

Before I knew it I arrived at honey's house where I could see her mother and father and honey in the middle of them smiling happily at me.

I just came down from Amarok to hug her which she reciprocated with a small blush that she hid.

The mother was not pleased with my arrival.

Richard: "You mentioned a surprise, what is it?"

Honey: "Well I was doing some research and we found out your family is in Kyoto Japan isn't it wonderful."

I just form a tense smile as I remember the first mission I have ever had in this world.

Richard: "Yes it's very exciting honey."

Honey: "I knew you would be happy."

Richard: "and why are you telling me that you want me to start using the honorifics you want me to say honey-chan."- I said it in a mocking tone.

She blushed heavily.

Honey's mother: "I've had enough of you stay away from my daughter you freak I don't like you I made that clear and I refused to let you know where we live."

Richard: "I understand ma'am thank you for your comment."- I said it downplaying it.

Honey: "Mom, why is it always when I talk about Richard you get like this?"

Honey's mother: "It's not just about him it's about all the people with powers they destroyed everything."

Honey's father: "Honey you know it was that god that destroyed everything not the boy he is just a person just like our little girl who is living this new age."

Honey's mother: "This new era was born because of beings like him."- She said it pointing at me with contempt.

They saw Amarok who tore through space time to enter and return with a fruit.

Richard: "Amarok stop bringing fruit."

He gave me a sad look.

Richard: "Don't start, I won't eat it."

He started to drop his tail.

He just started whimpering in sadness.

"It's okay."- I said it to grab the strange looking fruit to eat it in one bite.

Richard: "Well it's sweet and has a strange taste, it tastes like honey with mild mint, could you take the fruit to Shidare, she would love it."

He barked with excitement and then opened a portal and disappeared.

I saw them staring at me except honey who is just denying.

Honey's father: "What did that magic animal do?"

Richard : "well that's amarok my dog and he can travel between different realities or in simple words between space"

Honey's mother: "Honey, did you know about that?"- she said angrily.

Honey: "Yes."

Honey's father: "why did you kept it hidden?"

Honey: "because you guys are going to try something weird and from what Richard told me about Amarok he can freeze the whole planet if we bother him and I don't want mom to get upset just because of him."

Honey's mother: "How do you not want me to get upset the freak has something in his power that could cause the destruction of our world."

Richard: "Well Amarok is a glutton who sleeps a lot I don't think he would harm people if they don't provoke him and they could keep it a secret I don't want them to end up entering my house so that everything ends badly."

Honey's father: "I can understand that most of humanity tell me that magical animal has something special because I don't think it just travels to dimensions easily for simplicity's sake."

Richard: "Well Amarok is the substitute for the god of life so he keeps life afloat if he were to die all living things die with him."

There was only a chilling silence.

Richard: "Well sir what can I call you."

Rick: "you can call me Rick boy well let's leave all this circus for the surprise."

Honey: "thanks daddy well as we found out where they are and we have the place where your clan is and my dad has a trip to Kyoto he got an extra ticket for you to accompany him on his trip so you can get to know your roots more in depth isn't it wonderful Richard."

Richard: "Yes it is wonderful."- I said smiling while my hand was shaking.

Richard: 'What the hell am I doing.?'

[well you can refuse sir]

Richard: 'that would hurt honey's feelings and it would waste the money that father invested for me to go with him.'

Richard: 'well thank you helpi i adore you.'

[I know sir thank you for your words of affection]

Richard: "Well I don't know how my parents will take it, they might worry."

Honey: "Don't worry I told them about the surprise and your mom was happy that you knew a little more about your roots and she gave me permission and commented on what I would cook to celebrate"

Richard: "That's why she made the food that poisoned me and made me throw up in the bathroom for an hour."- I said it in fear.

Rick: "Your mother doesn't cook means your father is the cook in the family must be a great cook."

Richard: "I'm the one who cooks my mom generates biohazards and John burns the water I didn't ask the last time he heated water for coffee we ended up remodeling the whole kitchen which was a nice benefit for me."

Rick: "And why don't you call him dad."

Richard: "I don't know, it's kind of awkward, Mom Ariza, she was with me and took care of me since I was a few months old, I still remember, and John became interested in my ability to learn and grow stronger and smarter, so our relationship is good, but I don't see him as a father, he's more like a friend who has sex with my adoptive mother."

Honey: "Richard the vocabulary."

Richard: "But it's true."

Rick: "Well we already know that your parents are informed, don't worry about the suitcases, a person from your house mentioned that he would bring the suitcases and accompany us, although I don't know how."

The Viking was seen approaching with my suitcases on top of me as Winston greets me.

Richard: "I see Winston, you knew about this and didn't mention it to me."

Winston: "Sorry master, but I am excited that we are going to have a joint event."- He said it with tears in his eyes.

Richard: "It's okay don't cry, you brought a necklace and a basket so I won't try to do anything stupid."

Winston: "Yes, Master, my mighty ship can also function as a flimsy and useless box, so don't worry."

Without further ado his Viking ship turned into a crate for transporting animals.

Richard: "Well I'll bring everything I need when we leave."

Rick: "Well the taxi is coming in an hour so would you like to spend some time with honey in the meantime."

Without further ado I just walked over to honey while honey's mother started talking to her husband with an annoyed look on her face.

Richard: "Sure come on honey you can listen to Winston go on some tirades and plan what we can create when the school recovers from skunk 3.0."

Honey: "Richard sometimes you act your age, but seriously create a stink bomb to make the school uninhabitable for a month."

Richard: "in theory it should be a month, but I think I went a little overboard on the aroma suffers and the tramp match so it might be two months I think."- I said it scratching my chin.

Richard: "don't complain that we plan that."

Honey: "I just made the suggestion and gogo contributed a lot to that bomb it really wasn't a good idea to get them to meet each other she already gave up most of her time to start studying about magnetic force and being stuck with you most of the time."

Richard: "I don't see anything wrong with it, she just wants to learn, it's not wrong."

Honey: 'She's become as clingy with you as Satsuki and it's annoying me.'- She thought it was annoying.

Richard: "Honey, are you okay? I can see your eyes are lost."

Honey: "Nothing I just think some things and I'm two years older then you so, you should have more respect for me."

Richard: "Honey I'm nine and you're eleven so we're still kids and we can't act like kids so we're always together for the thrill of making something amazing and guess what."- I said smiling as I pulled out a bucket.

Honey: "you have an upgrade to your stasis gun."

Richard: "well that's one and the other I made this."- I said squeezing the cube so it turns into a silver bracelet with some lemon green ornaments and little stones that sparkle beautifully.

She looked at it with surprise to hug me tightly to put it on and watch me look excited.

At no time did she let me speak as she kept kissing my cheek to give me a few jumps of excitement.

'Well that her abilities remain a secret until she is in danger because I will not tell her that it is a form of defence to protect her because she would see it as a part of the experiment and she is very happy at this moment.'- I thought smiling.

I just kissed her forehead to hear her father call me to run to her side.

Rick: "Honey, you have to understand that it's good to help people, you shouldn't care what they look like or if they have powers, this is our world and we can't be mad at people who also suffered losses because of that monster's atrocities."

Richard: 'They're talking about alter who caused the entirety of how many dimensions he devastated to create this one.' I thought furiously.

Honey's mother: "Honey I know how you think, but I can't accept them even the slights and you will never accept that you are around my child and can contaminate her with those weird things."

Richard: "don't worry I would never contaminate her with weird things to honey that's why she tried it with me."

They didn't understand, but before they could ask the taxi beeped for us to hurry up because we were wasting a lot of time.

I just moved forward with Winston to the side to get to the taxi to sit down and wait for honey's father who just kissed his wife and honey to get in next to the co-pilot and we started our trip to the air port.

The ride was quiet as I took in the scenery of the air port.

Rick: "It looks like you haven't seen the air port."

Richard: "I only saw the space travel headquarters because John has some business on the other planet and he has to take me to hang out with some girls from some families and about the knowledge of some things I have made."

Rick: "Yeah my girl told me that you are a genius when it comes to building electronic and mechanical objects like machines and what is your greatest invention."

Richard: "Well my best invention is I think my inorganic object compression device is very versatile."- I said thoughtfully.

As we continue our journey I don't speak so openly looking at the driver who is listening to my attentive words and my knowledge about that and other things.

I just leave a tip to start my trip inside the air port that is full of people. I look with interest at all the people that are arriving because I notice that most of them are people of great scientific renown.

Richard: "And why there are so many renowned scientists coming into San Francisco?"

Rick: "Boy this is the centre of most of the brightest minds and I-islan is in the process of being completed and it will be the base for the brightest minds to come together more frequently."

Richard: "That sounds very exciting, I hope at least one day I can go there."

Rick: "Well, they are rebuilding it because the connection of the worlds made them lose that marvel, but with today's technology it is being built in a hurry."

Richard: "Interesting, I think I need to do a little more research on the history to find out more about the events and the losses that occurred."

Some people stare at me, a blonde haired girl with blue eyes and fair skin with a chubby cheek while holding a paddle in her hand, I just look at her for a moment, she must be the same age as honey and most of the girls.

I see her father who doesn't take his eyes off me.

Richard: "Mr. Rick you know these people."

Rick: "Yes they are the shield family Mr. David is one of the greatest minds in existence today only the only person closer to that recognition is John Stars who is your adoptive father so he is a giant when it comes to technological advances and above all he was one of the most brilliant minds that has been around all might and he knows him in person."

Richard: "That sounds amazing."- I said it with excitement.

Rick: "I know, it's amazing to live in a world where it's full of heroes, it's very exciting."

Richard: "I'm glad you like it, well where's our flight to."

Rick: "Oh that's right, the flight should be this way."- He said it to go to room 2 where we sat down and then pass the x-ray so we could enter the plane where I took Winston in my arms so he wouldn't destroy anything.

As I got on the plane I saw the stewardess telling me about the security arrangements.

Stewardess: "Well as everyone has the required information we will start the flight when everyone has their seat belts fastened."

We all proceeded to put on our seat belts to start the flights.

The journey began quietly as I see some excited children looking out of the windows I just close my eyes as I feel Winston getting restless.

Richard: "What is it Winston.?"

Winston: "my lord I want to see how it feels to be outside sitting next to inferior beings such as yourself along with simple savages."

Rick: "how well taught have you your pet.?"

Richard: "well when Winston started talking and thinking I have no right to deny his thoughts as he is my little pride."

Winston: "I am completely flattered my lord."

Some people watched in amazement as Winston came out of the box to settle on my shoulder so that I could start to see everything.

I just relax knowing that my constructions have at least a 50% chance of exploding and I don't want to kill myself in flight.

The journey was quiet as we made our way to Kyoto, arriving I watched as they waited with some excitement for Honey's father who started talking to them with a smile on his face.

I felt a strange presence around us and my instincts were screaming at me to be aware of everything around me I looked at some people who had animal features I just bared my teeth as my horns glowed a shade of red causing them to recoil in intimidation.

'see their status.'- I thought seriously.

Name: meysu

Title: Loyal follower, yokai, tengu clan subordinate, high grade sensor.

Level: 50

Threat level: E+++

Quirk: None.

Ability: Senjutsu low rank.

Passive Ability: Flying, life energy control, superior strength, emotional detector, sleep resistance, hunger resistance, mind control.

How it sees you: It is very afraid of you because it senses your presence and is wary of you.


Name: chihiro.

Title: Loyal follower, yokai, inu clan subordinate, unstoppable, wild.

Level: 50

Threat Level: E+++

Quirk: None.

Ability: Senjutsu low rank.

Passive Ability: Flying, life energy control, superior strength, emotional detector, sleep resistance, hunger resistance, mind control.

How he sees you: He sees you as an alpha by the stance and look you showed.


'they are yokais right.'- I thought seriously.

[correct sir we are in the main base of the yokais so it will be very normal to see them and with the appearance of the quirks they can camouflage themselves better with them]

Richard: 'well they saw the benefit of the quirks with their ability to coexist with people.'- I thought about it calmly.

I saw Mr. Rick finish talking to signal me to come closer.

Rick: "Well one of the things besides my research is to show Richard his possible biological family."

Man: "That sounds like a good deed and who is the boy's family."- He said it with a smile as he strokes my head.

Rick: "For the research he is an onigami."

The man's smile faded to a look of surprise and he slowly pulled his hand away in fear.

Winston: "That's being inferior back off my lord he must not accept to be touched by your dirty hands."

Richard: "Not now why are you afraid of me.?"

Man: "The Onigami family is one of the most aggressive and dangerous family that has a great control over all the movements of Japan and if the boy was abandoned possibly it was an adventure outside the clan which is very dangerous you should keep them away from Japan to prevent them from killing him."

Richard: "I'm not leaving because a bunch of idiots are just bullying me."- I said it seriously.

Man: "You're a child, you don't understand the danger of being in front of an onigami, it's terrifying."- He said it with his hands shaking.

Richard: "We'll see about that sir I have some questions to ask and I can't go back to America now they must know I'm here and I won't put my loved ones in their sights."

Man: "You are very smart for your age well Rick I hope you finish your research and boy you are able to come home if you need help call me."

We just nodded in understanding.

So far.


Read 14 chapters ahead of Gàmer and each chapter is more than 3k words so maybe a total of 42k + words ahead...

and for source read 20 Chapters ahead

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