

Looking back, I realize that my actions were not fair. Even though he may have deserved it, I cannot justify my behavior.

After a long time of washing dishes, I headed to my room and threw myself on my bed. I know I had to take a little nap so that it can assure me I have rested. Looking at my phone won't hurt. I know it for sure. Scrolling down at funny videos on TikTok: A moment ago, I enjoyed it, and the next found guilt in my heart.; I felt the cold in my soul because of my efforts, for they were haunting me back. What is, is that bad? He can handle it, besides he's the oldest.

I found out that the only right way to work out this difference between us. I went to his room and said my apologies.

"Knock, Knock!"

I waited for a second till I heard him respond.

"Knock, Knock!"

"Come in! What do you want?" Forgetting what brought me to his room.

And eventually took a stare at his room. With the odor of his feet, I couldn't breathe for long. His undies crying out for survival out of his draws. Socks dispersed in no particular pattern. Even though it was still night, his bed was still not even made. Someone else stepping into his room would spot that the bed wasn't made for hours. From the look of my eyes, it looked as if he hasn't made his bed for days, or maybe for years. How Gros!

How can you not stick your books clearly on the shelves? What did they ever do to you? Talking about stuck?, hmm talking about The Albert Einstein of the family. The scientist doesn't care about his books yet he has so much time for girls.

I won't deny the fact that his room is amazing. To be honest. I am kinda jealous. The black and blue wallpapers made the room dimmer which I like. It's like a secret mansion or an investigation room. Well, I hate the Spiderman lamp I wish it was more of a pink kind and a little... Visually satisfying. Not this? Come on it looks dusty and old I bet once you touch it, it's getting broken immediately.

Well, I kinda like that the window is on the side of the bed not above the head like mine. And look like so much space. He can probably open his wardrobe without the doors hitting the bed. If I had this room I would treat it like a goddess it is. So unfortunate to get such an imposter.

OK did I just forget that I screwed up my brother... OK... This....is new.
