

I waited the whole day to get my results. There stayed in my grandmother's house, depending on that one candle to lighten the house. That was when I got a call from the school and fetched my results in the mail. Mathematics F Biology F, English Language G, Physical Science G. After all the hard work those were my results and I was ashamed about it. Felt like a rock just hit my soul. It made me question my roots. Wondering whose child I was. Amid wonder, I received a call from my mother. Ohh I had to go immediately where she was in the middle of the dark.

Walking on a long road and later on, hitting a sloppy path with bush plants and tree branches in the way, besides the path, a stream of water flashed vibrations into my ears. Walking in the late night passing forest. But later on, I arrived and took what she wanted me to take. Indeed she was disappointed since she didn't expect results like that. Very late nights. Close to midnight. A candle glowing in the darkness as if our lives went back. She was at her best friend's house. Gossiping about people whom I didn't know so I could eavesdrop for I didn't follow anything they said. I glimpsed at my mother's face. Immediately when she saw me stirring at her for a long time. I didn't want to go but I had to. Paced to the door and slammed it on my way. I did it purpose for I was annoyed. Most of the time she chooses her friends over me. Now I have to walk on the forest road by myself. She didn't even give me a torch to wish me a good journey. I had to use my hands today.

People can be so cruel but I felt I deserved it as my punishment yet after my hard work, still, I failed so badly. Along the forest road, I meant one of my friends who are in the same school as me. Uplifting my spirit is what I hoped they would do for me yet it turns out that I was completely wrong. Jade and Kelly were celebrating their dazzling results. I was also happy for them although I was left with shame for I couldn't say mine since they were so embarrassing. I just left them in the middle of the conversation with my head facing down, afraid to look at their happy faces. I went up the slope to my grandma's house. The road is so dark that my pupils began extremely dilate searching for the light to collide with my eyes. I don't know how on the whole I made it through but after some minutes I was already on the day step.

I probably knocked already letting myself in without even waiting for an answer. My grandma was getting old now she had a lot of things to care about other than small things. Honestly speaking, her house was the only place where I could find inner peace easily. As for my home, too much drama and also pathetic news about people's lives for my mother was a gigantic gossip queen. I wondered how she survives with make people's lives her burden.

After a long time in this dark world, my imagination decided to come back to reality and my eyes still closed sensed the curtain in my room. My eyelids separated from each as I caught a glimpse of the light through the curtain. Bright enough to hurt my eyes. The most surprising thing is that I didn't even feel the heat of the sun as it heat my body for my bed was beneath the window. I turned myself out of my bed and peacefully slit my toes into my slippers and prepared some breakfast.

I enjoy scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast. Along with some tea and 6 slices of bread. Last night's dream got me so bad that I remembered that I once had the same dream before but in a different place. My home. During, During my childhood. In my culture when dreams repeat themselves more than once in my life it means I am in danger and I should be alert to what comes up. What was that?

Apart from all of that junk, I decided to go on vacation. Alone!

My imagination was woken up by shock as I started to be alert from that day.
