
The Flesh Mage

A Doctor From the Philippines Was reincarnated in a world of Swords and Magic where he choses to be bestowed the power of the Flesh God. With these powers, he helps those in need weather it be by fighting for them or healing them.

Joby_manuel · Fantasía
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92 Chs

Ch 7: Vina the Hero of Light.

Vina's POV

I'm such a fool. I thought I could go and run down the enemy forces on my own. And now I've lost my left leg and my left eye because of an attack from a golem that can absorb light magic. I was so arrogant to think that one person could singlehandedly cleave a path to victory, and now I'm going to die in the middle of enemy lines, alone and scared.

Vina: "H-h-hel... H-help me... S-some o-one pl... P-PLEASE, ANYONE. SAVE MEEEEEEEE!"

As the giant sword of the anti-light golem swings down to split me in two, all that I could think about was "I don't want to die". And all that came out of my lips were pathetic cries, begging for salvation from anyone who would listen.

As I closed my right eye out of fear and to avoid the harsh truth of my mortality, instead of feeling the cold steel of the golem's blade driving through my body, I hear the sound of weapons clanging into each other. And when I opened my eye, what I saw was not the jet black images of my golem executioner, but rather the warm and reliable back of the person I tried to push away. The back of the person I now love more than anything in the world.

I woke up once again after dreaming of the memory of that fateful day. The day I fell in love. I stretched out my body to shake off my sleepiness inside the spacious carriage that is taking me to my beloved Selk.

"Good morning, lady Vina. I hope you had a wonderful dream. You were smiling while you slept"

My attendant Lira said with a teasing smile. She is five years older than me, yet she sometimes act like she's my little sister.

Vina: "Yes, it was the same dream of Sir Selk saving me."

I said as I stare outside the carriage window. The warm rays of the sun beaming down my face. An uncontrollable smile spreading on my lips as I count the hours when I finally see my beloved Selk again.

Lira: "I still can't believe that you fell in love with the boring Mr. Shroudder. All he does is research and work, research and work."

Vina: "Bite your tongue, Lira. Selk is an amazing doctor and warrior, and I will not tolerate any disrespect directed at him. Not even from you."

I berated Lira after I felt my attendant insulted the man I love.

Lira: "I-I'm sorry, my lady. I-it's just that, you're being courted by gentlemen of nobilities all across the continent. And yet, you chose to chase after a man that does everything in his power to avoid you like a plague. No, wait. If you were a plague, he'd probably be the one chasing you. It's just vexing, is what I'm saying. You're gorgeous silver locks, flawless rosy white skin, and a figure that most women would kill for, Sir Selk is a fool to not return your affection."

Lira rebutted as she explains why she is frustrated that I am wasting my time with Selk. What a truly insufferable attendant I have.

Vina: "Sigh! You don't understand, Lira. Sir Selk is a true gentleman in all sense of the word."

I then proceeded to tell Lira of the time Sir Selk and I spent in the war. Of how I thought that Selk was a coward for skipping the first year of our combat tour doing things behind the scenes only the Gods were witnessed to. And of how even after he joined the rest of us heroes, he only wanted to provide support magic and barely fought in the front lines.

Vina: "However, that fateful day happened. At the middle of our second year in the war, I blindly charged in the enemy lines just like I've always done in battles prior. Little did I know that the demons have prepare a weapon tailored specially for me. They made the Anti-light Golem. A jet black Golem that stands at over ten feet tall, and is made of Orichalcum that's laced with Anti-mater magic that can absorb light magic."

"I stood no chance against that thing without my magic at the time. Once it took my magic away, the golem punched me in the face so hard my left eye burst apart inside my skull. Then it chopped off my left leg as I tried to jump away from it. And just before I was about to die, Selk jumped in from out of nowhere and used a crystal sword he made with flesh magic to parry away the golem's attack."

"He then cut the golem down to pieces with the same sword. He's speed was beyond compare even I almost couldn't see his slashes. All the demonic soldiers surrounding us fled in fear of Sir Selk. You should have been there, Lira. And best of all, once he healed my injuries, he handed me the sword he used and said "I've wanted to give this Luminite sword to you for awhile now, but I just kept missing you. Sorry". Can you believe it? He gave me a sword made of Luminite, the most powerful and durable crystal in the universe."

(Vina then proceeded to pull out the Luminite Sword from her dimensional storage to show Lira her most prized possession. The sword in question looks like a version of Konda or an Ikakalaka sword of Africa, only its blade is made of Luminite and is six feet in length, it's as long as Vina is tall. Luminite crystals are ultra rare crystals that are twice as sharp as obsidian and is considered unbreakable once forged. Luminite can also amplify any magic abilities it's wielder has.)

Lira: "P-please, Lady Vina, put that thing away. I-it scares the life out of me. B-besides, I've already seen it before. How in the world did Sir Selk even made that thing?"

Vina: "Sir Selk said he went on a journey to find the mythical Crystal Dragon that is rumored to have wings and horn made of Luminite. Looks like the myths were true."

I answered Lira while I puts my sword away to ease my attendant's fear of the rare weapon.

Vina: "But this sword wasn't the only thing Sir Selk gave me that day. He also gave me wisdom. The wisdom to trust my allies. That day I began to talk to him after two years of wanting nothing to do with him. We talked about his hopes and asperations after the war. His dream of healing the world of both injuries and hate. And once I got to know him, I got to know even more people. The soldiers under me, the wizards that provide support magic, weather it be attack, dispel, or healing magic. My eyes were opened that day to the wonders of comradery, all because of Sir Selk."

I continued to prattle on about Sir Selk's greatness that all Lira could do was sign and nod to my words.

Lira: "Are you sure this isn't just the dragon tower effect you're having?"

(dragon tower effect is this world's version of the suspension bridge effect)

Vina: "No, Lira. I have tried to deny it over and over at first, but my love for Sir Selk is true. I... all this time away from Sir Selk, and my feeling for him just got stronger."

I said, refuting Lira's notion that my feelings are just chemically induced by a traumatic experience.

Lira: "Alright, fine. I understand how awe inspiring Sir Selk is. Which is the exact reason why I hate that he can't see how equally awe inspiring Lady Vina is. Seriously, if I get my hands on him, I am going to tie him to a chair and make him look at your perfect visage night and day till he's as in love with you as you are to him."

Lira said as she scratched her beautiful Raven hair out of frustration.

Vina: "Ha ha ha. I hope you could do that, Lira. Either way, I'll be able to see my dear Sir Selk's face once again. I wonder How Sir Selk will react once he sees me?"

Selk's POV:

Selk: "Quick, Allice. Take all your stuff and put it back in your bag. We're getting out of here before Vina gets here."

I said to Allice as I put my stuff back in the Abyss Toad. Once I found out from Sarah that Vina was going to this school, I hurriedly brought Allice back to our dorm room to pack our stuff and leave.

Allice: "B-but Dr. Selk, we just got here. And isn't this Vina girl your friend and comrade in the war? Wh-why are you so scared of her?"

I stopped my frantic packing after I heard what Allice said. I then sat on my bed in a defeated manner.

Selk: "I understand why you're confuse with the way I'm acting, Allice. So sit down, and I'll tell you exactly who Vina is and why I'm being like this."

I said to Allice as I motion her to sit on her bed and listen.

It was around six years ago when I first met Vina and my comrade (It's actually the second time, but I'm not about to tell Allice that I reincarnated in this world). My plan was to was to use my powers to primarily heal our troops and make reliable weapons for them with my flesh magic. The healing was fine, but the generals forbade me to give out weapons to our troops because they didn't trust weapons made by a flesh mage. So, I decided to hold off on making weapons

Then as I performed my duties as a soldier and support healer, I got to know a few of my comrades more in. They happened to be the six heroes of legends.

Allice: "Wow, so you're friends with the six heroes of legends, Dr. Selk?"

Selk: "Yeah. In fact, Sarah was one of them. And so is Vina."

Except for Vina at first, I got along with all of the other heroes fine. We ate together, shared stories of our lives before the war, and fought side by side with one another. However, Vina didn't like me at the time. In fact she said she hated me because I was a coward. That went on for about two years.

Then one day, Vina charged in at the enemy lines like she always did. It's been the standard for her fighting style for her to brake the demon's formation from the inside with her light speed sword style. She would cut down demon soldiers from the middle of their formation, while our troops would advance on the panicked demons. She's always been head strong, but confident in her ability to turn the tide of any battle. Only this time, the demons were prepared.

The demonic forces knew that the Hero of Light Vina would charged in at the center of their formation again. So they made a golem that can take away light magic, and in no time, Vina was at the mercy of the enemy. She got injured pretty badly, and no one was able to reach her location to help her out in the middle of all those demonic soldiers, so I constructed boots that would give me the speed of a Lightning Wasp and dashed my way towards her.

I then saved her using a sword I made for her beforehand. It was a really powerful sword that I thought suited her heavy yet quick sword play, but she kept avoiding me so I could never hand it to her personally. I then cut down the golem attacking Vina, healed her injuries. and finally handed the sword I made over to her. From then on, we became close friends.

Allice: "Wow, Dr. Selk. I can't believe you saved the Hero of Light. Wasn't she suppose to be super strong?"

Selk: "Yeah, she really is. Once I gave her that sword nothing and no one could beat her. Not even when she had a rematch with three anti-light magic golems. She really changed that day."

Allice: "If that's the case, then why are you running away from her now?"

Selk: "Sigh! I was dreading when I got to this part."

As I continued my tale, I told Allice the time when Vina finally made her feelings known to me. It was about a few months after I saved her from the golem when she told me she has romantic feelings for me. I Had to turn her down because I just couldn't see myself being with someone while a war is ensuing. Plus, I didn't feel like I was worthy to be with her. I did tell her that I'll need time to know how I feel about her, and once the war is over I would give her an answer. I thought she took it well at the time, but then she started acting strange.

Ever since I turned Vina down, I keep losing some articles of clothing. Socks, robes, even a pair of under garments kept vanishing after that day. Also, every time I'm doing something outside of battle field I feel like I'm being watched. I've always known it was Vina, but when I confronted her she just said "As a comrade, I must make sure that no harm comes to you, our greatest magical healer". And when I am in combat or active mission, she's always there shielding me rather than lead the front lines.

Allice: "T-that does sound troubling in, but it's not really something that I'd say is worth running away for, right?"

Selk: "I know. If it's just that much then there wouldn't have been any issue. But the real problem are the actions that Vina doesn't know she is committing."

Allice had a confused look on her face after I made that remark, so I continued with my story about the troubles I faced because of Vina. At the time, the incidents I mentioned were annoying, but they were innocent in nature. However, when Vina started seeing me heal female soldiers directly, a powerful killing intent seeps out from her body and is directed at said female soldiers. When this happens, the female soldiers would have violent reactions ranging from fear induced paranoia, soiling themselves, and fainting while foam comes out of their mouths. There were even a few that had their hearts stopped beating temporarily.

It got so bad that I had to stop treating any female soldiers and I was forced to make a magic item that amplifies the healing magic of mages, but would use up more of their mana because of it. There was just no other way. The worst part is, Vina can't control her killing intent and is instead denying the fact that she's jealous. I can't be a true doctor if I had a lover that might accidentally kill a female patient just because she's jealous.

Allice: "T-that's really bad for business huh, Dr. Selk. So, what did you do?"

Selk: "Well, I had a hard talk with her after the war and I told her that if we are ever to be a couple, she would have to learn to control her bloodlust towards any female that I'm close to. That was two years ago."

I told Allice with what I assumed was a tired look on my face. I felt tired just remembering it all.

Allice: "W-well, maybe miss Vina has changed now. That's probably why she's coming to see you after all these years."

Allice said in a hopeful tone. I really do find her naive mindset refreshing.

Selk: "I hope so, but I would prefer if she just move on from her feelings for me. She can do so much better than the likes of me who isn't rich or famous."

I said in a self deprecating way. I truly believe that I'm not worthy of Vina, who is hailed as a hero that brought peace throughout the continent.

Allice: "Please don't say that about yourself, Dr. Selk. I know that the reason why miss Vina fell in love with you is because you're a kind and amazing person. Now, don't worry, I sure everything will be fine."

Allice uttered to put my mind at ease. She then stood up from her bed and patted me on the head to comfort me.

Selk: "Thanks, Allice. You're right, I shouldn't be afraid of Vina. She's my friend and I should trust that she can control herself now."

I replied to Allice, believing that what she said was true. Just as I was putting my worries aside, the door suddenly flew open. And the last person I wanted to see just barged in on the other side.

Vina: "Good afternoon, Sir Selk. I hope that I'm not intrud..."

Vina, accompanied by Sarah and her attendant Lira, stopped her greeting when she saw Allice and me. I then heard a cracking sound similar to a glass braking, and all of a sudden the familiar aura of Vina's killing intent started to emit from her. Before I could scold Vina for barging in to my room, Allice fainted from the pressure of Vina's aura, her eyes vacant and her mouth foaming as I held her in my arms.

Meanwhile, I that Demon continent of Zatroz.

"Prince Hadan, Princess Nadira is here to see you."

A Kobold soldier addresses the demon prince as he sat chained to the walls of his prison room within the demon castle's dungeon.

Princess Nadira: "It's been a long time, brother. I'm happy to see you well after all this time. However, it pains me to see you imprisoned here by our own father."

The demonic princess said as she greeted her brother in the most unfortunate of circumstances. The princess wore a beautiful flowing navy blue dress that accentuated her creamy white skin, yet matched the color of the ram horns protruding from her forehead. Her golden eyes show genuine sadness from seeing her brother caged like an animal.

Prince Hadan: "Do not fret, Nadira, It was my fault for taking our father on. I thought I've become stronger from the hardships I have gone through these pass two years. Yet, I'm still nowhere near our father's might."

Princess Nadira: "Nonsense, brother. You managed to wound father in your exchanges, even though you and your men are severely malnourished. If you been feed properly and had the proper tools, you would be setting at the throne, not in this cell."

The Princess said to his broken down brother as she praises her brother's strength.

Prince Hadan: "Holt your words, dear sister. If father catches wind of what you said, we might both share this cell."

The demonic prince warns his sister, worried that she might share his fait.

Princess Nadira: "Fret not, dear brother. Our "benefactor" has given me the means to both give you power beyond that of father, and to reignite the war with the humans."

The princess told her brother, as she pulled out a dark crystal that shunned ominously. Upon seeing the palm size crystal, a malicious smile faintly gleamed from the prince within his dark and gloomy cell.

Hey, Guys. I'm really enjoying writing this world out. I hope All of you are enjoying reading it just as much. Pls leave a comment. It really helps me out. thanks and see you soon.

Joby_manuelcreators' thoughts