
The Full Half Of You.

Flashy Cars and Blazing Guns, paired with a man who looked like he was crafted by Greek gods, that is Lorenzo De Lucas' very being, any woman would be lucky to have him. Yet in eyes of Yelena Petrova, she sees him no more than an eccentric. He supposedly loves her, so much so that he would go to extreme lengths, illegal lengths, to keep her by his side. Yet after all this Yelena despises him. Or does she? If nothing else it is abundantly clear that there is more to their story than what meets the eye. What will be uncovered in this twisted game of love and hate, peace and war?

NuQuah · Ciudad
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9 Chs


"Goodnight Len, I'll see you in the morning."

There it was again, that nickname, 'Len', we just met, so why does he say my name with such familiarity? 

I lay awake on the bed, it was safe to assume that I wouldn't be getting any sleep, my head was spinning with a million questions.

Lorenzo De Luca, just who was this man?

Along the line, drifting down my train of thoughts I must have dosed of due to exhaustion and stress, the sunlight streaming through my window, added to the brightness of my surroundings, I squinted whilst trying to adjust my vision to the brightness of the room I was in.

Yesterday I accidentally stabbed Lorenzo with a knife, not much harm was done however, so he's fine, the guilt has left me now that I'm certain he's fine, and so, now my escapade begins, I will have my questions answered, whether he liked it or not.

I peeked my head out of the room I was staying in, I realized that I had no idea were I would start, to look for him.

Just then I heard a voice from behind me.

"Going somewhere?"

It was Lorenzo, and from the looks of it, seemed to have just woken up, with the tousled hair, and drowsy look.

Then I made the mistake of letting my eyesight stray down to his rock hard, chiseled abs, and can I just say, wh-

But then his voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Len? Headed somewhere?"

"Actually yes, I was headed for you."

"Well no, I was looking for you, I have questions, you have answers, give them to me."

"Oh? Someone's in a mood today."

"Question number one, why did you bring me here, question number two, how do you know me, and I know it wasn't from the gala, cause you called me 'Len' there is a familiarity in that."

"Okay so to answer your questions, I had met you before, five years ago, you were planning an event for me, you were beautiful, I loved you when I first met you, I planned to woo you, but then a few days later, you got in an accident, and then I lost all updates on you, and I had no idea where you were."

"I'm guessing you got amnesia so that's why you don't remember, but I don't care, I et you slip out of my grasp the last time, cause I hesitated and didn't go after you immediately, I don't intend to make the same mistake twice."

"So, you are kidnapping me because you love me" I said, livid, this man was insane, if i thought he was crazy at first, now I was certain, he was mental.

"That is not love Lorenzo, you can't kidnap people because you fancy them, that's just twisted."

"No. I don't just fancy you, I love you, I need you."

"No, what you need is therapy and some serious help, you freaking obsessed stalker."

"Wow, so we are back to the name calling, tragic."

"I'll get you to love me Len, even if you may find me repulsive now, you'll come to reciprocate my feelings eventually, I guarantee it."

"You're sick."


I hated his smug look, I hated his handsome face, I hated his fancy villa, I absolutely abhorred his very being, I would not be falling in love with him, over my dead body.

"I hate you" I said.

"I know."

"I'm not going to fall for you, I guarantee it, I will be six feet in the ground before I even consider loving you."

Then suddenly he put both his hands on either sides of my head caging me in, we were only inches apart.

"Keep going, sexual assault would just be one of the many things to ad to the list when I press charges against you."

"Oh don't worry, I won't touch you, not without your permission at least, the day I touch you, It'll be because you asked me to, or you gave me permission."

Then he flashed that smug smile I hated so much.

"Well that's great then, lovely to know you won't be touching me until the day you die."

"I wouldn't bet on it."

I shoved him aside, and surprisingly he let me, I wasn't naïve enough to believe I could have overpowered him if I tried, I left him and went back to my room slamming the door.

Let the games begin then.