
Is Mom Aware That You Are Here?

Eleanor, who was innocently playing in school, suddenly sneezed and got a sincere, "bless you" from her friend Sophia.

"Do you have a cold?" Sophia asked with concern:

"I don't think so. But my Aunt Cheryl once said that when someone who doesn't have a cold sneezes suddenly, it means they are talking about that person."

"Really," Sophia asked, her eyes brightening with interest.

"Mm-hmm," nodded Eleanor as she traced a pattern on the sand they were playing with.

"So who could be talking about you?"

"I don't know, probably someone who is extremely lazy with nothing important to do. That's what my aunt also said," Eleanor quickly added before Sophia would ask her again how she knew.

"Your Aunt seems to know a lot of things," Sophia said, sounding a little bit jealous.

"Yes, my aunt is a lawyer," Eleanor bragged . "She can even make bad guys go to jail so that we can have a peaceful life."