
The Fuhrer ( aot )(completed)

A powerful and manipulative man was reborn in aot as Eren I don’t own this shoutout to Some Randy for making this check him out on fanfiction.com If you don’t like this than please shut the f up and leave I just want people to experience this novel

Darkraven · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

Chapter 2

Blood dripped down onto the cold metallic floor. The man filled with various wounds stumbled back and forth as he tried to reach the glass window. Fire surrounded the dying man as he walked towards the viewing window of the observation platform.

Watching the sunset, he gave a brief smile.

He fell over with a wet thud, the blood forming a puddle around his body.

His world went dark before the explosion of the observation deck sounded out.

The blast signaled the defeat of the tyrant, followed shortly by cheers.

It was a fleeting thing, really. The peace and comfort he felt upon arriving at that dark abyss. He had felt appeased. Just floating there, surrounded by darkness.


Keeping the promise he had made, he died for a better world. Could he be considered a hero? Not in the slightest. Sacrificing many for this goal, he brought about a new age.

An age that he would not be able to see. He would go down in history as a tyrant. A ruthless, cold-hearted man. The Führer.

Perhaps the world hated him even though his actions were what caused such peace. It didn't really matter. He had died, the world's hate upon him, and broke the cycle that since had held the hearts of man.

Becoming a demon metaphorically, all the wrongdoings of the world were pinned on him. And with his death, all the hatred went with him.

Now it was an era of peace.

Granted, he wasn't there to know for sure. He had made sure that suitable leaders would rule the world when he departed, but it could change. No, it most likely will change. Evil will perhaps one day rise again and a band of heroes will accept the challenge to stop it.

But as for The Führer, his story is not yet finished.

A chance encounter with a demon in that dark abyss, and his path is set anew.

Although the demon had wanted him to save a certain world, he never mentioned how.

With a grin that could not be seen, The Führer chuckled at this new predicament.

When was the last time The Führer did something for himself? He never once pursued his own goals. He never had ambitions that he could safely call his own.

Now being reborn in this new world, he would take it for himself.

Except he would do it his way, the way he had always lived.

Manipulating from the shadows, he will conquer all.

Such is the will of The Führer!

Eren stared at the tree. It was fairly large, but distinct features were obscured by the darkness of the night. Only the moon presented some form of light.

Closing his eyes, Eren reminisced in all that had happened. It had been nine long years since he had been born as Eren Yeager.

The young boy gave a small chuckle as he thought about the things that had happened in this life. It was short, but he had achieved many pieces and obtained information that would become beneficial for what he had planned.

"Well, Nunnally and Nicolas." He held up a small shot cup with wine in it. "Here's to your anniversary, and to my new life as well."

Pouring the wine at the base of the tree, he chose not to drink it, knowing it would be bad for his young body to consume much alcohol.

"To think I would be born on the same day of their wedding anniversary… is it fate or coincidence?" He murmured softly.

A rustle in the leaves and a twig snapping alerted Eren of the newcomer.

"Should someone so young be up so late?"

"I hope you have useful information to bring to me, Rommel." Eren gave a glare at the blond hair figure who stood behind him.

"Well, you did want me to inform you as soon as possible when the new weapon was ready." Rommel said matter-of-factly.

"Oh," Eren could help but grin a smug smile. "So are they ready for field testing?"

"Yes." Rommel nodded. "We'll just have to transport them from Utgard Castle to one of the fields we own in the land between Maria and Rose. Although, it will be a pain to get them through the gates with the military check-ups. The First Interior Squad is already suspicious of our activities."

The First Interior Squad, they commence operates independently from the main body of the Military Police Brigade and they have their own command structure and duties. They are above the law in every sense of the word. They took down those who wished to advance society, claiming the dangers could be used against the king.

Granted, it wasn't all biased. Guns and aircraft technology could be used to usurp the king, but by limiting this, it also limited the fighting force of battling Titans.

Theoretically, if the people within the walls had aircraft, there would be no need to battle Titans with the vertical maneuvering gear.

Of course, even the king didn't want that. Because he didn't want people to leave the walls.

Ever since he could walk, Eren gathered information regarding everything in the walls. Some came as a surprise, while others not so much due to him already coming to that conclusion.

However, what shocked him the most was that the current monarchy wasn't even the true bloodline. Some random high noble that took the place of the true King Fritz. The real blood lineage taking on the noble name Reiss and hiding in secrecy. For what reason was unknown.

It had taken a lot to get as much information as they could about the government surrounding the walls, but Eren felt like he had a grasp on what the situation was.

Once he dethroned the king, he would obliterate the Titans. And after that, he would conquer the rest of the world.

Although the history books told them that all of humanity was devoured, Eren refused to believe that. There was most certainly humans that lived far outside the walls. It would be naive to think that they were the only ones to survive.

"Can we have them to scale the walls?" Eren brought up the idea of avoiding the security detail for the gates.

"No," Rommel shook his head. "Those, what did you call them? Tanks? They are far to heavy for a regular lift. We would have to construct a lift that could do the job. Either that or we do it in the land between Rose and Sina."

"Hmm," Eren gave a thoughtful hum at the suggestion. "We could, but the fields we own in Maria are far larger with the less opportunity of them being spotted."

"Guess, well do the lifts." Rommel gave a nonchalant shrug, "We'll need them for fast transportation in the event we can't get them to a gate in time anyways. In any case, why do we call those metal beast 'tanks' anyways? From what I've seen, they don't quite hold any liquids. Quite the opposite in fact."

Eren gave a smile. "I'm just used to calling them that."

"Yeah, yeah." Rommel waved his hand at Eren's response. "God, with how young and smart you are, our men would think you a demon if your age was ever revealed to them."

"And that is why you are my proxy."

"So I can take the downfall if shit hits the fan?" Rommel gave Eren a knowing look.

"Shit will never hit the fan as you so brazenly put it. While yes, you are seen as the leader of our little organization, I still want what is best. Hence the reason I put all this effort in. And let's be honest, if you hadn't first hand witness my power, would you listen to a snot-nosed brat?"

Rommel gave off a hearty laugh. If they weren't out in the forest, Eren would have fear being overheard. Wiping a tear from his eye, Rommel began.

"Yeah, guess your right. If I hadn't witness your intelligence first hand I would probably write you off as a know-it-all brat. But I do believe you want what is best for the people of these walls and are willing to sacrifice many things for that. It shows with how much time you spent on keeping our operations safe and running."

"I'm just surprised no one thought of scented soap." Eren recalled how they made money in order to keep the operations still running. "The nobles eat that stuff up, it really has made us a huge profit."

"Yeah." Rommel agreed. "As well as made me more prestigious. Honestly, most nobles thought I wouldn't make it at the tender age of 12 when my father died. But look! At only age fifteen, I am already plotting with a nine-year-old to overthrow the king!"

"You really are aloof, aren't you?"

"Sure, sure." Rommel waved him off as he took out a folder from his coat. "Thought I would give you a sum up of the reports this month. Anyway, I'm off to relay the orders. The engineers should have a fun time coming up with a way to lift those iron beast!"

"Thank you." Eren said as he took the folder and watched Rommel leave.

Eren couldn't help but sigh at the antics of the head of the Rommel estate. He had met him two years ago in a manor outside Ehrmich District. Since Eren's father, Grisha, was a renowned doctor, he had been invited to the Rommel estate for a party because he healed a prominent official who had become sick.

Grisha took his family to visit the man he saved as well as the host of the party, the young Rommel.

Eren later learned that this party was to further the Rommel name. Since he was so young in succeeding his father, it was often said he would fail.

And that's what led to the actions at the party. Due to him being so young, many older nobles saw it has an opportunity. In a attempt to kill off the only Rommel, they thought they could get rid of one less noble for competition.

The assassins that were sent would have succeeded if it weren't for Eren.

Although many don't know the story, Rommel had managed to fight off the assassins all by himself, even saving the son of Grisha Yeager.

What had really happened was the opposite. Eren saved the young Rommel and befriended him in the process.

Really, the story on how this all happened deserved a book of itself, Eren mused.

Opening the folder, he recalled how that fateful encounter had allowed him to advance his plans far ahead then what he had predicted. By the time he completes the military training, he will have everything ready for usurping the king.

Glancing at the contents, he was satisfied in knowing the recent developments for the R&D group. Eren skimmed that report, noticing that they were able to finally figure out the properties of hydrogen, and would soon be creating a prototype of a blimp.

Eren flipped the page and looked at the report regarding men they sent into military training. They needed men to infiltrate the Military Police, and in order to do that, you had to be one of the top ten out of the whole regiment. So Eren was pleased to know that the men they designated for the Military Police were still top of the class.

Next, Eren looked at the financial structure of the Rommel operations as a whole. It was pleasing to know that the scented soap was still being sold ridiculously fast. He hummed in thought. It would be wise to make a new product, as soon others would find the secret of making scented soap and sells would therefore decrease. But for now, it appeared they were doing alright.

Giving a sigh, he tucked the folder underneath his arm. Placing the empty shot glass near the tree, it joined eight more of its brothers.

"I'll see you guys next year." Eren gave a warm smile.

Although it wasn't a promise, it still irked Eren to this day that he never fulfilled that statement.

Gunshots and explosions dominated the rugged and torn land. A boy sat in the trenches, taking potshots with his rifle every now and then.

A huge explosion rocketed off near him, shaking his body to the bone with a high pitch ringing to replace the sounds of war.

The boy got up unsteadily from the blast. Looking up, his face was met with the end of a barrel. The enemy soldier, covered in grime and sweat, pointed the rifle at point blank at the boy.

However, before he could pull the trigger, a small hole was made right between his eyes. The man dropped backwards as the force of the bullet sunk into his brain.

Looking at his savior, the boy thanked him as the ringing subsided.

"A great shot as always, Nicolas."

"Of course." Nicolas gave the boy a large grin despite the current situation. "Wouldn't want my future brother-in-law dead, y'know?"

The boy gave a sigh at Nicolas's antics. His sister really fell for quite the man.




Eren felt himself being shaken awake as he heard his name being called out.

Looking up, he noticed the familiar face of his adopted sister, Mikasa.

"Eren." She spoke with a hint of warmth. "You fell asleep again."

Picking himself up from the ground, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Looking around, he noticed the makeshift backpack they used to carry firewood. He swore he fell asleep with it empty…

"Thanks for filling up the firewood, Mikasa." Eren said as he patted Mikasa on the head, being the same height making it a little awkward. "But I could have done it myself."

"It's almost time for supper Eren, how did you expect to fill it up in time?" Mikasa questioned him.

Eren coughed into his hand as a light blush of embarrassment dusted his cheeks. He hadn't meant to sleep for that long. The weather was very fair and he had wanted to enjoy it with a quick nap. It appears he napped for far too long, the late nights perhaps getting to him.

"Well, regardless, thanks Mikasa." Eren said as he picked up the backpack and strung it over his shoulders.

Mikasa gave a little smile at Eren's praise. It had been a while since the Yeagers adopted her and she has been growing really close to Eren, her savior.

The Military Police had stopped by, questioning her how she had escaped when she felt better. Although Eren didn't tell her to lie, she still did. Saying that a fire broke out and a shelf fell against the door. There was enough room for her to crawl out and escape, leaving the traffickers to their demise.

That was all she said, and the MPs accepted that answer. It wasn't worth the trouble to investigate it further, seeing as the men were dead anyway.

After the fact, Eren looked at her with raised eyebrows. Expecting her to tell the truth, he was surprised she came to the decision to keep what Eren did a secret.

Although a surprise it was, it was welcomed nonetheless.

Eren and Mikasa walked down the road toward the gate leading to the Shiganshina district. Thinking about it, Eren would say that the venture of saving Mikasa was not wasted. She appeared to have some 'awakening' during the incident. Eren observed that she was much stronger than a girl her age should be. Not to mention her emotional level was completely unreasonable. The girl had killed someone and walked away from it unchanged.

Well, perhaps that is not correct. She seemed to lack emotion, perhaps harboring them to cope with what had happened?

Either way, Eren couldn't discount just what she could do.

He had observed in a display of strength that she was vastly superior to humans when she brought down the local bullies who were twice her size and age.

Eren gave a slight twitch of the lips when he remembered the bullies.

Mikasa had shown no mercy to them, and it was quite hilarious for a girl to defeat boys who could be considered adults.

Although, he suppose he wouldn't have these bully problems if it weren't for the person who attracted such bullies.

Armin Arlert.

Eren had met the boy one day when he was getting bullied. He kept to the shadows, observing how the large boys pelted the younger, more petite boy with punches and kicks.

Afterwards, Eren walked up to the beat and bruised boy, inquiring why he didn't fight back.

"If I fought back, I would just be giving them what they want."

"Oh?" Eren had mocked. "But if you never fight back, how will you ever win?"

The boy made a sniffle as he stood up to be more on an even level with Eren.

"I don't think that is true." He said as he wiped his eyes. "I think that since I didn't run, I didn't lose."

Eren's eyes widened the slightest bit at the response of the boy. Instead of fighting back or running, he endured the punishment so it would end quicker.

"An interesting view." Eren gave a smile at the blond haired boy. "My name's Eren Yeager."

Armin and he became best friends. Eren found it interesting how books of the outside world depict landmarks he already knew. But what fascinated him was the fact they were banned. Why would the government ban such knowledge of the outside world?

Eren had given a knowing smirk. Coming to the conclusion that the government had never wanted them to leave for such places in the first place.

A bell tolled near the top of the walls breaking Eren from his thoughts and signaling that the gate to Wall Maria was about to be raised. This meant only one thing this late in the evening.

The Survey Corps has returned.

Eren gave a frown. They had just left this morning, and now they are returning?

Something bad must have gone down.

"Come on." Eren said as he grabbed Mikasa's hand. "I want to see the Scouts."

They walked towards the main gate that led to the Titan infested lands, observing the long line of people who were there to meet the Scouts.

The tall people obscuring his view, Eren opted to jump on a wooden crate near a shop to look over the head.

Eren was met with the sight of defeat.

Leading the group was the Commander himself.

Keith Shadis, if Eren recalled. He vaguely remembers as a baby meeting him. Well, it was more Carla and Keith meeting, but he had still been there.

His eyes seem to be a bit more sunken in, and his hair was thinning. He led the group with a grim look on his face.

Eren turned his eyes to the back, noting the many wounded men and women in the corps that came from the rear. Bandages soaked in blood were bound on parts of their bodies. Some rode horses while most either walked or laid in the carriages.

Eren gave a downcast gaze as he noted the numbers. He didn't even count above twenty heads.

"Moses!" A woman's shout rang through the crowd. "Where's my son! Where's Moses!"

A soldier came up to Keith, stating the obvious. "It's Moses's mother."

Commander Shadis dismounted as he ordered a soldier to bring something.

Walking over to the mother, he handed the item that the soldier had given him to her. Uncovering the cloth, the woman gave a shocked gasp at what was found within it.

An arm.

"That was all that was left that we could find." Keith said as the woman began to break down in tears, going to her knees.

"Please…" She said in between sobs. "Please tell me he was useful. I know he wasn't the best at everything, but please tell me that he contributed to mankind!"

The woman looked up at Shadis expectantly, only for him to fall on his knees as well.

"No!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. "He did nothing for humanity! The Survey Corps has done nothing! All we've done is go out and get ourselves killed, and have nothing to show for it!"

The commander shook with quenched fist.

The crowd gave mute murmurs as the woman said nothing and continued to sob with the hand held close to her chest.

Soon, the commander got up and walked away, the Scouts following close behind.

"Der' they go!" The man in front of Eren spoke. "Waste'in all ar' taxes to fitten up them Titans! What have they even did?"

"Excuse me sir," Eren couldn't help but speak up. "I think you shouldn't speak such words about people who are brave enough to go beyond the walls."

The man and his colleague turned to Eren as he spoke those words. "An' what do ya know? Yer jus' a lil' pipsqueak. Don't know nothin' bout this world."

Eren gave a slight frown.

"Well," he gave with a sigh. "At least I have respect for people who want change. Who brave the outside world just to make a difference. Not some man who complains about taxes and belittles people when he doesn't even use proper grammar."

"Why ya-!" The man started at Eren when Mikasa intervened. Grabbing Eren by the back, she dragged him into the alleyway. "Ye! Ya betta run!"

Mikasa let go of Eren as soon as they were out of view of the adults that were angered by Eren.

"Eren." Mikasa said as she fixed him with a glare. "That was stupid. You shouldn't make adults like that mad at you."

"Did you see it?" Eren changed the subject as he looked at Mikasa. "Did you see it?"

Mikasa gave a questioning look. "The Survey Corps came back in tatters?"

"No." Eren responded immediately. "What I saw was people who wanted change. Men, women, setting aside differences to work together to take the fight to the Titans. Battling, crying, bleeding, dying for the chance to change something."


"Mikasa, does not this world seem limited. Confided to these walls like cages." Eren looked at the walls, lifting a hand, he closed his fist. "I want to tear down these walls, defeat the Titans, and visit the outside world."

Although tearing them down with colossal like Titans inside them might be difficult, Eren thought.

While the things he just said to Mikasa were true, he left out the part of him conquering the world.

Regardless, he made his point clear.

"...You want to join the Scouts, don't you?" Mikasa said hesitantly.

"Yes." Eren said. "If there is one thing that holds my respect, it is the Scouts. They charge into enemy territory, trying to learn more about them. Taking the fight to them. We can't continue living in these walls like cattle."

"But the Scouts is a death wish. You saw how they returned." Mikasa tried to reason with him.

"That is simply because they have had incompetent leaders. I know that I can make a difference."

Mikasa couldn't argue with that. She knew Eren was smart. His intellect and his stubbornness. His most redeeming characteristics that shine in her dark world.

However, he was the only thing left to her. She couldn't lose him.

So when they returned home and sat down for dinner, she told her family just what Eren had planned.

"Eren!" Carla immediately rushed over to her son, grabbing him by the shoulders. "You can't be serious, do you know how dangerous that is?!"

Eren gave a pierceing glare at Mikasa which she shied away from for ratting him out. Looking back at his mother, he gave her a reply.

"You may be satisfied with living in here like cattle, but I am not. I wish to see the world, the wonders it has. Being confined to these lands surrounded by walls is suffocating."

"Honey!" Carla cried out to Grisha. "You have to convince him!"

"Eren," Grisha said as he stood up from his chair. "Is this truly what you desire."

Eren's nod and determined look was all the answer he needed.

"Very well," Grisha grabbed his hat and headed for the door. "Once I get back from my trip, I'll show you what I had been keeping in the basement."

Eren gave a slight frown at that statement. He recalled how his father was so secretive of the basement. Curiosity had gotten the better of him and he had entered the basement, without permission, before. He had found nothing that was noteworthy. Perhaps he missed something?

"Grisha dear!" Carla exclaimed. "You can't be serious!"

"I am." Grisha said as he opened the door. "You can't contain a person's curiosity. If Eren wishes to free the outside world from the Titan menace to explore it, then we should support it."


"We'll discuss this more when I get back." Grisha gave a nod to Eren. "Think this over very well. I have a boat to catch."

Giving a kiss to Carla, he said goodbye.

As soon as Grisha had turned a corner and was out of view, Carla spoke to Eren.

"Your father may support this, but I will fight you on the matter!"

"Do what you will." Eren said as he hopped off the stairs and into the street. Taking off in a slight jog, he yelled back. "Just know I won't budge on the matter!"

Carla gave a tsking sound as she cast a worried gaze upon Mikasa.

"Listen." She grabbed Mikasa by the arms. "You have to go with Eren! Please, don't let him get in trouble."

Mikasa gave a firm nod as she tightened the scarf around her neck. Walking down the stairs, she started off in a sprint when she reached the road, following the same path Eren did.

Eren, on the other hand, had reached his destination.

An alleyway where currently four figures could be seen. Three standing above the one.

"Hey!" Eren gave a shout as he drew nearer.

"Heh," One of the boys gave a snide laugh. "It's Eren. Let's pound the shit out of him."

"I don't know…" Another boy spoke up. "We can never hit him, he always dodges…"

"Well, this will be— oh shit! It's Mikasa run!"

The three boys started running as soon as they saw who was behind Eren. Running with a death glare behind her, she was truly someone to be scared of.

Eren jogged up to where the boy who the others stood above were.

"Come on, Armin." Eren said as he gave a sideways glance at the boy. "I know you're strong to stand on your own feet."

Armin gave a small smile and a huff of breath as he got up with a groan. Mikasa gave a small frown at their interaction as she walked up behind them.

She had noticed that the friendship they shared was odd. Eren never helped with Armin's fights, he usually just dodged the attacks until the bullies got tired. But afterward, he wouldn't help Armin out one bit. He would just give him a sideways glance, telling him to stand back up.

But what was odd was that Armin seemed fine about it. Perhaps it was the thought that Eren knew Armin could stand back up again or the fact that he didn't truly need help. Nonetheless, Armin was grateful that Eren saw him in such a light.

Mikasa however…

"Couldn't you be a bit more sensitive?" She said as she grabbed Armin's face, checking his bruises.

"I'm not going to babysit someone my own age." Eren said as he started to walk away. "Plus, I think Armin handled the situation fairly well. He realized they were stronger physically, so he endured the punishment as to not give them the satisfaction they desired. In any case, what was it that they did you in for this time?"

Armin and Mikasa followed closely as Eren led them through bends and turns in the pathway to their little-designated hang out spot. Armin gave a meek sound as he clutched a ruined book near his chest.

"Same old. They wanted to blow off some steam and I was just an outlet. They even ruined the book I was going to read…"

"What was it about?" Eren said, sitting down near the steps of the embankment they had just arrived at.

"Hm? Oh, it was just a romance story."

"I see." Eren said as he gave a nod. "At least it wasn't the book."

"Yeah," Armin responded. "My grandfather would really be disappointed if the book that speaks of the outside world got ruined…"

"Speaking of the outside world…" Eren trailed off as he cast his gaze towards Mikasa. "Any particular reason that you told my parents I was going to join the Scouts?"

Mikasa didn't answer. Noticing the awkward tension, Armin spoke up.

"So… How did your parents take it?"

Eren, noticing what Armin was doing, decided to let the matter go concerning Mikasa. In the end, it would be petty to hold a grudge against someone who only wanted what was best for him. Accepting Armin's chance to change the subject, he spoke.

"Carla through a fit about it but Grisha was more unbiased on the subject."

Mikasa gave a visible flinch at Eren using his parents' names. It was rare, but Eren really never called his mom and dad their titles. When he did, he always used 'mother' and 'father', referring to them in a respectful tone. In some ways, it felt like Eren wasn't even their son. Or Eren wasn't acting like they were his parents.

"Hm," Armin gave a thoughtful hum as he adopted a thinking posture. "I want to see the outside world as well. And to do that would mean to defeat the Titans."

"Yeah, we either take the fight to them, or they come to us…"

Mikasa and Armin gave confused glances at that statement. Armin, being the quickest to recognize what Eren meant, spoke.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. The walls protected us for more than a hundred years, but will they last forever? Will the Titans ever break them down? It could be in a few years, or even tomorrow."

How about today?

The universe practically screamed that as a large tremor shook the youths to their bones.

Groaning as they stood up, Armin gave a glance to the sky. Although his view was obstructed from the buildings, he noticed an excess amount of steam rising into the sky. With hurried and shaking feet, he ran from the embankment and towards an alleyway.

"Armin, what..." Eren spoke up as he saw him take off. Deciding it was better to follow him, he took after the little blond, Mikasa close behind himself.

When Eren arrived in the street, he saw Armin just standing there. Eyes wide and mouth agape, he seemed to be as still as a statue as he gazed upon the wall.

"Armin…" Eren wanted to ask what was wrong, but a quick glance towards the wall told him what the problem was.

A giant hand, skinless with red muscles bared to the world was clamped unto the top of the wall. It twitched and then tightened its hold on to the wall.

Eren could only stare dumbfounded as the large Titan rose its head above the wall, looking down into Shiganshina as if it were a sandbox.

But what surprised Eren was the eyes of the so-called Titan. He had recalled that they were supposed to be mindless, that they only attacked out of instinct and used no methods that suggested intelligence.

Eren knew immediately that all that must have also been a lie. Because as the Titan reeled back its foot and plunged it into the gate, sending shards of it flying, he knew that this Titan could think for himself. Strategic and come up with a plan that allowed him to feast upon humans. By destroying the gates, the Titans had just efficiently paved a path to their dinner.

But before he could think of anything else, he noticed one thing.

"O-our house…" For the first time, Eren stuttered. "It was that way… near where one of the shards landed…"

Eren took off in a sloppy run toward the house, Armin's protest ignored as he focused on getting to his home.

He hoped, beyond anything else, that Carla would be okay. He will admit, the woman had grown on him. Acting like a mother, she was probably the first person to ever do so in Eren's life, past life included. He had grown attached to her.

Eren rounded the corner, only to stop in shock as he looked at their now crumbled house.

Of course, why would fate allow such happiness towards him? The house was crushed, caved in by a bolder that had been flung from the gates.

That had been flung by that Colossal Titan.

Eren ran up there, shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Mother! Carla! Are you there?!" His shouts were hectic, only through years of heartbreak is what allowed him not to choke on the sobs that were beginning to build up.

"Er… Eren?" It was weak, but he heard it like a trumpet.

"Carla!" Eren threw away a piece of a plank that blocked his view of her. He gave a smile as he noticed her, but the smile soon morphed into an expression of fear.

Carla was trapped underneath wood beams. Split and crushed in certain patterns, it was like a spider's web, not allowing anyone to escape who were in it.

It was at that moment that Eren finally noticed that Mikasa had joined him when he had run off toward the house. Thinking quickly, he told Mikasa what to do.

"Here! Lift from this end! Don't worry, we'll get you out!" Pleading with his mother, he and Mikasa began to lift one of the beams. It was unfortunate, but even with Mikasa's inhuman strength, they could not lift it.

A large thump and the shaking of the ground alerted them of what was coming near.

"Eren! You have to take Mikasa and run!" Carla shouted at her son.

"What?!" Eren tried desperately to lift the beam once again. "You can't be serious? I am not leaving without you!"

Another thump.

"Eren! Please!" Carla was begging at this point.

Apart of Eren knew that running was the best. He had wanted to and would have if he was still The Führer. However, Carla had a special place in his heart. The only person who ever acted like a mother for him, and she expected him to leave?

He knew he was risking his dreams and goals, but he realized that he wanted to live his way in this world. He wanted Carla to be there for him. To sing him to sleep just one more time. To tell him stories. To make him dinner. To refuse him items. To give him hugs. He wanted, above most things, a mother who loved him. He, allegedly, had grown soft.

But it appears that would not be the case.

Another thump alerted them just how close the monster was.

But another sound also alerted them that not all hope was lost.

The sound of a mechanic shooting out a hook and whirling it in. It was the vertical maneuvering gear.

Hannes, a Garrison guard who often drunk on duty, flew in near the group of frantic children and their mother.

"What are you still doing here?! We're evacuating citizens as we speak!" He shouted before assessing the situation.

"Hannes!" Upon looking at the cry, he saw Carla pinned underneath the boards. "You have to take Eren and Mikasa and get out of here!"

Hannes gave her a grim look as he bit his lip. He heard the thump and looked up. Noticing a tall, smiling Titan, he knew that it was only a matter of time before it reached them.

Giving a determined look, Hannes spoke to the terrified group.

"Nonsense. I'll take down that Titan and save all of you! After all, I have that debt I owe Grisha."

Eren gave a smile of relief as Hannes ran off toward the Titan. He didn't quite know what the debt was, something about Grisha saving him and his wife from some disease, but Eren was thankful nonetheless.

Even if Hannes couldn't kill the thing, it would allow time for Eren and Mikasa to get Carla out of there.

"Come on, Mikasa! Help me find something to use to get some leverage! We need-" Eren was cut short as a firm hand was warped around his body. He was soon lifted up onto the shoulders of the man he thought would buy them time.

"W-What?!" Eren practically screeched. "What are you doing?! We have to save her! We have to save my mom!"

Hannes said nothing as he continued running, carrying Eren like a sack of potatoes and Mikasa in hand.

"No… No!" Eren shouted as he reached out for Carla, seeing the smiling abomination make its way to her.

Eren saw tears in her eyes, whether out of sadness or relief, he did not know. All he saw was her face and the Titan who dug at the material to get to her.

It wasn't long before the Titan reached her.

As if in a spurt of will to live, Carla pounded her hands on the knuckles of the monster.

"No…" his voice was weak. "Stop it…"

The Titan lifted his other hand, snapping the back of his mother.

"Stop it."

The Titan rose the limp form of Carla up to its mouth.

"Stop it!"

And bit down.

Blood sprayed everywhere as the teeth hit key arteries in Carla's body, forcing the blood pressure to spray it everywhere.

Eren could only stare as the blood of his mother dripped down the thing's mouth.

Eren stayed silent as he processed what had just happened. Then his anger flared as he realized whose fault this was.

"You bastard!" He shouted as he elbowed Hannes in the face. "You left her to die!"

Eren threw more curses and fists as he tried to take out the irritation that had grown within him.

Hannes, becoming annoyed at the constant beating, stopped and threw Eren off his shoulder. Eren landed with a grunt and as he got back up, he yelled at Hannes some more.

"Why did you run?! Why didn't you stay and fight so we could save my mother!"

Eren ran up to deliver a punch to Hannes' face, only for him to catch it.

"It is because you are weak physically, you couldn't save your mother."

"Why you-!"

"And it is because!" Hannes cut Eren off, looking up to him with tears streaming down his face. "I am weak mentally that I could not save her! I, who had the training and the gear to take on that Titan, froze when it counted! I was terrified, and ran…"

His voice became mellow as he trailed off, tears never ceasing to stop.

Eren, who had yet to cry, felt the stinging sensation and the blurred vision of unshed tears. Realizing what this meant, he closed his eyes, not allowing the tears to fall.

With a few sniffles as he regained his composure, he told them what they should do next.

"What's… done is done." His voice shook a little at that statement. "We should… just get out of here."

Hannes, wiping his tears, nodded at Eren. Taking them by the hand, he leaded them to the docks where the evacuations were being held.

The boat that left was filled to the brim with evacuees. Eren and Mikasa were lucky to be reunited with Armin and his grandfather on the same boat.

Armin didn't ask about Carla. He was a smart and perceptive boy, realizing the looks on Eren and Mikasa's face to determine what had happened.

The trio said nothing as they sat near the infrastructure of the boat. However, the quiet despair that settled upon the residence soon broke out as someone gave a horrified gasp.

"The… The gate…"

Upon that statement, Eren arose from his position. Pushing his way to the front, he saw what held most of the audience captivated. A large Titan, perhaps 15 meters, that was fully armored. Using that to its advantage, it steamed rolled the gate. Crushing the only thing defending humanity from the threats of the Titans

Mankind had just lost wall Maria.

Eren grasped the rim of the boat. Hands still bloodied and bruised from his attempt on saving his mother.

For the first time in this world, The Führer allowed tears to drop from his eyes.

"Hear me now." He swore under his breath. "I will eradicate you all."

Staring venomously at the armored beast, he continued.

"I will torture you. I will hear you scream. I will make you pay for such atrocities that you have committed to me."

Eren's eyes could not hold any more hatred to the beast that were now entering the hole within wall Maria.

"Hear my proclamation. The Führer has returned."

And thus begins the journey of The Führer, who will conquer all.