

The Supreme Narrator's pov; Near the boundless prime outerverse, there stood a boundless glowing gate with an imposing height that seemed to have no limit. If you were strong enough to open the gate, what you would witness on the other side would be the true faces and forms of every cosmic being, be it horror or otherwise. What layed on the other side was a sight that would have driven many lower cosmic beings let alone lesser mortal man. Just ask Delirium of the endless. Delirium is one of the seven Endless, a group of powerful beings who personify core aspects of conscious existence, in the Presence universe at least.. Delirium is the youngest of the Endless and appears as a little girl. She was once known as Delight, the personification of pleasure and joy. However, a traumatic experiment transformed her into Delirium. That traumatic experience was her getting a glimpse of what layed on the gate of the outer. So imagine what she would have been like if it were not for her creator warning her before she tried to venture beyond the gate. But that's a story for another time, what we really have to get to is the musings of one of the known outers. ????????? pov: I looked at the supreme narrator and his audience before going to my musings.' Lately , things have been boring in the lower realms. Come to think of it, the last time something interesting happened in the lower realms was when that new high ranking realm ,to a mortal standards at least, was created by that praying bald one. What did the lower ones call it again? Ahhh, I remember , they named it " World of Darkness". It was amusing to watch the main plot and its alternate plots unfold, for a while , at least until it got boring. Then I went to sleep only to wake up after 3 cosmic cycles . I peered into the lower realms searching for entertainment only to become bored after a moment. Now that i have woken up again, i wonder what i should do to engtertain myself before i inevitably go back to sleeping again. Ahh, i have an idea." I projected a small part of my consciousness in one the lower realms elevator paths before i went back to slumbering again. ................................................… 3rd pov: The small consciousness of ????????? traveled into what seemed like a cosmic elevator . If you looked outside the elevator, you could see , new universes evolving into multiverses, multiverses evolving into omniverses, omniverses evolving into megaverse, old megaverse being devoured into the true form of oblivion who's eyes glowed for moment looking at ???????????? small consciousness before he seemed to vanish, only for a new universe to be born in that old megaverses's cycle. The cycle continued , but ??????????? consciousness did not seem to be bothered with what was going on. It looked at the ongoing cycle before looking back at never ending colors on the other side of the cosmic elevator. The elevator stopped as ???????? consciousness exited it,only to step into what seemed like a white void. The consciousness looked at the void for a moment before raising its void-like hand that glowed in with a black hue for a moment. Nothing seemed to happen, for a moment, before an orange ball of light appeared. The light shined for a moment , before transforming into a teenager who resembled Benimaru Shinmon from the Anime/Manga " Fire Force". The teenager took some moments after opening his eyes,to take in the dull environment around him before turning to consciousness. He looked at it with what seemed like curiosity and wonder that quickly turned into caution and confusion after the consciousness glowed for a moment before turning into a form that resembled the Anti-Spiral from the Anime/Manga " Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann". The Anti-spiral look alike created a small ball that disappeared into the Benimaru look alike before the teen could react. Nothing happened for a moment, before the teen's body fell down like a puppet when its strings were caught by puppeteers. The anti spiral look-alike looked at the teen's body for a moment before sitting down on the blank void criss-cross applesauce style . It closed its eyes as it prepared to contact a certain Golden Glowing creator. .................…..22 years Time skip..................... The Anti-spiral look-alike opened its eyes , which glowed for a moment in a yellow light, before becoming dim again. It looked at the fallen teen, who stirred awake at the same time. The teen looked the Anti-spiral look-alike with what seemed like understanding . He stood up for a moment, before he assumed the same sitting position as the consciousness. He exhaled what seemed like a long breath before uttering the words, " Lets get on with it" in a bland tone. Benimaru look-alike's Pov: I looked at the being who nodded for a moment before snapping his fingers. A glowing wheel with a list of reincarnation cheats appeared between us. I looked at him , and then at the wheel, before spinning it. It spun for a minute before landing on the part that read " Cheat #1: Fire incarnate" . I looked at the result , before clicking on the button that gave a description of the power in more detail " you possess the ability to wield, control, conjure and eventually give attributes to your own and other people's flames. Your flames will also grow with your body ,mind and soul as you use them more. They will evolve as your body grows and if they come into contact with higher forms of energy." I took a moment to send a quick ''thank you'' to the being. He surprisingly nodded before gesturing to me to spin again. I spun the wheel , and it spun for 2 minutes before coming to a stop on what was labeled " cheat #2 :Essence of the blank." Again, I took a moment to appreciate the gift ,before looking at the being with suspicion. I mean who wouldn't. That's some high tier shit right there on its own. Combine with my flames, and you get a monster who can learn, absorb and grow infinitely. Basically,the infinite potential package. Honestly, it's like God gave me the holy grail and asked me to bring one of the ,ost absurd abilities into reality. The being eyes seemed to glow into what seemed like cosmic amusement for a ment, before he gestured for me to spin again. I spun again after giving the being one last suspicious look. The wheel spun for 3 straight minutes before landing on the part that read " Cheat #3: The memories of how to use and manipulate fire from the list of fire based characters that you know and their fighting style''. I took a deep breath, before screaming " lets fucking gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." After five minutes of screaming that and laughing in a sinister tone, I looked at the being who seemed amused at my reaction before asking " where are you sending by the way ' . A creepy smile that sent shivers down my spine appeared on its face before it said " The Marvel Omniverse, as Shinmon Benimaru at that, don't worry,I won't take away your memories but, nobody will be able to read your mind. So , sayanara Muthafacka." Before I could even say " say sike right now" , I was yeeted from the void only to appear on what seemed like a bench in what seemed like New York, given the traffic of people. I looked up only to be greeted by the site of a giant that said " Avengers'' in huge capital letters. I took a moment to take a deep breath before uttering a sentence that perfectly describe's my current situation " Im fucked, arn't i".

Gimmmmmmmeeeeee za stones

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