, development, and triumph, where the true power lies not in strength, but in the strength of character..

MajinLN · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter [3] Death's Odor

((NOTICE - Some of you might be curious about how this novel has garnered so many views despite having only a few chapters. Initially, I had around 17 chapters, this explains the views, but I abandoned this project because I was not satisfied with the direction it was taking. Now, I have returned and made the decision to persevere instead of giving up. I have chosen to restart from the point where I believe I went wrong in the plot. Thank you for reading the notice and I hope you enjoy the new version!))

I strolled through Seoul's streets, passing by countless abandoned and wrecked cars.

The inky fog blanketed the sky and there was an icy chill in the air. Blades of grass started to poke through the soil and a pungent odor filled the atmosphere.

"This smell is unbearable."

I pinched my nose shut, trying hard not to inhale the revolting smell.


[You have 4 unused skill points]

"Oh yeah, I did get those from killing that goblin."

"I guess I'll use it. But how do I open up that blue screen?"

I was pondering how to access the blue screen when I suddenly noticed the menu had opened.

[Name: Yejin Choi

Level: 2

Class: Adaptive Savant

Health: 105/105

Strenght: 7

Speed: 10

Defence: 8

Mana: 105/105]

As I strolled between cars, I was filled with curiosity. Do I really only need to imagine it for it to materialize?


I selected and allocated 2 points to Strength and 1 point each to Speed and Defense.

[Strenght: 7+2

Speed: 10+1

Defence: 8+1]

"I'll try to balance everything so far.. as it works best for my Class"

"I don't need to put any in Mana since I have no magical skills yet, so I should be fine without it for now."

As I was strolling, the aroma became stronger all of a sudden as I made a turn towards Jang-gu.

I let out a small cough and exclaimed with annoyance, "What the hell?! The smell is getting worse."

As my gaze turned to corner, I was completely left speechless and the horror that laid ahead of me.

I remained completely still, my breath catching as I looked in shock at the sizable gathering of goblins before me. Strewn across the ground were numerous lifeless bodies of humans.

Upon reflection, I noticed that the typically bustling streets of Seoul were devoid of people. It suddenly became clear to me why there were abandoned and damaged vehicles scattered throughout.

I felt my thoughts spreading uncontrollably, like a blazing fire. How many goblins there are?? And there's also that imposing, muscular goblin standing behind them, who appears to be their leader.

[Goblin Champion (Boss)

Level: 8

Health: 200/200

Strenght: 23

Speed: 9

Defence: 18]

I recognise that thing... it's supposed to be a beginner boss but it's supposed to spawn after clearing the beginner area.

Just what the hell is it doing here?!

I felt my heart race rapidly overwhelmed by thoughts. Given my current skill level I had no hope of defeating this terrifying creature, not to mention the numerous other weak goblins.

I struggled to kill one, what makes me think I could kill that much?

The smart choice is to walk back, which is what I exactly did.


While I was in the process of turning, I accidentally stepped on a twig and it snapped loudly, breaking into two pieces.

Under my breath, I muttered in annoyance, "Dammit!" as I tightly gripped my teeth together.

As anticipated, goblins possess acute senses and immediately detected the sound of the twig snapping. In unison they all turned their heads.

"Growl Grr!"

Upon witnessing my presence, their mouths began to salivate and a smile emerged on their faces as they swiftly approached me.


I reluctantly gripped my baseball bat in my hands tightly while thinking running would be suicidal and probably the worst decision considering how fast and agile they are.

Although I had a strong desire to run, I recognized that it would be extremely dangerous and likely result in my death. Therefore, the most sensible course of action is to persist and push through the situation.

When the goblins approached me, one of them made a sudden move towards me so I swiftly swung my baseball bat, forcefully hitting the side of its face.

"Take this you dam ugly fucker!"


Using every ounce of my power, I launched the goblin through the air with my strike, despite being filled with fear due to the imminent danger threatening my life.

Immediately following, another goblin approached and tried to attack me by clawing at me. However, I swiftly struck it in the face with my bat before it could reach me.


The goblin was sent flying to the ground by the forceful impact of my bat, which echoed like it was shattering through solid concrete.

A third goblin appeared beside me, and although I swiftly maneuvered to avoid their attack, I still received a small cut on my face. Nevertheless, I managed to evade the attack.

When the goblin had its back turned, I swung my bat with full force and struck it from behind.



The impact seemed to have fractured its backbone as it soared towards the nearby building, emitting a distressing noise.

[Level up!

Level 2 > 3

+4 Stats points

+50 coins]

"Puff, Puff,Puff."

I took deep, labored breaths, inhaling large quantities of air, and then glanced towards the remaining goblins.

"Common, what's wrong? You were the ones who tried to kill me first."

The goblins gazed with curiosity after witnessing their comrades being defeated by a seemingly feeble human.

"So it should be fine if I.... tried to kill you as well, right?"

I had a small grin on my face, even though the situation was scary I was actually more thrilled than frightened, just like before.

As if I enjoyed killing these ugly fuckers.

The goblins observed with fear, despite their inability to comprehend human speech they could sense the malevolent energy emanating from me when I talked.

No goblin had the courage to approach me and launch an assault at this moment. Instead, they all remained in place observing one another without any clear idea of how to proceed.

"Explains a lot, goblins have low intellect and can't really think much of anything besides food."

"They don't know if they tried to attack me all at once, they would quite easily win."

I gazed fixedly at the goblin champion, while it remained motionless in the distance, merely observing with its peculiar red eyes.

"But the one I should really worry about is that thing."

"Why isn't it doing anything?"

Out of nowhere, in the middle of speaking, a goblin unexpectedly leaped out from the group of goblins, but this particular one appeared different.

[Normal Goblin

Level: 4

Health: 100/100

Strenght: 10

Speed: 20

Defence: 11

See more..]

It held a small blade in hand, along with some metal armor.


He swiftly descended to the ground in front of me and promptly rose to his feet, assuming a defensive stance.

"This might be bad.."