
Chapter 4


(3 days later)

Three days have passed since Izekiel and Maxine broke up, and three days have passed since Eunice visited me.

I called and texted Eunice but she didn't even answer or seen my text. The only thing I wonder is why she left in such a hurry 3 days ago.

I can't concentrate on my painting, yes I paint because I'm a painter. I stood up from my seat and decided to paint tomorrow, I'll just watch the news about Izekiel and Maxine's divorce again. I still can't believe that they broke up.

While I was watching the news again, I decided to read the comment, and I read a lot of hate comments.

<Comment Sec>

"They were together for 11 years and then broke up. It's like Izekiel made Maxine's feelings into a game."

"Poor Maxine, don't worry Maxine I support you!"

"That's ok daddy Izekiel I still love you!"

'Daddy!? What kind of comment is that, the fuck?' I said in my mind.

While I was reading the other comments, one comment caught my attention.

"All of us shouldn't take sides about their break up because we don't know the real reason for their break up. Also Izekiel said that their relationship is only ARRANGE, which means they were forced to be in a relationship. They didn't want to be in this relationship, I think? So they decided to end it, even so we should support their break up and don't make the situation worse."

I looked at who wrote that comment and I saw that it was Eunice who wrote it! But why? I mean she is not interested in issues like this and why is he interested in this?

There are so many questions I want to ask Eunice, but what might she think of me?

"I'm just going to sleep, maybe I'll be even more stressed reading the comments." I said.

I walked to my room to sleep. When I got to my bed, I quickly lay down and closed my eyes, maybe because I was tired that I quickly fell asleep.


To be continued...