
The Forbidden Project

DaoistOf1exn · Ciudad
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1 Chs

History!? more like misery

In the dimming light of dusk, Madeline Beckett walked the cobblestone streets of Aramont, her thoughts as tumultuous as the autumn leaves swirling around her. Her best friend, Charlice, walked beside her, her laughter a stark contrast to Maddie's brooding silence."Come on, Maddie. It's just a project. You and Aston might actually get along if you tried."

" That's unlikely. Aston Luoxier is insufferable. And now I'm stuck with him for the semester. Charlice sighed and said with a teasing smile; " your interactions are like the world war 3".

As they parted ways, Maddie's cousin, Mia, joined her, her presence a comforting balm to Maddie's frayed nerves. "You look troubled, Maddie. Is it about the project with Aston?" "It's more than that."

It's his group altogether including his best friend and cousin . They're all part of this elite circle that thinks they own the school and maybe they do.The mention of Aston brought back memories of their first encounter. Aston, with his piercing blue eyes and a smirk that hinted at secrets, had challenged Maddie's every belief. His father, Mr. Luoxier, was a towering figure in the community, his influence casting long shadows over the town. He's been in an unofficial feud with my father for many years,both of them butting heads on control over the town,which explains why I never Crossed paths with any Luoxier. Aston is a mystery, one I'm not sure I want to solve. The sudden disappearance of his mother, the whispers about his past… it all adds to the enigma.

She heads home in her car with Mia in tow. After dropping Mia off, it's a five minutes drive home,she gets home and announces her presence to Anna their live in housekeeper. " Good afternoon,is dad home?" . " No dear, I don't think he'll be coming home today either"

"Ok thanks" I said. She asks: would you like to have a little something for lunch?" "Nah, I already ate at school, I'll be in my room" "Alright."

I trudge upstairs to my room,thow my bag on the chair and changed. I text charlice but she probably doesn't see the text ,then I think back to all that happened today and sigh. I lay on the bed and dread the unavoidable instances of the next day.

The following day at St. Catherine's Academy, Maddie found herself face-to-face with Aston. Their history project was a battleground, their ideas clashing like thunder."You don't mince words, do you, Maddie? I admire that. Aston says teasingly.

" And you don't play fair, Aston. I don't admire that."

Their exchanges were a complex tapestry of attraction and repulsion,all rolled up into a palpable tension that hung in the air. As they worked, Maddie couldn't help but notice the way Aston's cousin, Damien, watched her with an intensity that was Damien inputs "Maddie, isn't it? Aston's told me about you. You're quite the firebrand.(Observing) You two are like fire and ice. It's a dangerous mix. How interesting. ' And you're quite the charmer. I'm not interested in playing your games, Damien."The tension was palpable, the air charged with unspoken words and glances that lingered too long. Maddie's father, a stern but loving man, had always warned her about the Luoxiers.

( Be cautious, Lila. The Blackwoods are not our kind of people.)

But caution was a luxury Maddie couldn't afford. As she delved deeper into the project with Aston, she found herself caught in a web of intrigue and desire.

Their connection was undeniable, a dark thread that bound them together despite their resistance.

Maddie found herself at Ethan's mansion once more, the setting sun casting long shadows across the grand estate. Ethan's father greeted her with a nod, his gaze piercing."Welcome, Lila."

"Hello, Mr Luoxier,nice to see you again.' "Well I can't say the same."He stated."Aston will show you to the library."

In the dim light of the library, amidst rows of books and the scent of aged paper, there was the heavy silence while both of them strangely harmoniously completed the first part of the history project,until that disappeared.Maddie found herself cornered by the very person she had been taught to despise. Aston, with his enigmatic eyes and a reputation that preceded him, stood before her, a challenge etched into his smirk.

Their families were like fire and ice, never meant to mingle, yet here they were, the heat of their proximity melting away the barriers of their lineage. Maddie's heart raced, a drumbeat echoing the turmoil within. Aston's gaze held her captive, and she found herself unable to look away.

"You shouldn't be this close" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the thunderous silence.

"And yet, you are still here." Aston replied, his voice low and steady. "Doesn't that make us both rule-breakers, princess?"

The tension between them was palpable, a tangible force that seemed to draw them closer despite their better judgment. Aston took a step forward, closing the distance, his hand reaching out to gently brush a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

Maddie's breath hitched, her instincts screaming at her to flee, but her curiosity, her inexplicable attraction to this boy who was everything she shouldn't want, rooted her to the spot.

"Aston, we can't—" she started, but the warning words died on her lips as he leaned in, his breath mingling with hers.

"Can't what?" he murmured, his lips hovering just a hair's breadth from hers. "Can't feel? Can't desire?"

It was the last shred of resistance that broke as their lips met in a kiss that was both a promise and a curse. It was gentle at first, a question asked and answered in the same breath, but it quickly deepened, fueled by a passion that had been simmering beneath the surface for far too long. Maddie's hands found their way to Aston's hair, pulling him closer, while his arms wrapped around her waist, anchoring her to him. The kiss was a rebellion, a defiance of every rule that had been imposed upon them, and in that moment, they were not heirs to feuding families; they were simply Maddie and Aston, two souls inexplicably intertwined.

As they finally parted, breathless and with hearts racing, they knew that nothing would ever be the same again. The kiss had sealed their fate, binding them together in a story that was only just beginning.

This is my first try on this trope,I hope you like it and I also take opinions on improvement.....Enjoyyyyyyy

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