
The Game Show System? Starting In the Naruto World!

When Jake Woke up he found himself in a small room and all that was in there was a notebook titled. [How to use the game show system!] With this, a whole new multiverse battle started! Follow Jake's story as he learns more about his powers! Starting in the Naruto world!

TheOneWatching · Cómic
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Blue Screen In The Sky


Two Years after the third great ninja war, every village, big or small, was slowly getting back to life before the war.

Though the time before the third great ninja war was still the same for smaller and weaker villages that didn't have an alliance with the big five.

After all, with no backing and the strongest ninja usually being either a Jounin or elite jounin, they were primary targets for bandits who looked forward to plundering everything they had.

As well as elite level jounin missing-nin who wanted to take over a village and to satisfy their urges of becoming an actually important figure who wouldn't be bossed around by a bunch of civilians in the council.

Though as time went on even that stopped, after all, the most important thing for a village to do after the war is to recover, and the only way for a village to truly recover no matter how powerful they were was to earn money.

And with money, small villages were able to employ larger stronger villages to get rid of their bandit problems.

So on an ordinary day where everything was moving along with the plot something extraordinary happened, something that would affect the world and twist the firm hand fate had on this world.

Something that would eventually cause all the villages to finally unite under one banner.

But that's for another day.


"Hey, you see that right."

"Oh, are you talking about the blue screen that I can see in the sky and zoom into if I focus on it? that thing?" A voice replied.

"Wait what.."

Such a scene was happening everywhere in the Ninja world, no matter where and no matter how far you were as long as you looked into the sky you could see the giant blue screen counting down.

[ 5:14:23:17]

It was obvious to everyone that it was counting down for something, as for what that was nobody knew.


Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf Village)

In the Village council room, every single seat was filled, from major clans to minor clans to even the civilian council.

And in the head seat sat wearing the Hokage hat sat Minato Namikaze, the new fourth Hokage who had just become the Hokage.

"Jiraiya what intel do you have about the blue box so far?" Minato questioned his teacher in a serious tone.

Seeing there was no room for jokes Jiraiya went straight to the point.

"So far every spy reported that it could be seen in all major villages, and apparently it's visible even if you're blind." Jiraiya reported as he gave Minato stacks of paper that mostly said the same thing.

"I see I want you to monitor the situation at all times and if you get any new reports come to me right away."

"Fugaku, I want you to send the Uchiha policemen to calm down everyone and make sure that no riots happen."

"At the same time, I want anbu members patrolling the border at all times to make sure nothing other villages aren't trying something going on."

Just as Minato was giving orders a sudden voice interrupted him.

"Now Minato calm down, as your predecessor let me give you some advice, you should take things slow, no need to send anbu to watch the borders and think about what the other villages would think." Hiruzen suddenly interrupted Minato as he was giving orders.

It went deathly silent, after all this was the first time in Konohagakure history that two Hokages were alive and healthy at the same time.

And while Minato was still new and only had the support of the Uchihas and some of the minor clans and the whole civilian council.

Hiruzen had been Hokage for decades and his roots spread everywhere.

At this moment it was a battle for power within the village.


Kumogakure ( Hidden Lighting/Cloud Village)

Meanwhile, in Kumogakure, things were simpler.

Since they didn't have that many clans and no civilian council the only people in the meeting room were the top powers of the village.

The Fourth Raikage looked outside his window and focused on the blue screen which he could control to zoom up to his face with the timer still counting down.

After the third ninja war Kumo lost their Third Raikage as well as a lot of their chunin and genin, while they still had most of their Jonins and they had lost a lot of manpower.

Just as A was about to say something, an idiot suddenly broke through his window.

"Yo, I'm late. There was a cat in my way, and it wouldn't go away, so I kicked the fool away, just for it to come back my way, fool!" B suddenly said he jumped into the room from the window.(Actual Bars!)

Hearing such a cringe rhyme half the room showed a cringe face.

"Now's not the time." A said in a serious tone with some annoyance on his face after seeing his broken window.

"C has been confirmed." A said looking at his blond bodyguard.

"Yes sir, it's been confirmed this is all over the ninja world, how would you like to go forth with this?" C said as he looked at the reports he got from their spies everywhere.

"Well for now no need to be rash, I'm pretty sure there's no village that's capable of launching such a genjutsu on such a large scale." A said, turning to his desk.

"If that's all, I'm out." B said, breaking another window and hopping out.

"I've got things to do as well," Samui said, breaking another window and hopping out.

Soon everyone was breaking windows and jumping out with no regard to how mad their kage looked.

"Dobai, take 50% for all their next missions until they pay back for what they did!" A said in a furious tone as he smashed his desk.

"Yes, sir" was all Dobai said as he was already used to this.