
The Fox, Red

Meet The Fox, Red; destined for greatness by the hand of fate to become a beast of legend. But how he uses his power is up to him. Follow Red as he's thrust into a world he never knew existed and learns the ins and outs of his destiny.

TheBirdBlue · Acción
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113 Chs

A Reward From... Madam Delula?!

Under Delula's order, I return to the house where the badger guarding the door lets me through pointing me to a different door than Madam Odette's. There is a full guest bathroom attached to a second bedroom on the ground floor by the main entryway. I'm not allowed to sleep in that room but I am allowed to use the facilities to clean myself up.

It's not as spacious as Madam Odette's but nonetheless, it is massive compared to anywhere else. With my soap in hand, I turn on the almost immediate hot water and step into the room of a shower. Everything quickly fills with steam blurring all vision. It's relaxing. I've said it before but when you don't have something for a while and you get it back, you realize how nice it is. Hot, running water is a luxury for me and I'm not going to forget it from now on. Water never felt so nice.

It was a quick shower as I am not using my own water. Towels are waiting for me and I'm not sure if they were there before or not. I did forget clean clothes though. I'm going to have to walk out with just shorts on to the shed so I can get a fresh set. It's not cold yet but it's getting there. Summer has left but Autumn is not in full swing yet. The nights get crisp but not cold. Did Madam Odette plan it that way? If Delula had stayed the full time would I be shivering in the cold? Now I'm a little concerned.

At Delula's order, I return after I get myself cleaned off. I knock and she lets me know the door's unlocked. Walking in she's sitting on the bed facing me. She changed again to yet another robe-looking thing. But this is… different. It looks thinner. Softer? I can't quite tell. Is she getting ready for bed? Should I leave? I can't tell anymore.

I give a greeting while trying not to give away that I'm not understanding what's happening, "Good evening."

"Welcome back." She stands up and begins walking over, "Feel better?"

"I do."

"Good. Now Red, I have a couple more questions. What did you learn about me while you were learning?"

This is weird, "You have a different teaching style which is effective. You set high expectations of your students. I think you can plan for almost anything but I seemed to throw you off a bit."

"That you did. Want to know what I learned about you?"

"Um, sure."

"I learned that you are caring, efficient, not very outgoing but still try, and can wrap your head around just about anything." The tone in her voice changed, "Lady Odette warned me before I showed up that you were a special case and I believe her now."

As she spoke she got closer and closer. I didn't notice as I was more focused on what she was saying but now that she's so close I could reach and touch her I'm aware of the lack of distance. "Lady Odette told me about how you were able to impress her with your power." She begins rubbing my chest. Because she's a gecko it feels different than fur. It's not as fluffy and soft but more of a bare contact. "She likes power, someone who can best her in something, anything, everything. Me, on the other hand, I'm not so much of a physical person. I prefer a strong mind." Her hands start going from my chest up to my neck. "I prefer those who can talk their way into things." With her hands on my cheeks, I see her lean in. She's lulled me, I can tell, like a siren she used her words to distract me to get what she wanted. Her lips touch mine and before I know it her body is pressed close.

She releases me with a slight inhale, "You Red, truly are something amazing. I want you to show me more of what you can do." I'm not sure if I have control of myself at this point. I feel like I might but it still feels as though she has a hold on me of some kind. My paws move towards her stomach to spread out to her waist. I was right, the cloth is very thin and soft to the touch. It almost feels like when she touched me. As I rub my hands against her I notice something. My eyes catch hers the instant I realize it but so does she. Slowly she lifts one side of the robe while pulling down part of the top. With a bedroom smile she lets me know that under that robe, it's all her. And she is not afraid to show it off.

I can feel my blood flowing now. Just that small flash was enough. I don't know what she did to me but it's got me. She puts her robe back where it was before walking back up, "So tell me smart boy; what have you learned now?"

"I've learned that you are a great teacher who I think has more to teach."


Before I have a chance she grabs me again pulling me with her as she moves backward. Just before she hits the bed I get turned around with my back to it. With a heavy push, I seem to fly onto the bed. For a small woman, she sure has some power. I wonder where it comes from. I look down to see her standing near my legs that are hanging off the bed. She slides one leg up then the other straddling me. For just a split second I could see under the robe but it wasn't long enough to get a good look. She slides her body across mine. I can almost feel her skin even through my jeans. "I want you to learn something about geckos. When we find what we think is a suitable mate, we are always ready for them."

Her fingers are a lot more slender than mine are so she can get to the skin past all my fur. Her right paw slowly starts playing with my lower stomach, fiddling with my belt at the same time. Her other paw disappears behind her while she does this. I can't see what she's doing but it's interesting the noises she's making. I look past her arm trying to see what she's doing. She's astute and takes notice, "You interested? You want to see?"

"I do."

Her paw leaves my belt and goes to her thigh slowly lifting the robe. She gets to where I can just start to see the V on her thigh and low and behold her other hand begins to show. While playing with my belt she is lightly fingering herself. "Look at my fingers Red." They are glistening from messing with herself. "Geckos are always ready. Remember that." She had been reaching at herself from behind to hide it I think. I know now though.

Now with both hands, she goes for the belt quickly undoing the clasp. She seemed surprised when she started to pull my pants down and my member hit the air. But without further hesitation, she lightly grasped it within her soft fingers. The first thing I noticed was the difference in feeling from her skin texture to fur. It's a very different sensation. It feels like skin on skin but slightly different. It's a different texture but just as soft.

"I want to show you something amazing." She lifts her head before turning it back down. She opens her mouth and lets a small amount of saliva slowly drip onto me. With no help at all, she was able to move it to where I am coated with it. "And now…" She gracefully turns herself around putting her back towards me. "I get to do this." Her hands lift her robe exposing her backside to me. Her hands grab her ass spreading herself apart. "Now Red, I need you to hold yourself up for me and I want you to close your eyes until I say open them." I do as she said.

My right paw holds myself at the base to keep steady. I close my eyes and before she even touches me I can feel the warmth of her body as she gets closer. Before I know it I feel her on the tip. She wiggles back and forth as I keep myself steady. Slowly she begins to engulf me in her warmth. She goes until I know that she is sitting on me. I feel her shuffle a bit before she sits properly. Then I hear her say, "Ok, open your eyes." I open my eyes and her back is towards me. Her robe is gone showing her full body and all its mixing oranges and greens. Looking down her back I see has taken all of me inside her.

She begins rolling her hips around stirring herself all while keeping all of me in her. She speeds up until she can go as fast as she can then slows down. As she comes to a stop she looks over her shoulder, "And now I'm going to blow your mind." She positions herself slightly forward. I feel her grab onto my legs for support as she does and I can just feel what's about to happen next. With a quick wiggle, she slowly begins to move up then slams herself back down on me with a smack. She continues bouncing with less wait time between each movement. I begin to watch when I realize something, "Oh my god, Delula. Your ass feels amazing!" She continues moving trying to speak as she does, "Oh good! You noticed!"

The faster she goes the more she moves forward to get a better angle. She's going as fast as she can, letting out a heavy, high-pitched moan every time she slams down against my hips. I've gotten into her rhythm too as I begin slamming back. It's not long before I feel her body convulsing. I know I'm about at my limit too. Without thinking my paws grab her hips and with one last push, I bury myself as deep in her as I can unleashing everything that I have into her! "Delula!" She bites her lip and makes a few high-pitched noises. I know she can feel it just pumping inside of her. She twists in my hands but I have such a tight grip that she can't move even though she was in control.

I finally release my paws from her giving her back the ability to move. She starts to lean forward and falls to the floor. I sit up to look and she's ok. Her legs gave out and she couldn't keep herself up. She rolls over enough that she can look up at me from the floor. She's still playing with her clit and groping herself, "Holy shit Red. I think you taught me something there."

I fall back on the bed and catch my breath while she does whatever on the floor. I hear her moving around a bit before she tries to stand back up. I see her arms come up on the bed as she tries to steady herself but she's having a lot of problems walking. "Do you need help?"

"No, no, I'm good. You just fucked me well and I'm a bit wobbly."

"Well, I'm glad you liked it."

"Yea, it's been too long."

She's able to fully stand but still unable to walk straight. She finds her robe she threw off and quickly slips that on before coming back to the bed. "So, I bet Lady Odette never let you do that." I'm a little confused and worried that she's fishing, "Do what?"

"Well, she told me a few things that you two have done. I know you got a reward for completing big tasks but I bet she never gave you that kind of reward."


"I do mean letting you take that thick dick of yours and destroying my ass like the animal you are."

I look away remembering Madam Odette on the floor, inviting me to whichever I pleased, "I… She… I'm not sure I can say."

"Oh, she did? She really did? I would not have guessed she was such a kinky woman. While I'm disappointed that I was not your first. I am going to let you know that no matter what anyone else says, geckos do it better because we are always slick."

I feel as though she's trying to get me to go again but I'm not sure my body can do it. I'm not even sure if her body can do it again. She just seems like she's about to pass out too. I'm not good at pillow talk, "So you said it had been a while."

"Oh yes, maybe a couple of years? I can't tell but that was back when I was still learning about theoretical physics."

"That… sounds complicated."

"Oh it is, but it's fun when it comes to magic."

"So you had a wild streak?"

"Still trying to now and again. Sometimes you have to let loose and have fun and I like that kind of fun. And it works because geckos have a different type of digestive system so anal sex is just amazing. Which, thank you for indulging me."

"I keep learning more and more."

"Well, if you don't mind not sleeping I can teach you more."