

"Congratulations on dying"

This was the first thing Jason heard when he woke up, which was without a doubt not something you want to hear when you first get up in the morning. Rather was it morning? All Jason could see was endless white as he got up and inspected his surroundings.

"Huh? What do you mean congratulations on dying? Better yet where the hell am I?

"Well, to put it simply you are dead, and I congratulated you on dying. As for where we are, well, you can call this place my 'Realm'."

"Don't tell me it's one of the cliche settings where you are a God and accidentally killed me and now you want to reincarnate me in some other world with cheat powers." After reading so much Novels and manga Jason was pretty familiar with situations like these.

"Ha ha ha ha" Breaking out into a fit of laughter the God, who appeared to be around the age of 28, just looked at him as if he was adorable. "Of course not, I am a God, I don't make mistakes, I made you dead on purpose."

Staring at him in shock, Jason was truly speechless at the shameless God in front of him. Snapping out of his daze he smirked before saying "Ha! I thought you said you don't make mistakes, made me dead? You mean you killed me? Also shouldn't you be apologizing to me?" Taking on an arrogant pose, he looked at the God hoping to see his guilty face but was shocked to see him staring at him like he was an idiot.

"Ahem" Clearing his throat the God looked him up and down before letting out a snort. "Seems like I got to clear up these misunderstandings you're having. First of all I said I purposely killed you so why would I apologise? Second even if by some miracle I did make a mistake and kill you accidentally why in the name of the Eight Celestial Kings should I apologise to you, a mere mortal, when I am a God? Humans only exist to entertain us, and lastly I did not kill you. I switched your alive status with a dead status, in other words I made you dead."

"What!?" Jason's composure collapsed as he listened to the the God's words. 'I was killed on purpose?' Seemingly petrified at the thought he scrambled throughout his memories wondering what he did that would make even a God want to kill him.

"Ahem" Clearing his throat again , the God took on an authoritative attitude "Mortal, my name is Alcyone, one of many high God's, I mainly focus on areas that deal with death. And you, Jason Blair, and me, High God Alcyone, have been chosen to participate in the number 48,375,003,827,301st Heavens Event as Hunter and Host, me being the host that is."

'Wait, hold on for a minute! First what is this event and what the hell is a Hunter!? Just so you know I've never hunted in my life!"

"Sigh" Shaking his head as if he was annoyed that he had to explain what was going on he let out a sigh "The Heavens Event is an event that is hosted by four High God's once every 100 years. Each time four different High God's are chosen from last time, I just happened to be chosen this time. The four High God's each choose one mortal as their Hunter and send them into another world where they will complete quest and do all kinds of dangerous stuff to entertain us God's. Lucky for you this year happens to have Systems as the abilities, which is the best one for survival. Each Hunter gets the to spin a lottery wheel dependent on their Host's category. Since I belong to the Death category you would get some kind of system related to death. As for what exactly you will be doing not even I know because it's random. Also as a perk to help aid you in survival I can allow you to learn one of the skills I own."

"And what if I don't want to participate in the event?" Jason asked wearily, as if he knew he would not like the answer.

"Well, nothing much we'll just mess around with your mind and make you want to participate. Though being a Hunter comes with it's perks."

"Such as?" Gaining a little bit of hope he once again looked at the God, hoping he would not disappoint him.

"Well, you get to be powerful, also if your survive till the end of the event you can take your powers back to your world. If you're strong enough you can do whatever you want to in the world you'll be sent to."

"So if I want to build a harem I can?" Jason asked while grinning with an odd glint in his eyes.

"You can, but..."The god gave him a glance before continuing "You know you might not be Human"

"What do you mean I might not be Human?" Jason asked with a puzzled expression

"It depends on the system that you get from the lottery, you might get a system that changes your Race."

"Hmmmm, Is that so" after thinking it over Jason decided that it might not be a bad idea to become a different race if he was going to be doing dangerous stuff.

"Now then, I think it's time we got on to getting you your abilities and sending you off." As he spoke Alcyone waved his hand and a small machine appeared. "Press the red button to spin it and the black button for when you ready to stop it"

Taking a deep breath Jason walked over to the machine, as he stood in front of the machine he took a few breaths to calm himself. 'Come on luck don't fail me now, according to Alcyone I'll be doing dangerous stuff so I am going to need a good system" After taking another deep breath he pushed the red button and the machine sprang to life.

'My lucky number is 13 so I'll count to that" As Jason closed his eyes while counting to 13 he readied his hand to hit the button as soon as he got to 13. '9, 10, 11, 12, 13!!!' Hitting the black button he watched as it slowed down before coming to a stop at the letter N.

"N?" He mumbled with a confused expression

"The choices are separated from a-z with each letter containing 3 possible choices." Alcyone explained when he saw his questioning gaze.

"So I get 3 systems?"

"No, you get to choose between the 3 systems that appeared"

"Where do I choose?" Jason asked looking around

"Touch the machine and a list should appear" he explained to the lost Jason

Reaching out Jason touched the machine and like Alcyone said a small semi transparent screen with a list of 3 name appeared, those choices were.

[Skeleton System] [Necromancer System] [Ghost System]

"What one should I choose?" Turning to Alcyone, Jason asked.

Since the world your going to is set in modern day, you walking around as a skeleton would just get you killed. As for Necromancers, while you will stay Human and can blend in, any undead can learn become one. So the best choice would be the Ghost system, not only can you learn Necromancy, you are also immune to physical attacks, so you won't be killed easily.

"Is that so? Then I guess I'll choose Ghost System" After thinking it over he could not find any flaws in what he was saying. "Oh right you said I could get one of your skills?"

"That's right, the skill I am giving you is [Heartless]. It will be convenient when fighting and it's a skill that can be evolved. It's time that I sent you off, when you get to the other world you can access your system by saying menu, also don't forget to upgrade your system whenever you can."

"How will I know what I am supposed to do?"

"Don't worry, everything you need will be in the menu, if it's not you can just ask your system since it has intelligence, now goodbye and good luck." And with that, he waved his hand and Jason disappeared. "Well, let's just hope he doesn't embarrass me, after all he is representing me" muttering to himself, the almighty High God, Alcyone, too vanished from the endless white world they were in.

Little did anyone know that, this day marked the beginning of a Legend that would live on throughout time.

First chapter of my first Novel, a memorable moment indeed. Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to read this. Wasn't exactly sure how to start it off so the beginning will probably be really rough. Also I was not sure how long to make it so if you guys could tell me that would be great.


The use of " is for spoken words while ' is for words that are thought but not said aloud.

I would also be grateful if you can tell me what's wrong with the story and how I can improve.

PrimalEvilcreators' thoughts
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