
The Forbidden Evergreen

The story of friendship, where large volumes of manipulation was involved, ending up in a last breath of air. Enjoy the story of 2 opposing best friends.

KJMyths · Adolescente
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5 Chs

Locked in

Or the beginning of our life together?

I don't know anymore.

What does anyone even know anymore?

Maybe we'll die and be forgotten.

We are not living in a world where we can live peacefully. We are living in a world where we die without ever having our chance. Our life and our future will disappear in a flash of an eye. We won't even be able to enjoy it.

We don't deserve it. We will suffer alone, never knowing what it feels like to truly love someone.

We will become numb, empty, and lonely.

Everything in our lives, everything we do, everything happens for a reason. This isn't an excuse to be selfish. It wasn't supposed to happen. The world and fate have a plan, and we have to accept that.

My stomach growled loudly making me look down and realize I hadn't eaten since that day.

"Hungry?" Asked Charlie, she noticed I haven't eaten yet either,

"Oh.. uhm yeah, a little bit", said I awkwardly.

"Me too..." She said, "Let's wait until we get home… I have a secret stash under my bed" she whispered.

Now all this was, a waiting game, waiting for the chance to finally be able to satisfy our stomach and not think about the worries of tomorrow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And with that, all of a sudden, all of our food, every piece that we ate suddenly seemed very appetizing and tasty at the same time. After that we began eating, I guess because that's all that we could do now. Eat, and try not to think. That is until we were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching us.

I looked over my shoulder and saw none other than Charlie's mom, my eyes instantly widened with panic, quickly tried to hide all of the food, scavenging for a blanket or duvet cover, but to no avail, I quickly hid them under my clothes.

She probably saw me hiding them, I thought.

"Penny for your thoughts, sweetie", said Charlie's mom, I didn't reply, and she continued with,

"Well, I hope you aren't planning on eating everything that you just hid, believe me, darling, not a good look. Especially with the clothes you have on anything would be visible.", with those words I took a glance at myself, just then remembering that I didn't have much to hide with my clothes.

Just a white shirt and black skinny jeans along with my pink ballet shoes. My outfit didn't make much of a difference for the most part. If there was a hint of clothing left, it was either hidden under my clothes or the bed covers.

She walked closer to me and grabbed the food out from under my shirt. With an unamused face, she stared at me for a while and I started panicking even more, starting to tremble. I couldn't handle the silence and continuous stares, without realizing it, I blurted out,

"Please, I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you, please don't punish me, it won't happen again."

The atmosphere immediately became tense.

She was taken aback, she stared at me, and I felt anxious, hoping she wouldn't hurt me, but the thought crossed my mind that she might anyway. I didn't want to think too much, not wanting to prolong the near future, so instead, I continued.

"If you want to punish me, then punish me. Do whatever you wish to me."

Looking straight ahead once more she said,

"You're a strange child, one of the oddest things I've seen in quite some time, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering what I just heard and saw today."

After a few seconds, she continued with her statement, "Your parents are dead, you got taken away from them and have been abandoned for most of your life. How many people do you think have gone through that?"

"Mama…" whispered Charlie gingerly and quietly,

"Don't mama me Charlie, I'm your mother and you will follow my rules," she snapped, "You will keep your head down and you will do anything I ask", Charlie's lip quivered, as she nodded her head.

Taking a deep breath, she swiftly turned around, her back facing us, and she stormed out of the room, making sure to slam the door behind us.

We quickly turned to the door, hearing the jiggle of keys for the first time since we have arrived.

She was going to lock us in,

I looked at Charlie in panic, her expression mirrored mine.

We were going to struggle, but we at least had each other… right?