

After a long spring cleaning into my room, my mind kept challenging me about what was behind the bookshelf. I tried cleaning it many times, but the wood still looked dirty.

First, I wonder why are so many books in this room yet other rooms don't have any. So many ancient books; I found the Merchant of Venice's first edition, Romeo and Juliet's first edition. The Helmet, Macbeth, The complete works of William Shakespeare, King Lear, and Richard III. Written by William Shakespeare. The reader of this shelf surely loved Shakespeare. So unique! Thomas Hardy writes some other books. They were so many. I opened one book and oh! It has a letter in it. Letter to the door reader? Why did the owner of this book forget she has an important message in one of a book? They went.

📌໓ēคr rēค໓ēr

📌plēคŞē ຖ໐tē thคt thē ๖໐໐kŞ ฯ໐นr คrē คง໐นt t໐ rēค໓ h໐l໓ ໐ຖē ໐f thē คຖ¢iēຖt ¢໐໓ēŞ ໐f thiŞ h໐นŞē. it lēค໓Ş t໐ ค plค¢ē ຟhērē ฯ໐น ຟ໐นl໓ຖ't ຟคຖt t໐ kຖ໐ຟ. fค๓ilฯ Şē¢rētŞ คrē ໐ຖlฯ rēงēคlē໓   iຖ thiŞ ¢໐rຖēr. tēlliຖງ Ş໐๓ē໐ຖē ēlŞē ค๖໐นt thiŞ pคthຟคฯ iค ēxtrē๓ēlฯ ໓คຖງēr໐นŞ, Şiຖ¢ē thēฯ ຟ໐ຖt ๖ēliēงē ຟhคt ฯ໐น Şคฯ

ฯ໐น ๓iງht ๖ē วคilē໓ f໐r lค¢k ໐f pr໐งē.

📌ฯ໐นrŞ Şiຖ¢irēlฯ

📌thē นຖkຖ໐ຟຖ

After reading that letter my heart pounded as I shivered out of fear. What if the path leads to a huge tunnel without an ending? What if the path leads to a cemetery or a graveyard? I didn't understand why the letter mentioned an allowance for only one person knowing about the place. What is going to happen if more than one or two people knew? The fact that am all alone in this house room made me scared. I never found myself in this situation. I have no choice but to do what is said in the letter for I may have this room for the rest of my life.

In the moments after I closed the letter, my mind kept making decisions I was unable to make. With all the bravery left in me, I opened all the books looking for codes. Even though I am a novice at coding, I have to do it for my guards wanted to explore the room I recently owned. In the room, it was only silence, books, and I.

Climbing on shelves to look for vintage books, reached out to ten. I dropped a big variety of books on my bed, the dust got its way out of the looks of my bed, and the whole room was left with an untidy and dry ambiance.

I did mind the dust, all I wanted was to find the code to the secret room. Paged every single book looking for and found on the last book, inscribed with red ink 23ghj was the code. As I looked at the shelves I found buttons to press the number. Guess, I have to use some logic. I stood back and took a glimpse of the shelve very carefully, firstly my mind gave me the impression of an arrangement of booking their ombre of colors. Focus eloped with my mind when my eyes decided to zoom into a book unique from others. This might be the clue. Took a step closer, climbed on the ladder, and tried to reach out. My hand forcefully pulled the books and astonishingly the door opened. How strange! What was the use of the code then?

The bookshelf was attached to the door as the unique book was the handle.

My eyes were ready to see the music I created as I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to let the music flow over me as my feet dragged me into a dark mystery where no one else in the room would find me.

It was pretty dark, not dank at all but very dusty. Took off my flashlight out of my pocket and lit the place. The ceiling is made of sunset champagne wood. I like the originality of it! Carelessly packed with spider webs were the books on the side of the shelf. The flash light gave the room that blue ray lighting as if we were watching a horror movie. Nerves squeezed my lungs a little for I never watch horror movies but this time around, I was in one of them. Steps further to the adventurous room: there was a long passage that didn't seem to have an end.

I still went further, a wooden table collided with my eyes, and the rest of the furniture introduced itself: I couch with a glass-stained lamp with Greek writings on it. A worn out dull worn-out blanket, making up floppy dust onto the couch. I got more interested in knowing about the place. Not to be false but the place is quite amazing. Just needs some finishing touches and the room will be one of the calmest rooms in this mansion. After what I saw I wouldn't call this a house. This is a mansion. Have you ever seen rooms with secret rooms? Have you ever been to a place where you feel new everything day? A house is a place filled with warmth and love, and I know that's what keeps you going. As for this place, I don't feel like being at home. Anyway, it doesn't matter z what matters is that the mystery has to be solved for good. As my flashlight kept on sporting tonnes of things, I meet the switch through my eyes, thank god. I must say the flashlight is even out of the batteries and my hopes were kept high for it to brighten up the place. I pressed the button and then the place was lightened to the passage I passed on next to the doorstep.

Still saw the same things I saw behind, boxes and furniture. It seems like someone stayed in here. I wonder who were they. Where does she even get the nerve to live the room untidy like that? I wasn't there the whole time in this place so let me just stop asking stupid questions.

I decided to open every single box beside me, I took my time for the silence filled my mood and room.

The one that one box on the corner is different from the other. I resolved to open it first. My knees lay on the ground as dug into the box due to their interest in me.

If the kind of happened that the cardboard contained a wild voice of scarfs: cloured ones, geometric-shaped ones, scotch ones, and patterned ones. Even though they were old and the fabric was wearing out, they looked beautiful. They all symbolized something really special. Something rare to find love. They were all made of love, and I can't believe that they have maintained the same love for the next generation all these years. I felt that sense of comfort from mere fabric. They sang in silence, the song I only heard, and made sense to me. Stayed for some hours in the room for it was a different world from the one I exist in.

As I was kneeling on the floor, loud strange noises were heard from the room yet very distant from my side. It seemed very close to the door.

" Nine, nice, here?" What is that a ghost? See? This is why I hate to live in old houses.

I got ever more curious wanting to know what made the sound for I didn't believe in ghosts. Slowly went further and the message became clear.

Wait I have never seen this portrait before. The has all of us except...o is this girl in the middle?

🧔" Annie, come here." Ohh that's my brother I have to go real quick but am still coming back to this place.

He is so annoying, but if he gets into this place, I have to make sure that he doesn't find the mystery room.
