
The Game Master's Game

2 thousand years ago in the year 2021 this world was full of superheroes. Superheroes who put on a mask and go protect the world from many dangers. One day a giant portal appeared in the air, and then monsters started falling from the portal. The monsters started to destroy and kill everyone and everything that was in their path. The strongest hero named Eye with God like powers saw what was going on and ten minutes later he kills all of the monsters. Later on more and more portals start appearing all over the world. Eye tries to close every portal but more and more started appearing. So Eye made people awakened with powers to close the portals. In modern days almost everybody on Earth has been awakened. After dying and reawakening twice, once trying to save a kid from getting hit from a truck. The dying again from getting assassinated. Axel Luck In a dream meats a masked man who calls himself the Game Master makes Axel Luck stronger and different than most other awakened. All he has Axel has to do to becoming one I the most strongest awakened on Earth all he has to do is to okay The Game Master's Game.

Owl_In_Zen33 · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Not As Expected

The next day Axel wakes up on his "bed"(couch) and realizes that he has to go to school. Axel has five bathrooms in his house and two of them are just a toilet and a sink. The closest bathroom with a shower is very far away from where Axel's "room" is.

So Axel quickly grabs what clothes he wants to wear for school and runs to the shower. Axel finishes taking a shower so then he quickly gets dressed for school. Axel usually gets up at five o'clock so that he can get ready and sleep for just a couple more hours until he has to leave. But today Axel overslept because of all the quests the windows kept telling Axel to do.

Axel runs back to the basement puts his clothes in the laundry basket, picks out his shoes, and gets ready to run to school instead of the normal bus because he missed the bus. On his way out Axel's mom sees Axel but doesn't realize it's Axel because of his new hairstyle and hair color. So she uses her earth magic wall to block Axel from leaving.

"Excuse me, burglar, where do you think you are going"? Axel's mom asks while getting ready to fight. Axel turns around and tries to calm his mom down.

"Hey, it's me, Axel, I missed the bus so I'm running to school today," Axel says.

"Axel would never dye his hair light blue and use red and purple contact lenses, I don't know who you are but you aren't leaving here unscathed" Axel's mom threatens.

"Okay, then I'm going to tell you something that only you would know, that you have told me when I was younger, to prove to you I'm not a threat," Axel says trying to calm his mom down.

"When I was five you would tell me stories about how you and dad got together, and there's this one story about you and dad going to a carnival and you got lost, you went everywhere trying to find where dad was but after three minutes you got sad went into a bathroom and-" Axel gets interrupted by his mom.

"Fine leave," Axel's mom says as she brings down the wall and lets Axel leave.

"Why did his hair change, why are his eyes different"? Axel's mom asks herself.

"He is like that because he has been reborn and is going to be the strongest in this family" The game master whispers in Axel's mom's ear and disappears.

Axel's mom turns around to see who said that but no one is there. "I must be hearing things," she says.

Because I'll the training and exercise that Axel had to do last night he was able to arrive at school in only 16 minutes which is usually how long the bus takes to arrive at school. Thankfully, Axel wasn't extremely late for school. It was still only the first period of school. While walking to his first class he saw that people were staring at him as if he was a new student. Since Axel has become a tad bit taller and more muscular with his new facial features.

Axel's first class is magic casting. The classroom was a big space that looked like an auditorium. The teacher was Axel's eldest brother Uno Luck. Uno looks at Axel, does not know who he is, and asks him who he is.

Axel says that he's Axel his younger brother but he doesn't believe it. So Uno tells Axel to use his terrible creation magic to make something. Since Axel has been reawakened he doesn't have creation magic he doesn't even know what type of magic he has.

The game master appears right next to Uni but only Axel can see him and hear him. The game master tells Axel to stretch out his hand. Axel does so and then the game master uses creation magic to make a life-size sculpture of Uno in the same pose he is making right then.

But to make it look like Axel was doing it the game master makes Axel's eyes glow. Then the game master disappears.

"Impressive, but my loser of a little brother-" Uno was saying but gets interrupted by Axel. "When you were sixteen me, you and big sister Ally were forcing you to come to play with us outside but never wanted to, so big sis poured a bucket full of water on you while you were sleeping, you tried to get up but slipped and I smashed a pie right in your face, the whole family laughed at you for the entirety of the day," Axel said. The whole class started chuckling at the story.

"You tried getting us back the next day by trying to scare us by wearing a creepy mask and hiding in the bathroom until you heard us and then you would jump out to scare us, you heard footsteps walking down where the bathroom was and jump out to scare us but it wasn't us, but father, you were best and grounded for a week" Axel continued to tell an embarrassing story.

The whole class burst out laughing because of the story. Uno yelled to let the class simmer down. and told Axel to go sit down.

Uno tries to forget about what just happened so he continues with his teaching.

"Now time to talk about magic" Uno begins. " Magic is what helps us Awakened to go inside the portals and close them, to stop a terrible catastrophic event that happened a couple of thousands of years ago". "There is a magic of everything, like the unstoppable Anti-magic that can nullify all magic or the useless door magic that just creates doors out of thin air". "My magic as some may know is wind magic, which can let me use the wind and air all around us and use that as a weapon or something to protect me or my loved ones".

"Does anyone know the five of the least rare magic types a person can have"? Uno asks the class.

A boy a seat right next to Axel raises his hand to try and answer his question. But Uno doesn't like the boy, his only reason is that he says that he answers too many questions but truly it's because he just doesn't want to let him answer.

"Axel why don't you answer," Uno says picking the asleep Axel.

"Wind magic: Gust" Uno casts as a powerful gust of wind hits Axel waking him up.

"Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and Lightning" Axel answers.

"Correct" Uno says.

"Now, just because these are the least rare doesn't mean that they are weak magic types, fire is considered to be one of the strongest magic types" Uno informs.

"Now what are the rarest magic types"? Uno asks.

The same boy raises his hand. This time Uno picks him.

"In the correct order" Uno says before the kid could even say anything.

"Anti-Magic, Dark Magic, Light Magic, Gravity Magic, and Bone Magic" The boy answers.

"Good job, Albert" Uno congratulates.

"Now just like the least rare, just because they are the rarest doesn't mean they are the strongest, except Anti-Magic" Uno says.

"I'm sure you guys are learning all about magic tattoos in other classes so I'm not going to go over them but we will now look at a video about magic" Uno says as he start playing the video.

Around 50 minutes later the bell rings and everyone get ready to leave.

"Don't forget to turn in your homework next tomorrow and we will also be having a quiz the next day" Uno says.

"Ugh, we always have quizzes in this class" the students groan.

"Hey Axel stay longer, I want to talk to you" Uno commands.

"Um, yeah, you see my next teacher really likes it when we are early and no matter if you have pass or not you will get detention, so I can't really do that right now" Axel says as he leaves his big brothers class and goes to his next class.

As Axel is going to his next class he sees that more and more people are staring right at him. This makes Axel uncomfortable because he doesn't like it when people stare at him.

A minute later Axel arrives at his next class. His class isn't inside the school but outside. All there were, were chairs to sit down.

Axel sits at his assigned seat which is right next to where Kascade sits. Kascade was about to tell Axel to get up because that's where Axel is supposed to sit, not know that the guy sitting right next to her is Axel. But Axel just immediately falls asleep.

In his sleep Axel arrive at where he first met the game master.

"Welcome back," The game master greets Axel.

"Why am I here"? Axel asks.

"I'm here to tell you about your magic types," The game master answers.

"Types? As in I have more than one magic?" Axel questions.

"Yes" the game master replies.

Axel smiles because he gets more than one magic type. "Is having more than one even possible?" Axel asks.

"Oh yes it very much is" the game master replies.

"The maximum an awakened can have magic is three" the game master informs.

"So I'm going to have three magic types?" Axel asks.

The game master chuckles. "What have I told you, you are playing the game master's game, that means that you are different. There is no maximum of how many magic types you can have".

"But you only have five magic types" the game master adds.

"What are my magic types?" Axel asks.

"The five rarest magic types, the game master answers.

"Anti-Magic, Dark magic, Light magic, Gravity Magic and Bone Magic" the game master adds.

"cool" Axel says.

"Even though you just found out about your magic, it woul feel like you have had it ever since you were reawakened" the game Master's says.

Axel wakes up and stretches to fully wake him up.

"I never thought you would find this class boring Mr Luck" the teacher says.

"Yeah, neither did I, Ms. Roman" Axel agrees.

"Now that you are awake please come up and show us how to use our magic tattoos" Ms. Roman commands.

"Wait what, I don't even know what's happening, I just woke up" Axel says.

"We were talking about our magic tattoos, the thing that shows if someone is awakened or not, as you should know the magic tattoos will appear on any part of the body except for the eyes or groin region" Ms.Roman informs.

"Whenever an awakened is about to use a magic spell the tattoo starts to glow and stops glowing when the spell has ended" Ms. Roman adds.

"Now that you are all caught up come and show us where you magic tattoo is and show off a magic spells" Ms. Roman says.

Axel gets up from his seat and stand where the teacher was standing. He takes a deep breath in and out.

"Excuse me Ms. Roman, if what you say is true about this man of being Axel Luck, Axel doesn't even have magic" Kascade interrupts.

"Actually, I did have magic but it made me think about how my family treated me so I just never want to use it" Axel says.

Axel takes a deep breath in and out once more and his eyes start to glow.

"Anti-Magic: Anti magic sword" Axel says as a big sword appears floating in the air. Axel grabs the sword and then starts using all of his magic types.

"Dark magic: darkness cape" Axel says as a dark cape materializes from darkness on to Axel's shoulders to act as a cape.

"Light Magic: Light wings" Axel's says as wings made of light come out of Axel's back

"Gravity Magic: Space" Axel says as the area where Axel and his class is, the whole place looks like try are in outer space.

"Bone magic: Bone shield" Axel says as a shield made out of bones falls on the ground. Axel picks up the shield and says "About a week ago I was killed by someone, I don't know who decide to just kill me. But the good thing is I was reawakened and fell asleep for a whole week, in my dream I was in a blank room with a desk and a man sitting on a chair behind the desk, the man said he his name is the game master, and he said that I am now playing the game master's game, to become the strongest awakened ever".

Axel decasts all the magic and his eyes stops glowing and he sits back down. The whole class is stunned and quiet.

"But that doesn't explain the new hair color and eyes" a student asks.

Axel goes back up to where he was standing.

"The game master changed how I looked because he said that I am the new me," Axel answers.

"What class are you?" Another kid asks.

"I am a normal class," Axel replies.

"What tier?" Another asks.

"High tier," Axel answers.

"Where is your magic tattoo?" Kascade asks.

Axel points at his eyes and say that they are in his eyes.

"At first I didn't feel anything when I was being fully awakened but then later on my eyes started to hurt like crazy, and my eyes even started to bleed, it lasted around 2-3 minutes. Those were the worst 2-3 minutes of my life" Axel answers.

"Enough with the question I will end class early today, you do whatever you want, I honestly don't care" Ms. Roman announced.

Axel then walked back to his seat and started talking to Kascade.

"Do you still not believe that I'm Axel"? Axel asked.

"No," Kascade answered.

"The only thing that changed were my hair and eye color nothing else" Axel said.

"Fine then I will only believe you if you tell me something that only we know" Kascade said making a deal with Axel.

"You never really told me any of your secrets so there really isn't anything" Axel replied.

"That is true, I do like keeping secret to myself" Kascade said.

"Have you been able to test out your new magic skills"? Kascade asks.

"No, not yet" Axel answers.

"Oh, I know let's go find a portal and clear it," Kascade says.

"A portal, but that's too dangerous" Axel complained.

"It depends what kind of portal though" corrected a kid that was eavesdropping on Axel and Kascade's conversation.

"What do you know about portals Kage"? Axel asked.

"Well if you paid attention in class you would know" Kage said as he started to explain what a portal is.

"A portal is where all the monsters come are in. There are roughly 10-200 monsters in one portal. And each portal also go by classes but not tiers. There have been some instances were there has been a double portal, meaning that there is a portal in a portal. The only way to close a portal is when you kill every monster in the portal, but there is a boss monster in each portal that is either one or two classes stronger than the others,". "That's all I know" Kage finishes.

"How are we going to find a portal" ? Axel asks.

"There is an app that tells you, it downloads the second you get a phone" Kascade answers as she points at an app with the logo of a portal with a question mark in it.

"The closest portal is only ten minutes away" Kage says.

"Shouldn't we tell the teacher that we are leaving"? Axel asks concerned for him and his friends safety.

"She doesn't care what happens, as long as we get back" Kage replies.

"There's only three of us, we are going to need two more people" Kascade says.

"Why? We'll be fine on our own" Kage says.

"Just in case we become massively outnumbered" Kascade answers.

"We are going to need a healer and a tank" Kascade plans out.

"I have a healing move, that can heal all of our health and mana" Axel says.

"Woah really, that's so cool" Kage says excited.

"It's nothing big" Axel says.

"Alright then, I guess we can just a tank and someone else" Kascade says.

"Oh I just remembered I have a magic spell that can clone myself" Kage said.

"Since when did you get magic"? Axel asked.

"When you two were gone, I got shadow magic" Kage answered.

"Okay, then I guess we are good, let's go" Kascade says as she starts walking to the portal.

"Wait, Kass, I have a better idea" Kage said stopping Kascade.

"What is it"? Kascade asks.

"Where is the portal"? Kage asks.

"The construction site, where they are building a new guild building" Kascade answers.

"Alright" Kage says as he grabs Axel and Kascade's hands.

"Do you guys trust me"? Kage asks.

"No, not at all" Axel and Kascade answer.

"Shadow magic: Teleporting shadow, trust me and just fall back" Kage says.

Axel and Kascade worryingly do what Kage says and they all fall back. And they fall into their shadows. They rise back up and see that they have teleported right in front of the portal.

"Woah, that felt weird" Axel says.

"Thank god that worked" Kage said taking a deep breath.

"Have you never tried that"? Axel asked.

"Nope" Kage answered.

"What would've happened if we fell and didn't teleport but you did"? Kascade asks.

"I don't know" Kage answered.

"Whatever let's just do what we came here to do" Kage said changing the subject.

"What class is this portal"? Kage asks.

"It's a weak class" Kascade answered.

"Let's go" Axel says as he walks into the portal. Kascade and Kage follow up.

In the portal is a Forest. Axel, Kascade and Kage continue to walk forward but they see nothing. A couple more minutes later they see corpses of dead monsters.

"Ew, what is that"? Asks Kage in disgust.

"That looks like the body of a dog with two big pointy teeth" Axel answers.

"That's actually a saber tooth wolf" Kascade corrects.

"There's a lot of them here" Kage says.

They continue to walk forward trying to not step on the corpses. Then they see a giant version of the sabertooth wolves right in front of a big boulder.

"That's a Dire sabertooth wolf" Kascade says.

"If this is a portal full of sabertooth wolves, this should be the boss" Kascade adds.

"But, it's dead" Kage says.

"That must mean that someone has all ready killed most of the monsters" Axel says.

"No, they have already killed all of the sabertooth wolves and the boss, they are hiding in the other portal" the game master tells Axel.

"Then where's the other portal"? Axel asks the game master.

"Just walk forward, Axel" the game master answers.

Axel then tells everyone what the game master told Axel.

"This is a double portal"? Kage asks.

"Yeah, someone must of have killed all of these monsters and they are in the other portal" Axel explains.

"Okay then, we have to be careful then, because we don't know who this person is and what magic they have" Kage says.

"Hold up let's look at the bodies" Kascade said.

"Why"? Axel asked.

"So that we can see what killed the monsters" Kascade answered.

"There's a hole in the Dire sabertooth wolf" Kascade investigates.

"Thats one big hole" Kage says.

"I guess since the dire sabertooth wolf was found dead facing downwards, that means it was killed from behind" Kascade says.

"Woah, woah you have to inspect every single part of the body before you conclude how it died" Axel says.

"Let's turn it over" Axel commands.

All three of them with all their might, flip the Dire sabertooth wolf to find out how it truly died.

They see a hole that goes right through the wolf's head and they see scorch marks.

"Fire magic" Kage says.

"Whoever killed this monster used fire magic" Kage adds.

"That must of been one heck of an attack" Axel says.

"Yeah, for an attack to right through a monsters head no matter how weak the monster is, there's no way that this person is a weak class" Kascade says.

"There is also a possibility that there were more than one person" Kage says.

"Anyways, were is the second portal"? Kage asks.

"Usually if it's a double portal the second portal can is camouflaged and can look like anything" Kascade informed.

"Just walk forward" Axel says.

"What"? Kage asks.

"Do you guys remember when I told you guys about the game master at school"? Axel asks.

"Yeah, what about it" Kascade replies.

"The game master can talk to me in my head, and the game master told me what happened here ad to just walk forward" Axel explains.

"So that means that the boulder is the portal"? Kage asks trying to figure out what Axel is talking about.

"I think so, yeah" Axel answers.

"Let's test is out first, everyone use magic attack spell to test either if the boulder is just a boulder or not" Kascade orders. Then Kage, Kascade and Axel all at the same time use their magic.

"Shadow magic: Shadow Shurikens" Kage says as he swings his right arm to left and medium sized shurikens fly out.

"Water magic: Sea Dragon's Charge" Kascade says as she holds out her palm and a mythical sea dragon with light blue horns on its head shoots of Kascade's hands.

"Dark Magic: Dark Bullet" Axel says as he holds out his hands in a finger gun pose and a dark energy blast shoots out of Axel's finger guns faster than a bullet.

After they all used their magic attack spells they wait a couple of seconds and then walk into the second portal.