
The Forger

born from nothing Jacob has to build everything from scratch, with the only thing motivating him being family... and power. follow Jacob as goes from a common Village blacksmith to the forger of metal and fate, with an undying soul he will forge his path. English is not my mother language so please expect some mistakes. thank you.

ZombiePat · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs

title at the end

As I left the Dark elves labyrinth I couldn't help but feel dejected at the lack of valuables. Apparently the elves where supposed to find a new home to repopulate or something.

Being back on the hunt, my days continue being a combination of tracking eating sleeping and repeat.

At this point I was getting frustrated and I was already thinking about heading back. But the thought of being cooped in the that place for the rest of my life gave me the required strength to search on.

After a Month of this continuous process I ran into a group of hunters, they said they belonged to a small town north of where we are.

I didn't to wait and travel straight for the town, after being out of civilization for so long, I couldn't wait to eat something that wasn't cooked on an open fire.

And sure enough after a few hours of walking I could see a wooden wall in the distance.

It didn't take long to get there. The first thing I did within the town was to look for a restaurant. While walking around I couldn't help but notice the many strange stares I got for obvious reasons.

I was carrying a way to many swords on my back and for anyone else, it looks strange. In fact the only reason I was allowed to enter the town was because I carried a magical badge that could verify my identity.

And honestly my status was quite high.


Seating in a well looking Inn I was currently sipping some soup at one of the tables.

I slept most of the day away after finding this place, and I planned to use it as my base as I searched around the area.

*Srrruup "huh that's some good soup." I said as I finish my bowl.

"Really? I could get you another. That is, if you want?" a cheerful voice said behind me.

A young woman slowly walked around the table before picking up my plates.

"really? Won't your father be upset?" looking over at the counter I could see a balding middle aged man wiping some plates. The man suddenly looked my way before smiling.

"money makes the world go round indeed." I whispered to myself.

I had obviously paid a good some to the owner, after all planned to stay for a month or so around this part.

I turned to look back at the young lady and smiled at her too. "Sure, miss umm-"

"Lorrie! nice to meet you to Mr?"

"Jacob nice to meet you too." She smiled and while staring at me.

After a few minutes she realised what she was doing before hurriedly scurrying of to the back room of the counter.

I smiled at her innocence. 'reminds me of someone.' I thought to myself.

It was already afternoon so it didn't take long for night to fall. As night came the Inn turned into a bar.

Slowly people started pouring in, most of them being guards who just came of duty or hunters who had sold most of their catch.

As sat at one of the chairs looking around I couldn't help but notice that the little waiter wasn't around.

"Looking for my daughter?" a gritty voice came from behind me.

I looked back only to find the owner of the Inn pouring a drink. I didn't reply to his question for obvious reasons, but the man seemed to want to talk.

She doesn't work when my more... Mature customers come in.

He passed the drink over to me before asking if I was interested in his daughter.

"I am but, sigh." I was honestly conflicted, on one hand I didn't mind having another side chick, but on the other hand, they such a kind family.

I mean sure they are probably only doing this because of my money. At the gate of the town I had laid my identity bare, and because of our location I didn't think much of the treatment after all we were still in Leon's territory.

"Lad don't think too much about it, my daughter is nineteen and most of the young forks around here are... Sigh, disappointing."

"But you, although strange with those things in your room I can tell you are good people. Am not trying to force your or anything, but won't you just think about it?"

'he is desperate...' the man practically pleading at this point.


After my talk with the owner who I learned was named Carter, I had retired to my room after drinking a good amount.

Resting on my bed I was thinking about my current situation.

'Should I do this? I mean it doesn't even matter if I do. It would just be another mistress at this point.'

'Wait who said someone has to know. Am going to be here for while might as well make it a home away from home.' I thought to myself as I laid in bed.

Suddenly my door clicked open. With a simple turn of my head, I had already moved most of weapons towards me for protection.

I notice a delicate hand push open the door. "Mr Jacob? Are you still awake?"

As she peeked in she saw my swords floating a little bit above me.

"All my god!"

"ahhh sorry about that, please come in." I knew this was one of those 'get him drunk before sending my daughter in' situation but I honestly didn't care, after so much time without a woman's touch I wasn't about to stop my first opportunity.

"Is this one those enchants?" She was surprised but it seems she wasn't unaccustomed to the world's new toys.

"Can I try?" she was already in front of me touching the swords.

"hehe, this was specifically made for my use only?" I said. I was not about to disclose my ability to make such convenient artefacts.

"How rich are you? And if you buy such custom made weapons, why come here?"

"Am searching for something." I simply answered.

After that we spent the night mostly talking about how my swords work, apparently she also had a small magic too for herself as well. It was a small music box that could record anything for five minutes, and currently it had a famous bard's singing recorded.

She treated it like treasure and I understood why.

Afterwards we had obviously had sex before falling asleep together.

The next day I went to do what I had come here to do. My first direction was west, I didn't believe I would find anything east, because they were to many roads in that direction.

I had asked the local hunters if they were any strange animals, most claimed they had met a few creatures they considered strange.

So with as much information as possible I went hunting once again.


Later in the afternoon I was back at the in drinking with Carter.

My search had yielded nothing but boars with harder pelts or rabbits the size of a fox, in other words I had found nothing.

I had agreed to marry Carters daughter that evening, mostly to make it official and release some pent up stress.

After getting tired of the ale that had very little effect on me, not none, just very little I went up the stairs too get some sleep or some sex with Lorrie, I didn't mind which came first.


Deep in the night I was woken up from my 'sleep' by Carter Knocking on the door.

When I opened the door, carter was standing there anxiously. "is Lorrie here?"

"No, why? What happened?" I said.

"I don't know, after our talk I went to tell her the good news, but she wasn't in her room! I thought she was at a friend's but it hers been for hours since then. I have checked with every friend of hers none have seen her." The man said, he was speaking so fast I could barely understand what he was saying.

"lets go, I will help-" Suddenly I felt a pulse of mana.

I wasn't going to believe that it was just a coincidence.

Getting my stuff to start my search I walked out of the Inn with Carter only to find more people walking around.

"What's going here?" I asked the closest group to us.

"My daughter! she's missing!" a woman said before crying her eyes out.

"My son too!" another exclaimed from afar.

Not long more people started saying the same.

Without delay I pulled out my large shield like sword before sitting on it. I could still feel the mana pulsing and every second it got stronger.

After quick search I pinpointed the location. A hill, almost an hour away from the town. After a quick search I easily find an opening in the hill, and judging by the chipping on the walls this was definitely dug up by people.

I walk in the cave before noticing a red light at the end of the cave. I slowly approached the corner before taking a peek.

"A fucking cult?"

enjoy and sorry for the break.

ZombiePatcreators' thoughts