
The Frozen Destiny

In the realm of Everglade, Princess Ava Sullivan, the 7th princess and the cherished child of King Leo Sullivan, faces a challenging existence. Despite lacking magical powers and not knowing her true mother, her father's love remains unwavering. However, her life takes a somber twist as an unprecedented Winter season descends upon the kingdom, freezing everything in its wake, causing death and devastation. Since the age of 14, Ava has wrestled with the burden of proving herself through aptitude tests, only to face disappointment each time, leading others to ridicule her abilities. Though the people of the capital refrain from openly bullying her due to King Leo's protection, Ava's life is suddenly upended when the Winter's wrath engulfs the kingdom, resulting in a surge of fatalities. Desperate to save his realm, King Leo is faced with a harrowing choice: to appease the God of winter, Glaciara, and end the merciless cold, he must sacrifice his beloved child, Ava, in accordance with ancient tradition. Therefore, the King personally sends Ava to the treacherous wilderness in the name of the ritual. Despite the seemingly impossible odds, the people of Everglade pray fervently for Glaciara to accept this sacrifice and spare them from the endless winter's grip. Remarkably, their prayers are answered, and within a few days, the relentless winter begins to relent. However, a surprising turn of events occurs, contradicting everyone's expectations. After one month, to everyone's astonishment, Ava returns with a cub of the Lioxx—a race that is a combination of lion and fox, just like the name suggests. This cub, like Ava, lacks any magical abilities. The kingdom marvels at how Ava managed to survive but wholeheartedly welcomes her back. Embark on a captivating adventure as you follow Ava and the Lioxx cub on their enigmatic journey. Delve into the depths of this compelling tale to unearth the secrets and untold wonders that shaped Ava's life forever. ------------ Author's Note: Dear Readers, I am thrilled to present to you my very first novel. Embarking on this literary journey has been a deeply rewarding experience, filled with both excitement and challenges. As a new author, I've poured my heart and creativity into crafting a story that I hope will captivate your imagination and offer you moments of enjoyment. Creating this novel has been a labor of love, and I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have chosen to join me on this adventure. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me, and I am eager to share this tale with you. I'm well aware that a first novel is a step into the vast realm of storytelling, and I'm grateful for your understanding and patience as I explore this new landscape. Your feedback and encouragement will be invaluable to me as I continue to grow as a writer. So, without further ado, I invite you to dive into the world I've created within these pages. May this novel transport you to new realms, evoke emotions, and leave you eagerly turning each page. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. Warmest regards, [Shanta]

Shanta_Tiwari · Fantasía
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6 Chs

The Explosive Awakening

A loud explosion jolted the capital city from its slumber, causing people to wake up suddenly. The booming sound was so strong that it reached every corner of the city. Confusion filled the air as everyone tried to figure out what had just happened. People peeked out of their windows, exchanging worried glances with their neighbors.

"Hey, what's going on? Did you hear that?" a voice called out, its owner peeking through the window with uncertainty, unsure of how to react at this moment.

"What in the world is that noise? It woke me up!" a robust man exclaimed, his frustration evident in his tone. He stood apart from the crowd, unafraid of trouble. Instead, his irritation stemmed from having his sleep disrupted, and he was prepared to take on any challenge that came his way.

"Is everyone alright?" a young man's concern echoed through the air. He hurriedly left his room to check on his family, anxiety lacing his steps. His worry centered on the safety of his loved ones, driving him to act swiftly and ensure their well-being.

As word of the explosion rapidly spread, a sense of urgency gripped the city's authorities and experts. Determined to unravel the mystery behind the unexpected event, they sprang into action.

Teams of officials and specialists convened, their discussions laced with concern and curiosity. Among them, a group of seasoned magic experts gathered, their robes adorned with symbols of their craft. They carried an air of solemnity, fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

"It appears that a magical occurrence took place, originating from the east," Elder Elena remarked with a somber expression, her voice carrying a weight of concern. She harbored apprehensions of potential aggression from an adversary. Her anxiety was exacerbated by her knowledge of the Everglade's unique status—a secluded realm devoid of other nations or inhabited planets. It stood as a self-contained creation, seemingly man-made. Exiting its borders was forbidden, as was unauthorized entry. The thought of an intruder who could breach these barriers and pose a substantial threat weighed heavily on her.

"You make a valid point, Elder Elena. Let's proceed to investigate the situation," Elder Cedric replied, his tone light and playful. Though younger than Elder Elena, he held a position of prominence due to his remarkable magical prowess. Unaware of the full extent of the Everglade's circumstances, he exuded confidence that stemmed from his remarkable abilities. It was this assurance that safeguarded him against trepidation.

"Could this have resulted from a spell going awry? Or perhaps it's the result of a conjuration?" a bearded elder interjected, his fingers absently stroking his beard as he contemplated the situation. He held a conviction that the disturbance was not an aggressive incursion. To his mind, it seemed plausible that the occurrence was related to magical training or experimentation.

Amidst their conversations, incantations were muttered softly, spells cast to detect lingering magic in the air. Each expert brought their unique perspective, combining their knowledge to unravel the enigma.

While the experts diligently conducted their investigation, a state of unrest had befallen the palace. King Leo exited his chamber with urgency, summoning the authorities for an emergency meeting. His concern surpassed that of everyone else; a premonition seemed to take root in his heart, nearly pushing him to the brink of emotional breakdown. Despite the turmoil within, he made an effort to maintain an appearance of composure and calm, concealing his inner fear.

"My king, please know that everything will be alright," Queen Elara murmured softly, her words laced with reassurance. Beneath her facade of strength, her own worries were brewing. Uncertainty lingered in her mind regarding the origins of the explosion – whether it was linked to the enigmatic figure or the group they had encountered before. In either scenario, it seemed their actions had invited trouble.

With a subdued nod and a faint smile, King Leo acknowledged her words even as the weight of his apprehensions pressed upon him. Despite his inner turmoil, he proceeded to the meeting hall to address the unfolding situation.

Unbeknownst to all, the enigmatic Shadow Master Ethan was grappling with his own turmoil. He sensed the stirrings of ancient magic's aura, his heart heavy with foreboding. Uncertainty clouded his thoughts as he contemplated who could have ignited such power within the realm that was considered inconsequential.

"Ava's training shouldn't have borne fruit in a month's time. Could my target have been misjudged all along? Could the source of this power be someone else?" he mused aloud, frustration evident in his voice. His attempts at deciphering the situation yielded no resolution. Seventeen years of relentless pursuit had left him grappling with setbacks and losses. He had experienced moments of powerlessness, his authority slipping away twice. His existence within the Everglade Kingdom alongside King Leo, a seemingly insignificant ruler, further compounded his frustration. His ultimate objective remained elusive, leaving him in a state of vexation and defeat.

As the night wore on, the dialogue and efforts of the magic experts and their colleagues painted a vivid picture of a world where the mundane and the magical intertwined, each seeking answers to the explosion that had shaken their city.

Despite their thorough efforts, the mystery deepened. No matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find a clear explanation for the explosive sound. Theories were discussed and ideas were shared, but none of them seemed to fit the pieces of the puzzle.

The city remained on edge as the investigation continued. People talked about what might have caused the explosion – some speculated about fireworks gone wrong, others mentioned a gas leak, and some even had more far-fetched ideas.

As the night wore on, a sense of stillness settled over the city. The excitement and tension that had filled the air gradually faded. It was as if the night was determined to keep its secret. The streets grew quiet, and the capital city returned to its peaceful slumber, almost as if the explosive sound had been nothing more than a fleeting dream.

Within the Luminara Manor,

Princess Ava's frustration mounted as she grappled with her training. Her attempts to harness her power had spiraled out of control, ultimately resulting in the explosion that had shaken the surroundings. Even she found herself baffled by the outcome, uncertain of what precisely had transpired.

"Little one, while I managed to conceal the aftermath and prevent magic fluctuations from being traced, how am I to mend this situation?" Ava voiced her vexation, directing her words to the small creature nestled in her arms – Lioxx. The magical effect of her training had taken them both by surprise. Her chamber bore the marks of chaos, scorched and altered, yet miraculously, both she and Lioxx remained unscathed. Thankfully, Ava had previously instructed everyone to leave the manor premises during her period of practice, ensuring her chamber remained devoid of onlookers.

Lioxx responded by affectionately licking Ava's cheeks, concealing his true thoughts. While he might have yearned to voice his disapproval of her actions, he remained beholden to her, wholly reliant on her care. Thus, he could only play the role of an innocent, adorable companion.

"Well then, let's see if I can utilize this newfound power to restore my chamber." Ava's laughter tinkled with a touch of amusement, her resolve undiminished despite the mishap. After considerable contemplation, she decided to channel her energy towards rectifying the situation.

"Hehe, little one, who would have ever thought that I, Ava, once known as the Queen of Death, would find myself crafting something to conceal my power?" Ava's laughter held a mix of irony and amusement. She gently placed the tiny Lioxx on her shoulder, and with a determined expression, she swirled her hands through the air, creating intricate and shimmering magical seals. Her goal: to restore her chamber to its previous state before the break of dawn.

As Ava's hands moved gracefully, the surroundings seemed to blur, and the atmosphere became charged with the ethereal dance of magical elements. Wisps of shimmering energy began to weave through the air, swirling and intertwining as if they had a life of their own. The soft glow of arcane light illuminated Ava's features, casting an otherworldly radiance upon her determined expression.

Minutes passed, during which the enchanting display of magic continued. As the elements swirled and weaved, there were moments of whimsy that slipped through the serious task at hand. The restoration was underway, but the magic itself seemed to carry a touch of playfulness.

In the midst of the magical chaos:

- A chair spun around on one leg, creating an impromptu twirling seat.

- A bookshelf morphed slightly, causing a stack of books to become arranged in the shape of a winking smiley face.

- A chandelier, once suspended from the ceiling, suddenly floated just above the ground, casting light in unexpected directions.

- A rug somersaulted through the air before landing with a perfectly synchronized flip, displaying an intricate pattern on its underside.

- A vase with a mind of its own spun around in a comical dance, its flowers swaying as if following an invisible rhythm.

Finally, with a flourish of her hands, Ava completed the spell. The magical seals pulsed with a final burst of energy, and the chamber's appearance solidified. The restoration was successful, but with a humorous twist.

The room before them wasn't the authentic chamber; in fact, it bore no resemblance to any recognizable space. Instead, it manifested as an illusion filled with an array of amusing and unexpected elements. Even Lioxx, the little companion, found himself overwhelmed by the spectacle, his body trembling with suppressed mirth. He longed to burst into laughter, yet his concern for Ava's reaction kept him in check, lest she take offense.

"Little one, your delight is rather evident in the face of my misadventure, isn't it?" Ava's voice held a note of playful accusation, accompanied by a knowing smile.

Lioxx initially nodded in agreement, only to swiftly correct himself by vigorously shaking his head, resembling a rattle drum. Although Ava's smile held no intimidation, an undercurrent of fear coursed through him. He understood well that Ava had a low tolerance for any form of offense, and she was more than capable of swiftly retaliating. While he held a fondness for her demeanor, it didn't equate to a desire to endure her retribution.

Opting for an endearing approach, he chose to shower Ava's face with affectionate licks. His intention was to demonstrate his fondness, while also hoping to placate her. He recognized the potential consequences of failing to ease her amusement, suspecting that she might concoct something entertaining at his expense.

In an instant, as if foretold by his intuition,

"Well, my dear little friend, it seems you're rather taken with this whimsical decor. How about I channel some of my creativity onto you?" Ava's voice took on a playful tone, her eyes dancing mischievously. The suggestion hung in the air, offering a blend of jest and intrigue.

Before you conclude this chapter, dear reader, I kindly ask for your support. Your encouragement means a great deal to me, and I hope you're enjoying the journey we're embarking on together. If you've found resonance in the story, please consider supporting me in any way you can. Your engagement, whether through likes, comments, or shares, will undoubtedly inspire me to continue crafting this tale. Thank you for being a part of this adventure!

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