
The Fresh Start in an RPG World

Suffering because of other people's mistake, this sums up well the life of a young boy, but even with everything and everyone conspiring against him managed to survive. Who would have imagined that someone who survived practically everything would die in such a normal way, one day when he was in another of his escapes was run over, instant death, but something had still been reserved for him, this was... a second chance. He wakes up in a room, with the self titled trainee god, he has the choice to start over in a new world, full of magic and wonderful things, but that will also bring great dangers. This is a story inspired by the Japanese isekais, our protagonist will live in a world of magic and dangerous monsters, will he manage to survive in this world just like he did in his old life? (Although he died). English is not my mother tongue, I apologize for possible mistakes in the future. Isekai according to Wikipedia: Isekai (異世界 lit. "different world") is a sub-genre of light novels, manga, animes and fantasy electronic games characterized by a normal protagonist (usually a contemporary inhabitant of the Earth) being transported or trapped in a parallel universe.

RenCmps · Fantasía
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47 Chs

Carmenta (Part 1)

After two days of walking we could see a city on the horizon. This was Carmenta, although its size is known as 'village'. A great wall stretched around it, not as great as that of the Vampiric Kingdom, but even so it was still great. At his entrance were four guards, who stop us as we approached.

"Identify yourselves" says the closest one to the left.

We took our guild cards and showed them. One of the soldiers walks up to us and picks them up and looks, while another follows into the wall, I can hear the creaking of a wooden door opening and closing.

"It's all right with the card, but we still need to run a test to see if they're not criminals. "Noticing the expression of doubt on Bianca's face explains. "Don't worry, it's something easy and fast."

He takes us inside the wall, the other soldiers were after us, but they kept their guard down. We walked into a room, there was the same soldier who walked in before. All it had in that room was a white table, in its center was a crystal sphere.

"Just touch the crystal ball, it will change color, you don't have to worry, unless the red appears, it would mean you're criminals," says the soldier.

"I'll go first." Bianca says taking a pass.

When you put your hand on the sphere something like white smoke appears inside the object, in a few seconds the white becomes blue.

"No problem, you're clean, next."

"Now it is Alicia's turn."

The girl talks trying to get her hand on the ball, but the table was a little too wide for her arm. She turns to me and talks.


I can hear little laughs from the soldiers, Bianca and I hold as much as we can.

"Is there a problem if I hold her while you do that?" I ask.

"No problem." The soldier says making a signal for us to do the test.

I raise Alicia and her hand can touch the sphere this time. The same white smoke came up, but it was different than when it was with Bianca. The smoke moved with extreme speed, spins like a small tornado, after a few moments it calms down, the color that appears is not blue, instead a gray fills it.

"Interesting..." The soldier who gave us the orders spoke, he looked at the sphere without blinking.

"Is that bad?" I ask.

"It's not that, I'll explain later" he says. "Now, the next."

I put Alicia on the ground, then I put my hand on the sphere. The same scene of the other times is repeated, as it happened with Alicia the smoke turns, but at a lower speed, when stopping it it turns totally black. When the girls touched a glow, it mixed with the color, but that light didn't appear this time, after a second a little white light appears in the middle, it was totally white.

"I've never seen it like this before." You could tell the shock in his voice.

After the soldier finally manages to recover, he turns to us.

"You've all passed" warns. "As I had informed you before, you would only be stopped if she turned red."

When he says that, you can see that all three of us feel relieved at the same time.

"This sphere, when touched by someone, shows the true nature of this person. I'm not an expert, but I can tell the basics. Blue means this person is kind, hardly anyone like that will ever become a criminal. Red is a bad person, of course it can vary a lot, not every bad person is a criminal, but when one commits a crime it is recorded on you, so that someone with a marked crime touches the sphere it will show a bright red".

"I see, that's very interesting" I speak by observing the sphere again.

I wonder how that works.

"But I have never seen anyone like you two" he says pointing to me and Alicia. "Other colors that usually appear are white and black. White is usually seen in people who work in church and black with demonic races. The little girl has a mixture of these two and you not only have a very strong black colour but also white, really spectacular".

Your eyes shine as you look at us both.

"So, can we move on?" Bianca who was quiet until now asks.

"Oh, yes, of course."

It seems he's coming back to you, he was so focused he forgot to let us go.

"The entrance fee to the city is one average bronze coin per person. You will get a visa on your cards, this visa is valid for five days, if you want to continue for longer you will have to come here to renew. If they are caught without a visa in the city they will have to pay a fine of a big bronze coin, if they don't have the money they will end up turning into a slave" he explains to us handing back the cards.

An excessively heavy sentence. In this world people who commit heavy crimes and those who cannot pay their debts can become slaves. The only difference between a slave of crimes and those of debts is how they are treated, some laws exist to protect this second group, the first already has no protection from the government.

"I'll keep that in mind" I speak by taking the money out of my backpack.

Since I'm with the money I paid my entrance fee and that of Alicia. Bianca said she'd use her own money when I offered to pay for it too.

We were released by the guards after they stamped our cards. A little green symbol appears on it.

When we entered the city we decided to go straight to a restaurant. It's been a while since we've had a decent meal.

"I don't think it's bad to eat game while traveling, but eating food made by a professional is quite different" I speak and then take the food to my mouth.

"Alicia thinks it's delicious." She talks with glitter in her eyes.

Bianca and I took pasta dishes with meat, Alicia decided to eat a pie.

"It's really tasty," he says after he's finished chewing. "I don't remember anything like this in port."

After we finish eating we still sit at the table for a while, order some drinks at this time.

"So what will you do now?" I ask Bianca.

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea." Be quiet for a while. "At the moment I have to go to the guild, I must report everything that has happened.

"I thought the guild would know at the time of death."

The card is magically connected to some kind of their communicator, although I don't know how it really works.

"They stay, but I have to report how it happened, then they will open an investigation."

"I see."

I feel someone pulling the corner of my shirt, it was Alicia, I come close and she talks in my ear.

"Can Bianca stay with us for now?" she asks.

"I see no problem." I look at Bianca. "Why don't you stay in our group for a while?"

"I don't know" says cabisbaix. "It seems wrong to throw all my problems on you."

"I won't force you into anything, just think about it. We'll be in this town for a while." I'll tell her.

After that we separated, she went to guild and we went to the inn. The city was divided into three districts, commercial, residential and noble.

"It's very strange that Alicia wants to be close to someone like that," I said, looking at the little girl.

Ever since we met, the only person she's been around is me. Even with the leader of the port city guild, who was very kind to her, kept a certain distance.

"Bianca is like Alicia." says cabisbaixa.

"I see."

Just like Alicia, she had no one. At least that's what we know, those adventurers were his only companions. Alicia apparently got a little bent out of shape talking about Bianca, so I go up to her and put my hand on her head.

"Don't worry, if she wants, we'll help her anytime, okay?" I try to make her less worried.

"Yep." Says more lively now.

She gives a beautiful smile. Who would have thought that I would be worried about other people, a person who decided to do everything that benefited me above anything else.

"How about we go for a walk in town? I also need to pass the guild." I ask your opinion.


We went for a walk in the commercial district, the shops here are nothing too much, some shops of clothes, armour, weapons, etc.

"Do you want something?" I ask.

"Hmm... No, nothing." he answers.