
The Fox, Red

Meet The Fox, Red; destined for greatness by the hand of fate to become a beast of legend. But how he uses his power is up to him. Follow Red as he's thrust into a world he never knew existed and learns the ins and outs of his destiny.

TheBirdBlue · Acción
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113 Chs

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Madam Without Her Charge

"What?! Do you mean!? He is missing?!"

Her voice rang out from the office into the foyer shaking anyone within earshot. Inside, Danny had to give her the report that she had asked for. "Madam Odette, we have exhausted all leads, and all witnesses, and scoured as far as we can. Red is just gone."

"Someone doesn't just disappear!"

She falls into her chair with a grunt as she tries to bring herself down. "I'm not upset with you, Danny. I want to make sure you understand that. I just don't understand how someone of such importance can just disappear. The school reports he dropped out and returned his belongings. His suit was shipped here. His parents received a large box with a majority of his belongings. And you said he was seen at the army recruiting office near the campus?"

"Yes, Madam Odette. That is where we seem to reach a dead end."

"Red is too smart to join. Either by his own want or if they promised him anything."

She racked her brain trying to figure this out. "We can't rule it out though. Danny, see if we still hold a contract with someone who is willing to do some looking around for us. Just let them know we are trying to find a member of our staff."

"I will do my best, Madam Odette."

Danny takes his leave with grace. Once in the hallway, he takes a deep breath. There are a lot of eyes on him trying to get a read of the situation. It was rare, almost unheard of, that Madam Odette would have an episode such as that. Her ability to remain calm under pressure is one of her strong suits. It's not the first time this has happened in her life. Typically, there is a great underlying issue that bubbles up and explodes. The last time that this happened, someone had tried to suppress an issue that caused a cascade of issues. It was quickly cleaned up but not before everything came to light, all at once.

In this case, she is responsible for Red's well-being. He was entrusted to her with the understanding that she would teach him and keep him safe. She was uneasy about letting him leave the grounds but at the same time, he can only grow so much in an environment. "Where are you Red? Why did you do this?" She muttered to herself in her office. She tried to bring herself back but this was too much. Short of going after him herself, she was stuck relying on others for information. They had to do their due diligence to get what she requested.

The information about him spending time at the recruiting office was the most unsettling. If they found out that he was a magic user… If they found out that he was the nine-tailed fox! There is no doubt that they would weaponize him. He's a smart kid but to put himself in this situation…

Sitting and doing nothing was bothering her. It didn't sit right. Someone just doesn't disappear like this! She rolled around in her chair as she tried to gather herself. She knew that she was bothered. But for right now, the best thing she could do was to go hands-off on this. If she got involved it would only take away from those who need her to be there and in charge. Plus, if she got directly involved, it's possible she may make someone cry for messing with her charge.

Patience was the key. She had to exercise patience and trust her people. A week went by before someone got something for her. Danny is the trusted messenger. "Madam Odette, we've done all we can…"

"This doesn't sound like good news."

He takes a breath, "We were able to confirm with the recruiting office that they did sign a contract with Red and that he shipped out of his own free will. When we followed up on this, we were unable to find the platoon he was assigned to. Rather, we were unable to find a platoon that he is presently in. We were unable to pursue this further. Even our military contacts are in the dark."

He's gone. He's just gone. No one knows where he went. But someone has to know where he is. He's out there. He's with someone, He's traded hands. There is someone out there who can point her in the right direction. Her mind is made up! She's going to have to take this into her own hands. "Danny. I'm placing you in charge."

"I assume you are going after Red?"

"I am. I may not bring him back. I need to get a read on where he is."

"Understood, Madam Odette. Will you be taking a personal vehicle?"

"I will."

With her mind on a mission, Madam Odette set out. "Red. You idiot."