

A wide cavern yawned from the depths of the rocky cairn, an inky blackness so thick with curse magic my eyes couldn't pierce it. Dust billowed from the entrance as another frightening roar shook the air, accompanied by the frenzied scrape of scale on stone. Soltair summoned a brilliant aura of light, and Trithe's swords burst into flame, both crouched and ready for the monster to appear.

As a scaly head snaked its way out of the darkness, we all tensed. The serpentine head was as long as was tall, with malevolent eyes and a jagged maw. Its flesh was a filthy brown, with pulsing green lines shining from just under the scales. A hulking body squeezed through the cave and into the sunlight, its six reptilian legs ending in clawed toes. I wave of pressure swept out from the monster as it reared its head, towering almost twenty feet in the air. The green veins along its throat shone brightly, and waves of mana gathered in its jaws.

"Get down!" I cried, casting a fourth-circle spell.