
WORK (personal preference)

Today was an incredibly productive day for me. I was fully engaged and occupied with various tasks and responsibilities throughout the day. In all honesty, I couldn't take it anymore. The only place my mind is free from negativity is here. Weeping never helped, no matter how hard we tried. As for what happened that afternoon, well, let me just say that they left me alone on the campus that evening. I was the only one there, along with the security guard. Dimming the lights slightly so that it does not directly hurt my eyes. A lamp on my desk and lots of documents lay on my table waiting for me to inscribe. As usual, putting my signature and reference on all of them. I couldn't believe that I would finish before the clock strikes eight. As I managed, I returned home to rest and left everything behind. There is a voice crying in the head singing and I should just tour Jonson's office. I did exactly what I was told, but first; I have to check if the coast is clear. Like, is it only me and the security guard on this campus? I guess that's the way it is. The only echo in the building was of my heels, leading to where scenes take place.

I don't want to disappoint the boss because of the little things I can handle. Finding a job was pretty hard for me. Devastating! And I don't want to make any silly mistake of losing, for this is the only way to put food on my table.

To be honest, the environment was quite unpleasant because individuals were negatively gossiping about me. Eventually, I reached a point where I simply stopped caring. Not any word from their mouth Stang me. I focused on my work and minded my business. I found it a waste of time. There was always a lot of work to be done. Ever since I got promoted in words, people's tongues got bitter. My face filled with jealousy when they collide with mine.

Sometimes I wish I could just extend time. Time is always not on my side, especially when the boss wants his documents on the deadline. I am tight up with work.

Do you know what's more boring about work, it's that it follows you where ever you go. I was stuck with documents on holiday. The most horrible part of it is that the boss gave us a whole due date. Every day I keep on stressing about them. There is always a need to know when I will be finished. It blows my lungs and gets my blood boiling. Something is haunting me about it.

The tension activates hour after hour. Maybe this is how I am growing. I hope I won't be too old before my time. The reason why I am saying that is because lately, I have been arrogant and angry most of the time because I am always facing the worst day and some moments don't go smoothly for me. It's just not good. I was desperate to get a job when I didn't get it but now it feels like I can quit at this very same moment. Could you tell me where I can find another one nearby not too far from the apartment? I am still surprised even this very same day how in the world did the boss keep me so long yet I blow smoke on everything I do? Some of my colleagues now believe that I am starting to become crazy. I bet no one didn't understand me in that building that's why most of the time I find myself alone. I don't have a problem with a problem being alone. I enjoy it more than everything. There is no drama involved, no noise, and no trouble.

Also, you know work can get you stressed out. Over what? Some stupid documents?

I'm stuck in a job that doesn't fulfill my aspirations, but at least it pays the bills. My life hasn't gone according to plan and I can't help but feel like it's all because of my family's history. My mother may have started this curse, but I'm the one living with its consequences. It's hard for me to go through what my mother went through, especially when things get bad. Despite appearing to be a blessing, it's a bad sign. Out of great logic, that means I should have been more successful than I was when I began. I should take over what she has started for me not repeat the same process!
