
Returning Home(1)

That was all it took for his support system to come to his help. The sister-in-law he talked to was Maya,his elder brother, Leo's newly wedded wife. She was also the younger sister of Lexi. She had wanted to wait for her sister to wake up before she got married but Leo had convinced her. Rather, they had compromised. They had gotten their marriage certificate and they would hold the wedding ceremony only when her sister was able to attend.

She owed a lot to her sister as Lexi had single-handedly raised her. Her sister had made sure that she had a happy and healthy childhood even if she had to sacrifice her own.

So,when her brother-in-law called her, she came to the hospital as fast as she could. For the past three years, she had been grateful towards this man. He was the only person who didn't loose hope for her sister. She felt ashamed to admit it but she herself had thought at one point that Lexi might never wake up.

Ezra told Maya Lexi's situation and what the doctor had told him. He also told them of his plan. Maya was a little skeptical about it about she still decided to follow along.


Inside the ICU

The nurse that was changing the IV drip noticed that the patient had woken up.

She called the doctor for her check up.

The doctor repeated the same procedure as the last time but he avoided mentioning about Ezra.

After that, the doctor said, "Miss Harrington, you are physically healthy right now but over the next few days, you will experience some after effects of not using your body for three years. So, you need to be really careful and someone must be with you all the time. Our physiotherapist will be with you shortly and he would tell you about the rehab sessions and you must attend them because your body has become unaccustomed to walking, sitting and all the other normal day to day activities. Our psychiatrist will also see you soon so that we can make sure that you are mentally and physically healthy. Do you have any questions?"

Lexi was stunned for a moment. She had been in a coma for three years. She had lost three years of her life because of her own stupid mistake. Maybe she didn't hear it right. So, she asked the doctor, " What did you say? I have been in a coma for three years?"

The doctor replied, "Yes, I am afraid so."

Lexi asked, " What is the date today?"

The doctor replied, " 23 April, 2019"

Lexi was so shocked that she couldn't utter a single word.

The only thought on her mind was that how had her baby sister been all these years. Was she alright? Maya was the only family she had left and she did not have any idea where she was at the moment.

Her own family was a cliché of sorts. She had a wonderful childhood until her father started to cheat on her mother. The fights started when she was just five years old. The dream of a happy family shattered. Every little thing led to a new fight. Her sister who was just a newborn at that time. Her mother hated her because she thought that her husband did not love her because of the baby. Her little sister who had been brought to this world by those two individuals who did not love each other was being neglected by them. She tried her very best to look out for her. Never letting her hear all the fights, preventing her mother from harming, feeding her when her mother was not bothered to feed her own child. At the age of five, she had to grow up and be there for her sister because her father was never home and her mother did not care.

Finally, after ten years of fighting and complaining, her father left. Her mother was too heartbroken to take care of anything and drowned her sorrow in a bottle. Lexi had to get a part time job as a waitress as well as tutor kids to be able to put food on the table and. support her family. She had to guard her hard earned money from her own mother because she would spend on liqour. Her sister was already five years old and she would starting school soon so she needed to save up as much as she could. She would make sure that her sister had nutritious meals every day even if it meant that she had to go hungry.

She was always good at studies so she herself had a scholarship but maintaining the grades was hard.

That period of her life was the worst time of her life and after her mother passed away when she was just eighteen , the only feeling she experienced was of relief. She knew that she should be sad but in truth, she had long since stopped thinking of that woman as her mother.

Her sister was young and had been protected by her, so she did not know the truth. She would frequently ask about her mother and it would pain her heart when she couldn't answer.

She was brought back to reality when she heard a sweet voice calling her, " Sis, sis, are you okay?"

It was at that moment that she saw her sister sitting beside her bed and that stranger standing beside her.

Hi guys, I am so sorry for not posting earlier.ಥ‿ಥ

Actually, I was busy because of a family function and couldn't find the time to post the chapter. As a compensation, I might release two chapters tomorrow.

P.S. don't forget to comment, rate and review the novel if you get the time.

Shari_dsozacreators' thoughts